Sunday, July 31, 2016

Herbal Evidence Based Treatments for Asthma (Herbal Supplements for Asthma/Treating Asthma Naturally)

Asthma is considered a lung disease characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways or bronchi [1] [2] [3]. This often causes trouble breathing, wheezing, coughing and even chest tightness [4] [5].

Asthma is pretty common in the USA & also throughout the world; 5-10% of persons of all ages suffer from it [6] [7]. Because it is so common, and impacts quality of life, including often school/work performance, exercise capacity, and even the ability to simply go outdoors - the demand for new and innovative treatments is extremely high [8] [9] [10].

The economic costs equate to about 5-6 billion per year in mainly medical / hospital costs, averaging around 2,584$ per patient [11] [12]

These costs and the general revisiting of hospitals could be somewhat reduced if affordable alternative treatments were utilized more often by those with affinity to them [13] [14] [15] [16]. Additionally, there is an emerging interest in herbal remedies for the treatment of Asthma, and growing medical evidence suggests that some herbal remedies may even exceed the tolerability and efficacy of existing mainstream treatments [17] [18].

Before we get into those, let's go over a few more facts of Asthma.

  • Asthma can be, and is very frequently brought on by allergies and thus, exposure to allergens are a major predictor of severity and duration of Asthma attacks [19] [20].
  • Asthma is frequently encountered or brought on by exercise, specifically, running and other 'cardio' / aerobic exercises [21] [22].
  • Asthma is hastened and severity is frequently worse in childhood Obesity and in those living an excessively sedentary (seated too often, somewhat lazy, not participating much in outdoor activities) lifestyles [23] [24].
  • Asthma is often (but not always) related to / caused by such things as cat dander, dog hair, presence of grass and tree pollens in / around the home, and especially, mold in the home/living environment [25] [26] [27].

Now let's get a bit to the hard science. The brochioles (air ways) which relay air/oxygen to the alveoli or air sacs of the lungs, are also subject to change, this includes structural and functional change - in response to alteration of local smooth muscle tone [28]. Like blood vessels, the constriction or narrowing of the smooth muscle in the lungs results in reduced flow, in this case air flow [29] [30]. As a result, oxygen is unable to pass through as easily, and this results in the clinical symptoms of asthma. To find a resolution, we need to find out why the bronchioles are contracting [31]

Most of the research focuses on a few chemical messengers in the body/lungs, those are adenosine, AMP, histamine, noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and cyclic AMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). Additionally, some enzymes such as diamine oxidase (DAO) and PDE4 (Phosphodieastearase 4 or Type 4) affect the concentration of some of the above mentioned messengers [32] [33] [34] [35].

1.) Adenosine and AMP function as 'contractile' agents [36].
2.) Histamine can function as either a 'contractile' or 'dilating' substance, but is in most cases a contractile substance [37] [38] [39]
3.) Cyclic AMP (cAMP) offers an opposing action; it dilates the bronchus [40] [41]
4.) Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an acidic enzyme which breaks down histamines in the gut, leading to their excretion (removal from the body) [42] [43].
5.) PDE4 (Phosphodieastearase 4) breaks down the messenger cyclic AMP, and thus in increased amounts, the enzyme often leads to excessive bronchiole constriction and ultimately, trouble breathing and worsened asthma [44] [45] [46].

The idea around swift treatment then of persistent Asthma, would focus on optimizing or reducing the widespread levels of these messengers. If at all possible, focusing on increasing cyclic AMP levels in the lungs with minimal impact elsewhere in the body (to avoid excessive cAMP conditioning of other organs). A strategy that seems not to be discussed as often as the regard to the messenger itself (?)

The first natural agents I've found to effectively target these pathways are listed below, with references.

  1. Luteolin. Perhaps the most significant out of pretty much all natural or alternative asthma treatments, but more geared towards long-term treatment and suppression of inflammation. Luteolin is a flavonoid found in Parsley, Artichoke, Chamomiles, Olive Oil and some other vegetables/spices [47] [48]. Luteolin protects the airways via antioxidant mechanisms (helping to protect the lungs against oxidative stress and general irritation) [49] and via direct PDE4-enzyme inhibition [50] ; leading to elevated cyclic AMP and bronchodilation. Again, this is more of a long-term treatment measure and not an acute or 'emergency treatment' for Asthma. Moreover, it may take up to 3 weeks to see any significant benefit [51] [52] [53]

  • 50 MG once per day to assess sensitivity, and then 100 MG once per day, or perhaps more ideally, 50 MG of Luteolin twice per day are sufficient dosages for long-term treatment of Asthma in Children & Adults.
  • I recommend a proven brand Swanson Luteolin Complex.

2. Forskolin. Is a direct cAMP activator which shows serious benefits in namely, preventing Asthma attacks [54] [55]. As with Luteolin, it is a capsule and is not intended for acute or emergency treatment of Asthma, but many users of Forskolin supplements report strides and such improvements not noticed with other supplements or drug regimens [56] [57] [58]

  • Forskolin is studied at 10 MG of the forskolin compound itself, herbs are difficult to determine exact concentration, so when buying the extract it must be 'standardized' or concentrated with emphasis on Forskolin and not other components.
  • I recommend Forskolin-95, the purest of Forskolin supplements.
  • NOTE: Forskolin may incite minor weight loss and as such, should not be used if this is already in concern in the individual who plans to take it. Dosage on bottle should not be exceeded by any means.
3.) BOSWELLIA SERRATA : Perhaps the most ''proven'' and well-liked Asthma treatments around [59] [60] [61]. The only reason I ranked it #3 is because it's a little more expensive and some individuals account more adverse reactions than the first two, however, it's not that great of a difference.

Boswellia Serrata is remarked as being effective at 300 MG 3X per day. The most purchased and recommended product is listed below, for your convenience. 

Finally, don't forget to get adequate Vitamin D and measure levels often - as it shows a strong link to Asthma, and both Children and Adults need to get more of it these days {Read Article Here}.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

NutraBio L-Histidine Review (Review of L-Histidine Supplements by NutraBio)


First things first, I have found that all of NutraBio's products are of superior quality, and most importantly - PURITY. I haven't seen their lab at first hand, but it is one that I have confirmed through my sources is indeed inspected regularly and that maintains optimal quality and organization. 

They do not utilize proprietary blends in their products, and doing so is a sketchy practice anyway that always made me feel uneasy. How do you know what's in the product if you can't even distinguish what is on the label?

How can you be assured of potency, or even mechanism of action of the product if you don't know how much of each individual ingredient or herb is in the product? You can't with any certainty.

With NutraBio that problem is eliminated and I can attest to their overall quality, and their customer support, security staff and fraud detection abilities are far superior to many other companies. They do not sell customer information, and they are very straightforward to-the-point people which I like.

Excellent phone support, e-mail response, everything, very pleased!

Now lets get to their L-Histidine product.

TASTE : It's not great tasting, sorta sour, or maybe a litter bitter, hard to place it. Just throw it in water or juice it'll be fine.

DOSAGE : 1.5 Grams (1,500 MG or three scoops) per day, for 3 days. Then up to 3 grams or 3,000 MG / day thereafter.

EFFECTS : Noticeable enhancement of workout pump while lifting weights. Slight feeling of stimulation, increased bowel movements, consistent with histamine stimulation. No itching or any other negative effects. 3 grams yielded significant increase in libido, almost obsessive, consistent with histamine like effects. Flushing was noted at 3 grams and over. Using with niacin enhances the energy boosting effects, using this product with over-the-counter antihistamines may improve the vasodilation but will diminish the energy and alerting effects of L-Histidine. Betahistine can be used to enhance the effects but may amplify negatives such as itching / asthma worsening, not recommended unless you are terribly histamine deficient and have no history of allergies / asthma. L-Histidine itself is fine for most people, but if you have a history of asthma/allergies, great caution should be taken. 250 MG or half a scoop may be a more sensible starting dose for Histidine noobs or supplement noobs.

  • Enhancement of workout pumps, while lifting weights, but also leg pumps while running.
  • Mild energy boost and some stimulation.
  • Increased strength, presumably due to better pump.
  • Is at least 5x stronger than L-Arginine in this regard.
  • Causes massively increased libido at high-ish doses. (almost to obsession)

  • High doses make you feel hot.
  • Increased itching at high doses.
  • Increased bowel movements.
  • Causes facial flushing and sensation of  warmth around face, amplifies niacin flush, causes itching when used with niacin.
  • Jitteryness at high amounts.
  • Strange but not uncomfortable sensations in head, almost like a body high feeling but not that euphoric.

Friday, July 22, 2016

PowderCity Sarcosine Review (Review of Sarcosine from PowderCity)

--> PowderCity's Sarcosine Product Page HERE <--

Sarcosine is a far more interesting compound than D-Aspartic Acid for several reasons.

  1. It actually inhibits the reuptake of Glycine thus enhancing NMDA-activation in a similar manner to how Ritalin enhances dopamine levels [1] [2] [3].
  2. By inhibiting the reuptake of Glycine, it simply means you are reversing the transport of Glycine (the reuptake means = transport outward, and removal of the neurotransmitter from the Synapse/Activity) therefore ensuring availability of Glycine to the brain [4] [5].
  3. Sarcosine enhances the actions of D-Aspartic Acid as well as Serine and anything else that activates the NMDA-Receptors [6] [7]. Presumably this also means it can 'enhance' the effects Cinnamon and Sodium Benzoate because they inhibit the actual breakdown of NMDA-compounds within the body [8] [9] [10].
Because of these actions, it is Sarcosine and not D-Aspartic Acid that can be of use in correcting cognitive deficits in Schizophrenia and Dementia as well as other disorders where either glutamate or NMDA activities are hypofunctional (not functional enough, abnormally deficit) [11] [12].

With that being said, Sarcosine can still 'enhance' the ability of DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) to stimulate Testosterone production. In fact, Sarcosine is behind Patrick Arnold's famous "TestForce II" product which contains enough to magnify the Testosterone production of almost any individual.

My Review of PowderCity's Sarcosine is below.

  • For a powdered supplement, this stuff tastes just WAY TOO GOOD. It tastes like candy, Idk how exactly to explain it other than like the type of stuff I would eat as a kid (candy cigarette's lmao). 
  • Very very sweet taste, almost delectable. 
  • You might as well just put it in water before you get tempted to start eating handfuls of the stuff. 
  1. A clearer head was notable on this, and better organization of thoughts for my rats as well (Cousin's). 
  2. Definitely improved creativity and intellectual thought, specifically.
  3. Seemed to help my Aunt with transient memory issues and remembering where she put her keys. (Irrelevant in terms of my own review but generally relevant since I bought one bag for her and one for me).
  4. I myself noticed not just enhanced creativity and intellectual thought but also 'expanded' creativity, like a mental flexibility effect. It improved by ability to 'think outside the box' and to calibrate intellectual input on even foreign topics during local debates.
  5. It seemed to increase my appetite thought, especially for sugary foods.
  6. I noticed an improved mental sharpness, quickness of reflexes and improved strength during MMA-training.
  7. Massively increased strength during lifts (like how carnitine + Tongkat Ali would do, maybe even better than that).
  8. Increased, almost manic libido on this stuff.
  9. Powerful effects on general cognition were noted.
  10. Sharply increased hearing, including noises that my friends couldn't hear in a million years.
  • 3 Scoops with the scooper that comes with the product. 
  • That's 1500 MG or 1,500 MG or simply 1.5 grams.
  • Once per day, although on the second week I did do 3 grams a couple times. (at the 3 grams dose I had a noticeable mood-boost effect, almost euphoric)
  • As always, very pleased with PowderCity's quickness and response through E-mail / Phone.

...Another 5/5 for PowderCity!


  • NMDA receptors in the anterior cingulate cortex mediate 
  • pain-related aversion
  • Sorbic and benzoic acid and derivatives thereof enhance the activity of a neuropharmaceutical 
  • PowderCity D-Aspartic Acid Review (Review of DAA/D-Aspartic Acid from PowderCity)

    --> Go to PowderCity's D-Aspartic Acid Product Page Here <-- 

    PowderCity has been my Go-To for several products for a while now. I've not been disappointed yet, and this is my first go with these particular products. (DAA/Sarcosine). D-Aspartic Acid is an NMDA-Receptor agonist [1] and so-called 'testosterone-booster' [2], however, my designation is simply experimentation and comparison with other products of like-nature. 

    Normally I will drag on reviews a bit longer, but I'm keeping this one simple.


    • SOUR, like some sort of lemon-candy but in a powder form.
    • Sort of sweet too, but more sour than anything.
    • Can be put in your gatorade and you won't notice much of a taste difference except adding the said 'sourness'.
    • Definite increase in strength and a hardening of muscles + Visible increase in muscle tone after week 3. 
    • Definitely enhances the pump of PWO's and also does so solo without any pre-workout.
    • Not much effect on memory in comparison to Sarcosine.
    • Had a mediocre effect on libido but I never have any problems with that anyhow so I don't expect to feel much in that regard.
    • Slight increase in aggressiveness at higher dosages.
    • Don't use more than >6 grams / day.

    • 3 Grams per day (1 full scooper which is included with the product, once per day).
    • I went up to 5 and 6 grams but did not see much of a difference than 3 Grams besides some minor irritability.
    • 3 Grams is the spot.
    • As usual, PowderCity is on-point, very quick and responds to e-mails in a very timely fashion!
    • Very respectful and professional staff.
    • Very good people altogether.

    Excellent product, can't go wrong with PowderCity! 

    Saturday, July 16, 2016

    How to Increase DHT Levels Naturally : The Ultimate Dihydrotestosterone Guide (2016 Guide to Increase DHT)

    Ah Yes, Dihydrotestosterone. The man's hormone, it's what makes us - a man [1]. It creates that fierce tempered attitude [2] , the beard [3] , the eyes [4], the strength and the confidence [5] [6]. Dihydrotestosterone is the aura that everyone respects, and that's why you want to increase it.

    It also...

    • Staves off memory decline [7] [8].
    • Boosts libido [9] [10].
    • ...and Erection Quality (E.Q) [11] 
    • Increases ability to handle pain, blunts perception of pain [12] [13].
    • Increases ability to dominate environment and control the flow of conversation [14] [15].
    • Increases mood and cripples Depression [16] [17].

    Dihydrotestosterone, or, DHT, is responsible for our well-being as a man. So I've explored scientifically proven methods of increasing DHT, naturally. In this article we will go over techniques that you probably haven't heard of as well as well-known supplements and dietary measures to increase the level of this all-important and absolutely mighty hormone.

    1.) Dihydrotestosterone can be increased by Sorghum consumption [18] [19].

    Here are two positive reports of Sorghum usage for DHT-purposes.

    1. My DHT optimization. Think it's working?
    2. Sorghum Brought My Nightly Erections Back

    ...You can buy 'Sweet' Sorghum Flour here and cook with it. Or you can simply buy some bakery goodies that are made with Sorghum flour - leaving you to say to yourself "I'll be damned, a DHT-boosting sweet treat". 

    According to the studies, consumption of Sorghum results in a 54% boost in dihydrotestosterone levels by means of increasing 5-alpha-reductase; the key enzyme involved in dihydrotestosterones production by the human body.

    2.) Creatine boosts the levels of DHT dramatically in the Physically active and sedentary [21] [22]. The increase amounted to 56%! For an 'ordinary' supplement, that's pretty significant...

    • Creatine is best in it's purest form; Creatine Monohydrate.
    • Creatine is in almost every pre-workout supplement out there.
    • Creatine kicks ass when training with weights, or sparring with your buddy!
    I recommend Creatine Monohydrate by Optimum Nutrition. {SEE HERE}
    Want capsules? Check out this one.
    -Start with 5 Grams per day and work your way up to 8 grams each day. ~Area-1255

    This is what raw creatine powder looks like...

    3.) Cistanche Tubulosa Extract is very androgenic, and increases multiple isoforms of 5-AR in liver and brain [23] [24]

    So you could say it's good mainly for mental mojo, but if it increases it in the brain, you'd be reaping the benefits of it anyhow, especially since Cistanche's constitutes are active in the hypothalamus [25] - the main gland involved in hormone production and sex-dependent behaviors [26] [27].

    You can buy a good, well-reviewed Cistanche extract HERE.

    4.) Tongkat Ali. Tongkat Ali is no joke, it's one of the most well-respected, almost notorious Testosterone-boosting herbs that has been, on numerous occasions, shown to increase active Dihydrotestosterone levels [28] [29] [30]. On top of that, this "Ali's Walking Stick" also counters the action of Estrogen directly in the testes [31] [32]. It also has another unique mechanism of action not shared by any other herb; direct and selective inhibition of the enzyme PDE-8A [33] [34]. {Check it out here on Amazon}.

    • Tongkat Ali has several varieties and locales of which Malaysia and Indonesia are the main areas of Interest. Indonesian Tongkat seems to have the most ''power'' but is considerably more expensive.
    • Tongkat Ali's strongest extracts have been reported to ''smell like ashes''.
    • Tongkat Ali is in almost every well-reviewed 'testosterone-booster' supplement and is one of the most frequently purchased herbs for the purpose of Testosterone enhancement.

    5.) Aromatase Inhibition is a reliable way of increasing both Total Testosterone levels (TT) and Dihydrotestosterone [35] [36]. Aromatase Inhibitors like Arimidex (Anastrazole) can also increase height if you are under 20 years old or your epiphyseal plates have not fused yet [37] [38].

    1. Arimidex is the most proven and easily purchasable aromatase inhibitor for this purpose; it can be purchased from Geneza Pharm - a reliable online pharmacy.
    2. Or, you could use a natural variety like Driven Sports Triazole.
    The reason aromatase inhibition is so effective for increasing natural testosterone levels, is it gets to the core of the problem; it shorts out a natural feedback loop within the brain & Pituitary gland, which guarantees a new wave of Testosterone signals in the person utilizing this method. Many people today are negatively affected by estrogens in our food, water, milk and so-forth, aromatase inhibition is a key measure to ensure our Testosterone levels are at youthful levels.

    • For Arimidex, average Joe's should only take 0.25 MG a day, that's one fourth or 1/4 of a whole 1MG tablet, or one half of a 0.5 MG tablet.
    • For Triazole, simply follow the directions on the bottle or take two capsules twice a day to start.

    6.) Take Boron Supplements. Boron, besides Zinc is a "master mineral" for Testosterone, and especially, Dihydrotestosterone production [39].

    It's easy to get, and you only need to take 12 mg per day.

    7.) Zinc Picolinate Supplements. Zinc is a vital mineral and is associated with male fertility, and sexual well-being [40] [41]. Using enough of it (25-50mg) is necessary to avoid deficiency and gain its benefits [42]. Zinc increases Dihydrotestosterone levels significantly when used at these amounts [43].

    • Zinc also improves Major Depressive Disorder in Adults [44].
    • Zinc can decrease PRL (Prolactin) levels [45].
    • Zinc acts as a negative allosteric modulator of the serotonin 5-HT(1)A Receptor/s [46].
    I recommend Solgar brand Zinc supplements which you can simply pick up at a local Grocery store or order online here.

    8.) Butea Superba is a big one; it actually induced ''hyperandrogenemia'' in several men - which means a strong EXCESS of androgens (male hormones; testosterone, dihydrotestosterone etc) [47].

    It's even in Clinical Trials for Erectile Dysfunction and has in just about every participant, increased the active androgen content in the saliva and blood testosterone has soared beyond what is expected for ANY herbal supplement [48].

    It's mechanism of action seems mainly related to the inhibition of an enzyme in the testes and throughout the body called Phosphodiestearase or "PDE" - and this enzyme normally breaks down and gets rid of a messenger compound produced by our bodies called "cyclic AMP" or simply cAMP, for short [49].

    Increasing cyclic adenosine monophosphate by PDE-inhibition causes Testosterone levels to skyrocket [50].

    You can buy Butea Superba Extract by clicking the image of the bottle below or by clicking here.

    9.) Resistance training, particularly with Weights, is shown to increase Dihydrotestosterone levels when using moderate weight [51], as does Squats and Squat Thrusts [52] [53].

    I recommend using this simple home gym for your androgen-boosting needs.


    10.) Lastly, EAT HIGH-PROTEIN!!! With special emphasis on BEEF AND EGGS.
    Those nice sirloins, those delicious eggs, those are important sources of FAT AND CHOLESTEROL which we NEED FOR DHT PRODUCTION MASSIVELY [54] [55].

    That's it folks...
    Stay tuned for the next powerhouse article from...Area-1255! ;)

    Thursday, July 14, 2016

    Summary of TRT Alternatives

    Summary of Alternatives to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

    • Test-Stack RX is a Testosterone booster capsule that is all-natural and uses only fine organic herbs to boost natural Testosterone by over 400% - as the research indicates. It is the best option out of these three and is a successful alternative to harsh hormone replacement therapies that will preserve fertility rather than deteriorate it. Buy it by clicking HERE {}.
    • RS Transaderm is a gel that contains Pregnenolone, DHEA, Chrysin and a novel molecule that converts into Testosterone besides the first two neurosteroids. It can be bought HERE {}. Studies and reports confirm it increases testosterone as much, if not more than a shot of Testosterone from the Doc.
    • Andractim DHT Gel is a hormone gel that replaces *only* Dihydrotestosterone. However, that can be a suitable alternative for men who get estrogen buildup and estrogen dominance symptoms from normal TRT. It can be bought HERE {}. 

    The Description of the Contribution of Neurotransmitters to "Feeling" and "Being" (How Does Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin "Feel"?)

    This one's important. How does a given neurotransmitter actually influence our perception, and feeling of our environment? What does each one actually do in real-life scenarios? What's the simplest, most visual way to describe the effects of each neurotransmitter?


    • Dopamine is the ''mood'', the personality, the enthusiasm.
    • Dopamine is like thinking of what you want, and then taking the necessary steps to get it.
    • Dopamine is like a form of motivation, but one based on desire, based on how we know we will feel based on the reward of something we are doing, or working towards. So, in visual terms, if you are working out, and you see a visualization of yourself in a much more muscular, veiny form - that image, and the fact you are working towards it is Dopamine Drive. 
    • Dopamine influences how we enjoy, and how much we enjoy, and even the process of enjoying ANY activity. Including the intellectual appeal of a photo, or TV show, or the detail of an animals skin, or the beauty of an exotic woman - these are related to Dopamine. When you OBSERVE and ENJOY a detail, dopamine is involved with it. 
    • Dopamine amplifies and allows for the enjoyment specifically of music, and dopamine inspires our creativity in response to such stimuli. That means those daydreamers who fantasize about being famous while listening to music, these are dopamine-related fantasies. Dopamine creates the pursuit to get there, as well. Not solely, but plays a huge role.
    • Dopamine creates a desire to socialize, while serotonin has both pro-social and anti-social effects. Dopamine creates an exernalized behavior set which means those with high dopamine may "wear their heart on the sleeve".
    • Dopamine also promotes love, altruism, and the desire to help others if so inclined, this does not mean high dopamine doesn't allow for arrogance, in fact, it can promote it - depending on the personality of the person. A person is more likely to be kind with high dopamine than to lack empathy, though. People with high dopamine are very eccentric, and enthusiastic - they bring energy to any environment to arrive in. People with high dopamine often then, are quick to anger and especially quick to stick up for a friend whom they believe is wrongly mocked or criticized. Those with high dopamine typically have some degree of dominant personality. 
    • Dopamine besides these attributes, creates creativity in an almost 'magical' way, this means people with dopamine THINK BIG, WIDE, and absolutely bring across ideas that either no one has thought of, or ideas that have been thought of in new ways. This can be as little as a 'what-if' input to a conversation, or as big as a surreal, energized conversation based on a piece of art, or a new way of looking at an environment. 
    • People with high dopamine love to EXPLORE. They love exploring the new, they love being in touch with nature (typically), or at least love exploring the new in whatever activity they love (as with video games, or technology, or perhaps even something like medical science). People with high dopamine get hooked on certain words. Some words are just 'awesome' to these people, they love the way they sound, they like the relation of the word or phrase to their beliefs. High dopamine people are spontaneous, so don't be surprised when they start coming to you or their friends with their new greatest enjoyment and telling you about how you ''should join in because it's amazing'' etc.
    • High Dopamine people make the best rivals. They are competitive people, and take pleasure in their ability to do the best at whatever it is they do. They will make sure they win debates, and if they lose once or twice, they will do what they can to never lose again. Like I said, high dopamine is about enthusiasm, it's about energy, power, strength. 
    • High Dopamine people are inventive in the bedroom and with their mates. High Dopamine people are the first to explore new sexual fantasies and to up their game. They are absolutely very sexual people and will go out of their way to put their appearance on point!

    • If you thought Dopamine was grand, and enthusiastic, then you need to know that norepinephrine is even more impressive. At least, visually. 
    • Norepinephrine is ENERGY. Norepinephrine is also attentiveness, especially to color, sound, detail, and textures. Norepinephrine makes your environment seem Alive. Norepinephrine is the inner fuel, the inner fire; the TRUE INTENSITY of your emotions. 
    • That includes Fear, Determination, Rage. Includes happiness, communication, love. Norepinephrine is, more than dopamine, the giddiness within us, the true explanation of humanity - of human emotions. Norepinephrine, unlike its metabolite; adrenaline, is absolutely related to mood. Adrenaline is only weakly correlated to mood, and adrenaline is more peripheral, more to do with the body than mind, though it does play a small role. 
    • Norepinephrine is also about smell, sight, taste - it FUELS OUR SENSES.
    • Norepinephrine also is the primary neurotransmitter carrying out aggression, and norepinephrine being elevated will almost certainly result in at least some increased capacity for Anger. Since norepinephrine essentially equates to the dramatization of our emotions, norepinephrine is the "SEE RED" atmosphere when super SUPER ANGRY. Norepinephrine can be intoxicating and blinding.
    • Norepinephrine is NOT ALWAYS EXCITING. Research shows it can also calm the brain to its own thoughts in low or mild amounts, that means, it creates awareness and often just enough to GET OUT OF OUR OWN HEAD.
    • Norepinephrine is thus, a redirector of thought and promoter of logic.
    • Norepinephrine is zest, activity and action.
    • It is thought, energy, and resilience.
    • It is drive, vendetta and obsession.
    • It is open, closed and absolute.

    • Serotonin may be a bit milder than the above two, but doesn't stop it from being important. 
    • Serotonin is about intimacy, and empathy. 
    • It can increase the feelings of 'closeness' but it can also decrease those feelings in high amounts. Serotonin can be activating, stimulating, calming, anxiety-provoking, anxiety-relieving, angering, mentally abrasive, irritating, delaying, impulse stopping, impulse activating, rage relaying, rage removing and as such it is a hormone of mixed habits. Serotonin truly is a unique creature within us and can create opposite effects from each person. 
    • Serotonin can be emotionally activating, and can be a driving force to going to a club, a bar, or to simply go hide in the mountains. Serotonin is another form, like dopamine, in some ways. Serotonin activates our bowels more than dopamine, so if you get excited and have to take a sh**, then that bowel effect is serotonin. 
    • Elevated serotonin also leads to a dissociated type of excitement, often crude, and yet engaged. Individuals with high serotonin are often found making prank calls, or doing other weird things to get a kick. Elevated serotonin and the elevation of serotonin seems to reduce the desire for illegal drugs, although, oddly the reinforcements of many illegal drugs, like Cocaine, seem to come from Serotonin activation. Elevated serotonin can also relate to thrill seeking, people with tons of serotonin are many times more likely to become thrill seekers. Serotonin distorts the expression of emotions, often to the point where normal emotions don't seem normal to the person experiencing them. Elevated serotonin can make objects, animals and people look differently in their physical appearance. Hallucinogens activate serotonin receptors and this creates the dissociation necessary for visualizations to occur. Its not uncommon to hear LSD-users to experience the morphing of objects in their environment, even at random times with no solid avenue or reasoning for that to occur. Those with low serotonin may seek hallucinogens, but those with already high serotonin can't be bothered by them. Hallucinogens and Psychedelics affect everyone differently, but people with already elevated serotonin generally report ''nausea and irritability'' after ingesting psychedelics, even at low doses. If you already have high serotonin you won't want stuff that's going to increase it.
    • Serotonin is going to dampen noise perception in low amounts, but in high amounts of serotonin will make us not like loud noises, and will make us jumpy, nervous, overly flinchy and generally quirky. That's serotonin.