Thursday, February 27, 2020

100 2020 Ways to Boost Dopamine (How to Raise Your Dopamine Levels to the Maximum 2020)

Its been a while folks since I've posted but I am going to make this page the New "Gold-Standard" for improving/maximizing Dopamine Levels...

After being away for a while, actually locked up for a couple months I've had time to examine new "natural" ways of maximizing dopamine levels. These ways are critical because they provide a foundation for raising Dopamine without Supplements or Drugs (the only way you can do so in Jail anyway). 

100 Ways to Boost Dopamine Levels

:: We will start with those above methods, all information here is cited and proven methods to raise Dopamine to the maximum. ::

 Cold-Water Regimented Showers.

Dopamine works in patterns - and its release is highly tied to Motivation; meaning it does not just provide motivation - but motivation also provides it [1] [1] [2] - that's why those with a "just-do-it" attitude tend to never tire out [3]

Cold-Water showers raise Dopamine [4] - freezing cold water showers will irritate your skin and may turn it red, of course - but ALL cold water no matter the temperature will stimulate your Brain [5] if you dial in other types of goal-based training to the cold water showers you will also further amplify the Dopamine [6]

For example, you can time each place you wash. 
The first way to do this is - assuming you aren't already accustomed to Cold Water - to do a "boldness challenge". If you have to justify it - say to yourself it builds me into "being a better, tougher person" (or Man). If you define the cold shower as providing a solid result - then you are also amplifying the Dopamine release [7] [8] [9] [10].

1.) Run the Water on your back first for a whole Minute. That is the part that is most sensitive to the cold will create an initial "shock-release" - a whole minute is required to fully create a stimulatory response in the body/mind. The AFTER effects though are gorgeous - that is the dopamine gets more elevated after you exit the shower - for approximately 30 minutes.

2.) Go for washing one particular part of the body - time by 1 minutes as well. Make sure it is a sensitive part of the body. I personally wash each armpit for a minute each. This is more uncomfortable at first because I am exposing my body - my upper part of my body which is more sensitive to the cold and choosing to provide regimented adaptation - which is just a fancy way to say "I work up from the sensitive parts to the more sensitive parts". Then you are GOING UPHILL because then you leave your body in suspense; anticipating the harder part and raising dopamine more due to that anticipation (expecting the harder part to come next) [11] [12] [13]. After each armpit I wash the Upper Chest area; but I force myself to RELAX all the muscles, keeping my Shoulders down and leg muscles UNTENSED (which is Critical!). Because muscle tension and contractions are a natural response to cold water - you want to force your body to adapt HARDER, Don't Be A Wuss!

3.) See It As Self-Discipline Motivating Yourself to be Perfect.

  • This world is tough - the world is motivated to be tough - so why not be tougher? That is a reward in itself. If you take Pride in what you do. You should always take pride in getting better - but more preferably - being THE BEST at what you do. That takes conditioning, it takes Self-Discipline - and one of the best ways to build self-discipline is to keep testing yourself - to be better - so that you can handle everything life throws at you. Trust me. I did not get as smart and tough as I got without testing myself. I always knew that I could hesitate and say "I could fail" but I refused to live life by that motto. Because you can either be a Quitter or a Winner. I chose winner. Even when I thought I wasn't up to the task. Even when I had doubts. They were minimal though. Because I always would choose to dismiss those doubts - even at the hardest times of my life...I remained Positive; moving forward. This includes with Cold Showers; which I KNEW would bother me. I was (truthfully) a little scared of the idea of full cold water showers. But I dismissed and! It was uncomfortable at first - but it helped assimilate a more Confident mentality - a more willing mentality to get better at other aspects of my life - such as Fighting. To which I believe the cold water allowed me to hesitate less - and caused all the pieces to fall in place. Everything became a more smooth effort - even despite higher challenges.
  • If you FACE YOUR FEARS; you can conquer Life by that forward long as you Keep Looking Forward. There is no going back from that mentality. If you keep in mind those two things; 1.) I move forward to face my fears 2.) If I do so I become more positive, more perfect. Then I conquer Life. Just say it "I conquer life". Each "win" is a stepping stone. So don't throw all your results in the trash by Not Testing Yourself.
  • Perfection is not to be overanalyzed. Perfection comes from "Just Doing It" and Keep Moving Forward. Never let yourself down by ASSUMING you are not perfect. See yourself as Perfect - and keep getting more Perfect. That is the Power of Positive Thinking. 
  • To look forward to the future is to have a Vision - to have a Vision is to be Perfect - to be Perfect you Say "I WILL make my Vision a Reality".
4.) The Power of Completion.

Define the good in completion. If you say to yourself "4 minutes in the shower" then associate that Number 4 with something. Something that defines your life. Say "I fight FOR (4) what I want in Life". Then you simply stand by that and say that you are perfect and you will do whatever it takes to get to the next level of success. You have to BELIEVE IT though...that comes from "just doing it". Each time you shower in Cold Water for four (4) minutes - you are refusing to let yourself down - because you have already Symbolized that you are Both building Perfection and Self-Discipline and that you define YOURSELF - your whole character by fighting & living for that Perfection - that Power of Positive thinking... 

If you need an easier way to thinking of it.
THINK: Dual-Processes.


1.) I am Perfect I will Become MORE Perfect.
2.) I Can Do This
3.) Don't Hesitate!
4.) I am this person and no one elses opinion matters.
5.) I do this for myself because TOUGH CHALLENGES show I AM PERFECT!
6.) I am to Conquer AND WIN.

As an Acronym.


Hold Your Breath With Meaning Push-Ups

My own life has shown that with meaning, I can do Everything. So can you!

To do it with meaning - is to do it with Heart - to do it with heart is to do it with Passion - and define yourself by that passion.
If you are a winner you Take It. You take the punishment with enthusiasm - you remain unphased by it. You remain in integrity (steadily whole and upholding your values). Because you hold your values - you can qualm the haters - or dismiss them in place of your Values - because you Are in The Right - you define WHO YOU ARE. You remain that person because you are perfect as that person.

So what is the point of the above message?
It is to show that if you Believe in Who You Are - and what you Fight for - and What you want in life. Then you can do everything symbolizing that lifestyle.

So the same to Push-Ups - a somewhat basic workout...can be turned into something Better - by being created by your Inner-Betterness. By your Inner Perfection - and your drive to more perfection.

The way to do this is...
1.) By Science
2.) By Effort

The Science Is: If you hold your breath for more than 30 seconds (at least a minute, preferred) - then you are essentially practicing Oxygen Deprivation (that is losing or depriving yourself of oxygen/air).

Oxygen Deprivation increases Dopamine and Nitric Oxide:

Oxygen Deprivation increases Dopamine [study] [study 2]
Oxygen Deprivation boosts Nitric Oxide and Blood Flow [study]

  • Both of which stimulate the Brain - and make you more Motivated and stronger to complete the task .
  • The correct term for holding your breath and exercising is "Hypoxic Exercise" [14] (HIGH POXIK EX ER SIZE)
The second (2nd) part is By-Effort. But the best way to do this - is add meaning to that effort. Let your Effort Symbolize something - or (preferably) SYMBOLIZE YOU!

So say you want to "Be a 1st Placer" or an "Alpha-Male" - you can say that the Number 1 (standing for 1-minute) - then you do Push-Ups with the Number of Your Age - then you DEFINE your Age and your Activities with being a first-placer!

  • So if you are 18-years old - do 18 Push-Ups - then on the 18th one - STAY UP! Then hold your breath for 1 Minute. 
  • Do this 4 times in a Day - and then you are saying to yourself "I'm 18, a 1st Placer, A Winner and I Fight FOR that status - of being a Winner, of being Perfection.
  • The more you do this - the more you Symbolize or Personify yourself by the Use of Numbers - the more you amplify the meaning of yourself - using Numbers to define Who.You.Are - and what you stand for...that kind of Dominant and Symbolic mindset is the ultimate "winner-mentality" - and can be built upon - to make yourself successful - and Change the Future.
STURDINESS of the MindSet

  • Being able to adapt - or handle stress and things in life, consistently - is better done with Symbolic Motivation - because your Dopamine responds to Symbolism [15] [16] and symbolic motivation [17] - Dopamine defines who we are [18].
  • Dopamine is released (raised) based on stimulus-assessment [19] and environmental velocity [20].

In/Tags: 2020 ways to boost dopamine, how to raise your dopamine levels to the maximum 2020, new ways to raise your dopamine 2020, new ways to boost your dopamine 2020, best new ways to increase dopamine level maximally 2020
Cell Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2019 Apr 24.
Published in final edited form as:
Cell Rep. 2019 Apr 9; 27(2): 481–490.e3.
doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.03.055
PMCID: PMC6481661
PMID: 30970251
Accumbal Dopamine Release Tracks the Expectation of Dopamine Neuron-Mediated Reinforcement
Dan P. Covey1 and Joseph F. Cheer1,2,3,*
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