Sunday, June 7, 2015

Natural / Herbal PostSynaptic 5-HT1A Antagonists (post-synaptic only antagonists)

Serotonin's 1A receptor comes in two forms, for those of you who don't know... The Pre-Synaptic receptor which acts as an 'autoreceptor' thereby decreasing serotonin release (1) as well as GABA (2) (3) and glutamate (4) - and the post-synaptic receptor....the post-synaptic 1A receptor, when activated; often causes anxiety(5), trouble falling asleep(6), cognitive difficulties(7), and in some cases, psychosis and obsessive-compulsive behavior(8) (9).  That's not to say it doesn't ever* have a positive role...but the antagonism of it is ideal for those who suffer from stress related issues and insomnia. 

Additionally, it seems the post-synaptic side is a functional inhibitor of the nitric oxide - NMDA pathway (10) (11) which explains why excessive activity at this receptor can dampen libido, motivation and sex hormone production. 

Now I don't know the EXACT affinity of the following products at that site, but I can tell you that they definitely help sleep and they help to blunt / remove sleeplessness caused by pro-serotonin supplements etc

Although it's on very rare occasion I use anything serotonergic and so it was more of a telling experiment in this case to do so.

Here is a study showing SPINOSIN, a component of ziziphus spinosa          (WILD JUJUBE) can antagonize post-synaptic 5-HT1A receptors, alleviate anxiety caused by serotonin at that receptor, and promote sleep.

It can be bought below , but it also has GABA-A promotive action so it is not solely a serotonin antagonist. The other benefit is that Wild Jujube also antagonizes 5-HT1B receptors (12) and this also would provide an anti-anxiety action .


The next post-synaptic 1A antagonist would be berberine(13), berberine has strong use as both a blood sugar stabilizer and male aphrodisiac(14).

click here now


  1. You definitely came in time with this post. I've just had a month of 240 mg ginkgo experiment. Worked in days. I thought I'm 90% potent again two weeks ago. I had powerfull and quick erections near women). This peak lasted for about 5 days. I used berberine too at this moment. These two bottles are over now. I only have expired of GB one. But what I have to say erections worsened these two weeks and the pattern changed. Earlier it grew very quickly after some work. Now this phase is difficult and a few days before giving up GB I felt immediate ejaculation signal. Also anxiety arose with such things as tension when someone comes from a side. Those things correspond with 5ht1a postsynaptic sensitivity and maybe downregulated 5ht2c. Also GB can counteract with GABA-A, right? I should try ziziphus. And will repeat berb.

    1. Exactly, that's the post-synaptic 1A /1B receptors, those two receptors inhibit your response to female pheromones and generally lower the libido etc...they also both inhibit GABA and other important transmitters. Yes Ginkgo antagonizes GABA-A receptors which leads to increased glutamate, less inhibitory neurotransmission, and may worsen seizures in susceptible individuals..however, blocking the GABA-A and not GABA-B can actually have benefits such as raising both prefrontal and PVN dopamine.
      You can't lose anything by using wild jujube and berberine together, berberine has PDE-5 inhibitor properties as well. :)
      If you need any other advice etc feel free to e-mail me
