Sunday, April 3, 2016

~A Tribute to Self-Assurance and the Ultimate Preservation of Self~

† If there is one thing I have learned it is that the learned helplessness of this Society's , weaker portions, has become a justified madness. This is a major contribution to the overall weakening of Society on all levels. If we deem ourselves impermeable to change because we have assumed the fates of others by their Willing participation in this, learned weakness, then how Can we change the Society?

If our minds occupy a closed-off space in Reality, but if our minds create that space, then we too, are subject to that space, subject to nothingness in comparison, to those who live in fullness because of their learned flexibility. That flexibility though, tempered by the identification of methods , in Business, in the Art of Creating Ideas, and expanding them through the same. We are born useless to the outside eye, because it is expected that a good portion of us born into this dramatic society will fall into the erotomanic, disillusioned fraction of aimless beings.

Then there is the Project of Sanity, the Project of Learned Cooperation, the Project of Composure, there is that , lingering caution, meant to set us apart from our dreams, perhaps, Bravery, being determined as Grandiosity at times, or being seen as a disciple of madness, and Courage to Evil, because you see, we have inverted the core meanings, and we have done so by Face, by Image, by believing that all fierce characters are there to rip us off, we have seen this in our Political Campaigns as of late. We have seen the benevolence of Man being seen as Cowardis and feeble Character.

I would like to dispand this Idea , that , we must maintain integrity by means of volumous degradation of our true thoughts.

**... To collectivise our thoughts and then not let them permeate because ~{zZz}~  a few simpleton groups get offended is aggressive self-defeat, and so I offer a tribute for those who stand by self-assurance and their ultimate preservation of Self. ~^~^~ Because I stand for the new-age of Overt Open-Mindedness, one where Writers are not shamed for their ''strong stances'' on a topic or Two, one where people are freed from their inner voice and yet empowered by it, but certainly, I stand for the Peace of Mind that comes from total and Complete Freedom!!.

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