Saturday, September 30, 2017

Are elated secondary and average primary psychopaths frequently compatible with sociopathy in people, given that without the desire to socialize or leave good impressions you have no point in putting on a mask? (Famous Psychopaths 2017 Post? Nah.)

Posted on Quora : Are elated secondary and average primary psychopathy frequently compatible with sociopathy in people, given that without the desire to socialize or leave good impressions you have no point in putting on a mask?

My Answer : Psychopaths and Sociopaths sometimes form symbiotic relationships, they can be best of friends, business partners, co-scammers, co-thieves, parts of a Criminal Network - but Isolation is NOT what typically draws them together. Its more a dissociated, dispassionate aura and world view they each produce which affords affinity between them.

~Jay of Area-1255

In/Tags: elated psychopaths, average primary psychopath, primary psychopaths, compatible with sociopath, compatible with sociopathy, psychopath leave good impressions, dispassionate world view, psychopaths compatible with, compatible with sociopath, Quora Famous Psychopaths Psychopathy Question 2017, famous psychopaths 2017.

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