Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Psychosis of Self-Labeling Fanatics

An interesting discussion on Quora brings back a long-held belief of mine that this generation is increasingly becoming plagued with self-diagnosed obsessive-DSM-readers (fanatics). One reads about a Personality type; like Psychopathy, often after reading about Serial Killers (or worse, watching them on TV). Then scrolls about to the highlighted points or bullet lists of "symptoms" of Psychopathy - and tries *REALLY* hard to identify with most or all of them. 

Its a Psychosis because those who have made a habit of doing this often WON'T fully notice how much of a self-induced bias they have in where their "reading" is actually trying to fit something in or align a symptom where it doesn't belong.

So much so - that we have an onslaught of self-diagnosed "Psychopaths" - who because of their flawed assessment of what Psychopathy is and the true nature of it - actually may end up being the handful of violent individuals who commit insanely stupid acts. That type of desperation is dangerous. And so, reading for these very people might as well be owning a new gun with a defective firing pin. Or perhaps a grenade that has no safety pin. Sure, it might take years of time for the more severe manifestations to show themselves to society. (As we all know that Internet warriors need time to build up bravery). But  this type of obsession is unhealthy and off-point from the original intended concepts of this information.

Some of these individuals go so far as to make certain comments alluding to the “Power” of ones dark side, a stupid decision on many fronts and more so if you have a Reputation or Business to protect. You just don’t say certain things in Public. Nowadays we have a population that is obsessed over the TITLE of a diagnosis VERSUS the facts behind it. I mean the hard, cold facts not the propped up bullet list facts that seem to be embraced as if they contain an emotional response. The insanity of this world seems to be the “selective” and weak attention span that is being gilded as interest.

Additionally, information is being "received" wrong. So much that copy-and-paste authors will take a quick glance at information - often wrongly perceived. The next produced article then is grossly incorrect, and so it serves as fishbait for the mentally disturbed. In this particular case, we 'oughta go over the actual studies behind this type of obsession. As it is, truly, more prevalent TODAY then ever before.

In/Tags: psychosis of self-labeling, psychosis, self-labeling fanatics, psychotic behavior, self-diagnosis is psychotic, self-diagnosed psychopaths are psychotic, obsession of psychopaths and psychopathy

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