Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Doubter Fuses himself with Ignorance and Fails Even his Own Kind (Facts about Belief and Doubt 2017)

In an effort to seem realistic, many people choose to strive vainly to appreciate the flawed notion of "logical doubt". The city's of this country have been plagued with this nonsense for centuries. But doubt is also the result of a looming threat of national authoritarianism. Whether in Politics, the Medical system or in the Police force. It has continued. Doubters of all forms of seemingly forgotten Insight & Creativity have constantly shown their face. Something that, in my opinion has weakened the human spirit. 

The human essence should be characterized by open-mindedness, curiosity, the desire to explore within a realm bigger than what they are used to. Unfortunately, news media and other outlets have done nothing but attempt to disturb people with artificially emphasized headlines. 

As a result, fear and doubt are on peoples minds. Something that creates MORE doubt. Now, today, with alternative media - there is a powerful and growing a group of freedom fighters that betray this notion of INSANE and compulsive doubting. They have created new equilibrium, even if, Chaos sometimes appears as a secondary result of the ongoing difference in opinions.

Still - even with more available "true" information - doubting is a lifestyle. It is practiced more with a bias in city's that have not been directly touched or reinforced by our new leadership. In order to correct this - it would require a more universal understanding of what is at the core of doubt. 

Then, perhaps, if this was corrected. The economy and success would be more  synonymous with each other. The country would grow to new heights - with intellectuals appearing from previously "unlikely" backgrounds. In this case, perhaps Schools & Colleges should start putting this concept in their lessons.

"The doubter is a dangerous person, for he fails himself, in his heart and in his destiny".

I have never seen a doubter who is able to turn his dream into a reality. Except in VERY rare cases where he is "in the right place at the right time" - even in that case,  there is already a core ambition which may have been more or less "sleeping" or perhaps, meditating. Hibernating. Into the dust waiting (foolishly) for an external force to awaken its momentum.

Belief is the death nail for doubting, many do  not realize - in belief, by "just believing" rather than believing one second and then ANALYZING that belief to find its flaws, if one would stick with their original ASSUMPTION in belief - then in many cases the most IMPROBABLE realities could occur for that person, regardless of their past. That is what ALL of the successful have in common. They OVERRIDE doubt and ERASE it from the existence of their mind. Sometimes there are little traces of doubt, but it is slashed with the sword of belief. A sword more powerful than any Warrior can ever beat.

No corporation is too big for Belief. So what should be done? 

"You must believe." 

Utter it yourself again and again and AGAIN. Doubt, Temptation, Weakness - they  are all one  team, so Belief is opposite to all of them. Belief, is the power that keeps on giving. Belief, is the  gift that keeps on giving, it is immortal. 

Not one situation is untranscendable through Belief, the problem is when you start ANALYZING NUMBERS, or AMOUNT of opposition, then you lose FOCUS. Then - the original doubt seems more likely to become a "logical reality". In violence, its the fight-or-flight response  that distracts from the Power of Belief, except, Belief can over ride that too, If you do not falter and stray from THE  BELIEF. 

"In belief we are made strong again. We rise as a people."

There is no doubt in that. So why doubt at all? Doubt didn't get our last president elected. Belief did. Doubt didn't even create groups like "Black Lives Matter" or even ANTIFA (who I don't agree with). But fact is, it is belief (even if shrewd) that empowers people. Belief - even though can be corrupt, is the single most potent example of the power of Human beings to influence not just others, but the World. Belief, is the greatest understanding of our history on Earth - it is the secret to all value in life and quality, and the meaning to which ends all struggles. It is the understanding of struggles as well - and the capacity to see through them all the way to Victory.

In/Tags : why it is bad to doubt, what is morally wrong with doubting, the doubter is a dangerous person, the doubter fails himself, the doubter fails himself in his heart, the doubter fails his own destiny, Facts about Belief and Doubt 2017

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