Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Maintaining The Power of Assurance (How to Be-Self Assured 2017)

In life, all success is both made and followed by assurance. It is rooted in it. 

With assurance of our initiative, we can become assured of the outcome. There are disappointments at times but for the most part - success and assurance are of the same body. Disappointments are like apparel - they can be utilized (worn) for a moment rather than simply discarded. They have each their own occasion. They can be considered as equipment that justifies success. They can be considered elements of the persons style and worth. 

Assurance though must be maintained. That is usually the more difficult objective. Belief can not hold its punch without assurance. So as I assure myself as to others - that the original intent remains true. Then that shall continue. I hold the key in both Faith & Assurance. Through a higher power than myself of course. It does not change the fact that in order to maintain the security of my objectives that self-assurance is paramount.

No fluctuation however strong nor in the magnitude of events around me, nor attempted hindrances nor opposing beliefs can ever stop the assurance that I hold firm. 

If someone should doubt for a moment then the energy of assurance is the path to turning that doubt into belief. Therefore - not one second of doubt from me nor others shall be any significant factor. Nor should it delay my progress in writing, in business or in any other value that I hope to achieve. 

All of the writers on this blog value these virtues. All of the writers on this blog, to some extent or another, value abstract thinking. We all value perseverance and resolve and we all understand that a Physical toughness will never mean anything without mental toughness. 

Imagine walking in a hot desert with very little water for miles upon end. This is the type of "adaptation" and toughness that I train myself with. All temperature extremes are adapted to. Training comes in many forms. This all reinforces the Faith and instincts that I use to make leaps. Then assurance must come naturally, not because I value these traits but because I actually utilize them. Without relying on too many other factors. It is best to have assurance with as little support as possible - in order to understand the maximum capacity for adaptation.

Finally - if assurance should be grounded with Faith (and by that I mean maintained firmly) then that Faith should be one of expectation, not hope. Hope is a strong emotion but can also be crippling. One could argue expectation is too - except expectation provides more fuel for the moment and hope has the capacity to be infiltrated by anxiety. Therefore the greatest decisive win is assurance held strongly together with faith and dedication.

In/Tags: how to be self assured 2017, maintaining the power of assurance, assurance of our initiative, faith & assurance quotes 2017, higher power than myself, security, self-assurance is paramount, original intent remains true, in faith prayers or quotes 2017, quotes about faith 2017, quotes about assurance 2017, quotes in reinforcement 2017, quotes about power in faith 2017, power of strength 2017, power of relentless attitude/altitude 2017, faith mountains 2017, in mountains in prayer meditation faith 2017. multiple positive quotes, positivity of protection and motivation quotes motivational quotes 2017. faith quotes 2017. power of protection of faith 2017. the power of assurance 2017, how is assurance, the power of assurance.

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