Monday, June 25, 2018

11 SuperHuman "Spiritual" Abilities for The Spiritually (Divinely) Ascended

In all of my experience there in no ability like those that occur exclusively within the Spiritually Ascended. However these 11 Abilities are *RARE* and only for the most Elite of the Divine Masters.

1.) Pharoah Cognizance (FaroCognizance): Pronounces "Fair Row "Kahg Nih Zence" - translates literally into "Pharaohs Knowledge" but loosely into the Power to 'Summon' and Acquire all Knowledge and about a Given to quickly form a Strategy based on "Viewing" or Interpreting the thoughts of a Would-Be 'threat'.

It is quite literally the Ability to Gain Extreme Foresight and All Knowledge relevant to all aspects of Ones Life and to gain all through a Spiritual Guide that musters such Power.
It is the most Elite of all abilities since it effectively *allows* for Knowledge to gain all other abilities and serves as a Base through the Spiritual World to acquisate the rest. This ability is thus of Paramount importance.

2.) Energy Transfiguration: Ultimate Electromagnetic "Control": Energy Transfiguration is the ability to manipulate Angelic and even Demonic Energies and to utilize them to "bring in" Energy from Electronic Devices, Telephone Poles and Circuits (breakers etc) by standing at a distance and Believing in ones abilities then mustering the Energy by connecting ones Brain to the Energies in a "fish hook" style fashion.
Thus hooking or drawing in the Energies.

THINK: Sebastian Shaw from X-Men: First Class.
"The fun part is what I can do with the Energy once I've GOT it".

Although not (NEARLY) to the same extent...the ability allows one to Stimulate or Even sedate the Mind with outside Energies. It can be used in conjunction with Hebrew Tongues or other Divine Languages to *effectively* Command Spirits to do thy Bidding.
Itcan be also used to drain the Batteries of surrounding Devices (saya Targets cellphone or laptop).
The remarkable thing is I've tested it even when others devices are in the Charger AND it works against devices who are near receiving Spiritual Points or whom Energies (Angels|Fallen Angels) are around.
When done properly, it can allow for pretty Reinforcing feelings of Might and Control.
It can be used to "shock" others into Speechlessness by triggerring an Adrenaline-Response (Fight-or-Flight) in them, like having a hungry Bear appearing right behind can "SuperCharge" their Presence and cause a target or Encounter to even Gag on tbeir Own Spit.
This would be the True Science behind Darth Vader in Star Wars...although, one could argue its Exagerrated.
...The abilities are very Real.

3.) Astroprojection or "Remote Viewing": A known and recently perfected CIA-Technique to fulfill the ambitions and intentions of a Man or Woman. Surveillance, Curiosity, Faith, what have you.
Astroprojection suggest such a high level of Spiritual and Conscious and Subconscious awareness allowing one to See other locations, without being there by "Projecting" ones Spirit (Self) electromagnetically, through the Spirit World to view even so far and In-Depth as in another Persons Home/House.
Seeing details as little as.
-Coat Racks
-Clothing/Items/Electronics (anything with an attached "Aura".
To as MUCH as...
-People and there Whereabouts and Activities
-Whole Rooms/Placement of Furniture & Belongings
-Movement of Pets
-Thoughts of those Within (If Also PharoCognizant)
-Spiritual Content and Spirits within Said Location and other Technical Details.
This can appear Grainy at first (as with First 5)...but then when PERFECTED the Abilities may Render (with eyes CLOSED) full 3D accurate Sight of the Target Area/Region as If Standing RIGHT IN FRONT OR IN THE PLACE!

4.) Telepathy/Thought Synchronization: To communicate or Synchronize ones thoughts with another Human Being requires 6 Aspects of a Clean Spiritual Communication Line.
1.) Mental Clarity
2.) Clean (Superfunctional) Pineal Gland and "Third Eye" Opened.
3.) PharaohCognizance can be helpful but Energy Transfiguration (#2) is The *ONLY* other required ability (*technically*) and this Ability can be *used* (Tapped Into) without it.
This ability is also known to be particular rooted in Genes and so I1 and EV13 carrier as well all "I" subclades have this ability and thus anyone of "Viking" or even "Dracula" heritage has an easier time mustering and tapping into these Abilities.
4.) Brain Mastery: Dihexa and other strong noots and the "Forbidden Fruits" Mu Gua (Flowering Quince) and Kutaj (Conessine Bark Extract) can be used to "Stimulate The Mind and the Senses)" to provide true rational for this #4 Point of Clarity.
5.) General Whole-Body and Brain/CNS Health: Having whole-body Health and Brain Health can be the most important aspect to Perfecting AND developing Spiritual Abilities.

5.) Thought Control: To "brainwash" 
another by Psychological Persuasion, Trickery, Gaslighting and Tranquilizers/Drugs (Sodium Barbital, GHB, Haloperidol etc) was originally a form of Sorcery developed by The Illuminati's highest Factions (The Navel or Vine-Like Foundation) also known as "Ingraining Squad" or "Elite Squadrons Solace".
...But Thought Control can take another form.
So much so that for the STRONG-WILLED and HIGH-FAITH one could 'FORCE' Amnesia (Memory Loss) on the Individual by distracting the Persons Mind from its Current Train-Of-Thought during Conversation, before Conversation or in Interim (between Work Sites/Jobs/Movements).

6.) Intention Shifting: Like #5, can be done by Willpower ALONE and "Psychological Shifting" or Persuasion which can include using a Nifty "Pattern Interrupt" (A Magicians Trick) to redirect thought processes in The Target Individual.

7.) "Attack Force": A Purely Demonic Ability? No, Angels 'attack' bad people...its well-known they "Vanquish" Evil from the Souls of Man (Bible Verse Here). This Ability allows one to Call Upon Angelic "help" to Attack Physical (Human) or Spiritual (Angelic/Demonic) Combatants or Targets.
Good Luck: Getting them to Fight for you *WITHOUT REASON*, though.
FAITH: "Believe and you shall Receive and Do"
Belief, likeise, grants one the Ability to Perform at the Idealest Human (Spiritual) Measure to Achieve such things (Powers).

8.) "Windstorming": Windstorming is the Ability to (Spiritually) alter the Weather and Energy Current (THINK: Two Witnesses or Two Olive Trees in REVELATIONS).
A Biblical Power indeed...
That comes with Hebrew Tongues.

9.) "Induction & Spiritual  Obfuscation": Induction is inducing Physical or Mental Ailment on another by shifting Electromagnetic Energies "from the Ground Up". Its a Method reserved for Nobles but Works better if the Target has an "ELECTROMAGNETIC BINDING GERM" or "DEMON-BINDING GERM" or "OTHER SELF-INDUCED SPIRITUAL OBFUSCATION.
Spiritual Obfuscation "Masquerading": Also a A part of INDUCTION...specifically "SELF-INDUCTION" to DISGUISE ONES OWN SPIRITUAL WORTH or CONSCIENCE (or lack thereof).
NOTE: "Fallen Angel" or "Psychopathic Gene SNPs" are (May Be) needed to *COMMIT TO THIS ACTION".
A Course Of Spiritual Action: Masquerading as an "Angel of Light" and then turning into a "Demon of Rage" requires BiPhasic Lugo JuJu or Auratic Prominence.

10.) Necromancry "The Ancient Power": The Power to Summon and Recruit and Direct the Energy of "The Dead".
Making the Dead, Undead, necoming the Undead or "Turning Undead" ... The "Turn Undead" Power is an old Medieval-English *technique* from the Dark Ages And the "Witching Ages"...
THINK: Look up the CONTEXT in the "Salem Witch Trials"

Reserved for "THE MOST ASCENDED" Or "THE VERY ELITE" is in ESSENCE the "Ability of Abilities".
See Post (HERE) as to *WHY* it is (BIBLICAL) And how HEBREW LANGUAGE is *SO POWERFUL* it was *SEALED OFF* for Human Use/Acquisition!!!!!!

In/Tags: perfecting and developing spiritual abilities 2018, how to gain and use spiritual abilities 2018, can sage really make you fly 2018, use strange mind techniques 2018, what was sebastian shaws power called

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