Monday, July 2, 2018

The Platform Of Idiocy (The Remarkable Conglomeration Of Political Secrets Criss-Crossed Between Subjects and Then Passed off As Simplicity)

The Platform Of Idiocy
The Remarkable Conglomeration Of Political Secrets Criss Crossed Between Subjects and Then Passed off As Simplicity
By: Daniel Nicholas Gregory (Of Niagara Falls, New York)
 AMx ReBorN 
AKA "The Elusive And Illustrious One"

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The Platform of Idiocy: Political Drama and The Crisis of Hidden Knowledge.


In all my Years alive I've noticed (even since a Child) nothing is ever what it seems 100% at the Surface - there is ALWAYS something else...another intention, a second intention, a hidden-value, people compulsively sugar-coat the Truth, or exaggerate things to hide their Deepest Secrets; which FIRST and FOREMOST are "Secret Knowledges", kept secrets - THEN Insecurities and Embarrassments. Maybe People are alright at keeping others Secrets, but they straight up SUCK at keeping their Promises to themselves. With every contradiction spoken there are two someone else is writing, and Four of that which Writers own that they are covering up (Read The Contradictory Legacy of Krauthammer).

Then there are those who are SO Simple-Minded that they target truth tellers with bogus sexual assault and harassment allegations (See O'Reily And Allegation Unbiased Discussions).

These types of Individuals (clearly being Paid off) expose the simple-mindedness of Ego-driven and desperate Politicians and News Anchors that my only conclusion can be what Maverick is so dependable (lol) that they warrant this kind of unsolicited exploitative Arrogance. Any person can be a Maverick, and by Democratic Definition Donald Trump is a Maverick - and so is Alex Jones, Bill O'Reily and everyone who sides with the so-called "Right". Rights who are in The Right. 

...But to a Novice one might not think the Democratic "Left" is analytical enough to "set-up" peoples of various backgrounds...yet a Sexual Harassment complaint requires very minimal creativity and very minimal intelligence - it simply requires Incentive (if Fabricated), Intent and some Strong Emotion. I don't know about you but I don't think one ounce of Intelligence is necessary.

Problem is - in our Society where Women fight for their rights with powerful endurance and many Judges side with Women...its a tough battle for even powerful, upright and stout Men like Bill O'Reily to deal with.

Weinstein clearly can't fall into this category - but his shadow is clearly that of  Sinister, Shadowsurfing Money-gobbling intentions.

Meanwhile, he did make head-way and was released on an Ankle Bracelet [!] - but that just shows endurance...nothing more, certainly not his *Hidden Connections* with the Wall Street Banks [!] & Political Elite [!] "The Bridge Union".

Silicon Valley even - houses a lot of "Weinstein-Projects" - proverbially making towns of Throne Rooms for the Guy. That combined with Political Blessings [!] and Encouraging Innuendo from The Clinton Foundation [!] leads to a far-reaching Prominence for Hollywood Elites like Weinstein.

Unfortunately, the past is an Ugly Reminder for Guys like Harvey Weinstein [1] even Chris Christie and more "yippity" Public Figures [2]

Now - on this whole Publication, the Intent is more or less to "elucidate" in a Plethora of Methodologies - the Extensive Idiocy, even Complete & Utter Lunacy of Political Rhetoric and how each and every aspect of it is in itself the Advent of One Mirage that acts on the basis of Covering something else up. One more Miraculous Figure to stir the pot of dys-synchronicity wouldn't be that hard for Bimbo's in past and present Politics to catabolize the existence of their most deeply held lies. Bring one more Public Figure with even more Grandiose Rhetoric only to Trivialize the larger aspects. But...perhaps MORE IMPORTANTLY - the fact that ECONOMY and our most deeply concerning matters are a DISTRACTION that (unfortunately) are being made into multi-colored, multi-state Fun-Balls to be used as both Accomplishment AND Distraction. 

Since - if we knew ALL THE SECRETS of Politicians - there would be no Future, only let us be at their Silent Behest in utter assurance that they know REVELATIONS better than WE DO...FACT or FICTION: FACT.

Because by the whole, they DO know way more since they are in the CENTER of it. 

Not to go into Prophecy, but every time someone is 'DEEMED' the "AntiChrist" (incorrect but CATCHY term) its 99.9% wrong - and I only SPARE the 0.01% because technically that (little) responsibility belongs to the Devil himself who belittles and then (ironically) convinces people like Adolf Hitler, Napoleon and Nero the Roman Emperor to go on often [Drunken] Power Binges or Extremism Binges as with Abu-Baka-fucking-whatever (ISIS Leader).

Trump got "Painted" almost literally as the AntiChrist [See Here] by a wonderful New York Daily News Editor who seemed to be obsessed with Scales and Trump...but did ANYONE bother to look into his background before Christians and "Rapture Theorists" posted their Divine Follow-Ups on Why and Why not etc...No? Too bad.

...Wonder why.

Because Truth when it appears as FICTION or "Could-Be-Fiction" is more palatable and Amazing to absorb...apparently.

Then of course, one could see the Pope's Communism "Reinforcing" remarks [!] (if they REALLY Knew Prophecy) as truly the Anti-Christian Nature.

...But ENUFF' of that.

These are all SIMPLE Hypocrisies that Exist in Politics and The Church.

What people don't understand is WHY The Platform For and Of Such Idiocy and HYPOCRISY Exists. And what it was created to SUSTAIN. 

That is...The Power of Distraction and Delusion.

The whole game of Politics is a ball-game where no side plays fairly, it has uneven ground, uneven fans, unstable footing, feet, strange orifices, goals and even the bats and the balls, the nets and the sky themselves are distractions. don't have to be a Conspiracy Theorist to "theorize", to play a VERY REAL (considerable) hypothetical that each Ball is Color-Coded, the Ground is Uneven because it is ENGINEERED to be as such...just like a lack of Cancer-Cure is an ENGINEERED PARADIGM to support a growing need for the SICK to fuel the System [!]...except even that does not have GROWING coverage to Align with the Values of both sides - who both claim they are doing what is Right.

The ISSUE is the whole Platform of Idiocy and "The Game" is (Fundamentally) a FAKE War between Republicans (The Right) and Democrats (The Left) with various legs and tails spinning off other groups to keep things more sophisticated than the simple reality (Aspiration) of a Blackmail Scheme...the World's Biggest Blackmail Scheme since the beginning of time - that encompasses the Whole World.

The BlackMail of the World clearly meets the Platform of Idiocy.

However - for my Own Security and for those around me. I note that this Conspiracy is not "Free-Information" - but you can be sent an Anonymous "Premium Copy" of the details relating to the Scheme. 

At the end of this Book/Publication along with links to Purchase FULL Copies of this Book you can also choose to Purchase "The Planned Blackmail of the World 2018".

Going Further --- Kennedy's Retraction from Idiocy and Into "The Right Move" - The Move that Got Him Killed.

Fueled by smugness are others who surround and loomed over his Sincerity - those Right-Side companions of President John F Kennedy were some of the last faces he saw before his especially unpleasant Death (Assassination) [See Here for Details].

Kennedy clearly saw the prompts from both ends - both of which led him into the same direction after discovery of what his predecessors had been onto as the worst Contract in American History - a death plague for Moneys and the Economy and even Global Freedom - the Deal with the Devil (Federal Reserve).

John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 was perhaps the Start of the Most Humbly Ambitious Actions (Read Here) and that made him a Sacrifice for the Money-Hungry Demons, it seems. Whether such individuals "outsourced" a hit through the Mob or other "lone-snipers" or perhaps, disgruntled Veterans [THEORY AIN'T MINE], remains to be determined (largely).

His unprecedented Military Reform and general algorithm for Change seemed to draw in more hate than actually warranted [!].

...Just like his Economic Reform seemed to conjure up spite from and within the Federal Reserve and their associated a time where they were much more Eager to be in "attack-mode".

Lee Harvey Oswald may have been a Patsy himself - or simply misinformed, still, articles like this one seem to indicate a non-involvement in the traditional sense. The shooting style and other factors also seem to engage a multiple-shooter Situation. 

This whole thing along with the incredible delay to time that the FULL "Kennedy Files" were released [!] [!!] seems to be another one of those dramatic displays of the Government Elite's unusefulness and non-accordance with People's Thoughts...after all, many more would have wanted to see those files 30 years ago.

...Is it that much of a Secret? That the people don't deserve to know!??

Of course - I suppose someone can still be prosecuted (if they are alive!).

...It might even send the "Right" message to those on the Wrong-Side of the Global Scene! That is tallying and putting the Platform of Idiocy on Public Display - a long overdue Humiliation Cruise for the Financial Elites to dazzle their own Pancakes with Ego-Syrup.

I get seriously tired of Grandiose Rhetoric from people like the Rockefellers [!] [!!] and their shared bullies; the CFR/Trilateral Commission Members [!]

...Did anybody STOP to realize how CORNY it is to say something Publicly like “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.” ~James Warburg~

...Its almost as corny (and dumb) as the Environmental Protection Agency's past issues (obsession!) with taking shits everywhere but in the Toilet (literally) [SEE HERE].

Of course, that was but a few Employee's who decided fecal matter was a good substance to use as a Prank...maybe they had some hyperosmia type syndrome where they were ultra-sensitive to the smell and simultaneously had some Euphoria from it as well?

Point is - no matter which section of Government or Politics you step into - you step into Figurative and (apparently) sometimes even literal shit. A section of Government rooted in Idiocy soon spreads like a wildfire to all other aspects and sections of Government. Unfortunately, that's not the only bit of drama, where it seems deliberately placed and acts to outperform the drama in other sections.

...Rather, FBI-directors every day engage in Drama and bizarre control-freak style try to keep a "handle" on their Units etc.

Another WIN for holding onto your people tightly.


The Obama Nightmare May Have Been A Distraction and a Toy for The Platform of Idiocy.

In the Obama "Yes we Can" Age - the Platform of Idiocy reached its Height...however, there was a Colder, More Direct Aura out of Cabinet Members...and the Aspect of Secrecy within the Government; a very LACK of Transparency that Sworn to be non-existent, or acted against, was pulled back on (or never drawn in the first place).

Political Mayhem During And After The Obama Administration.

In/Tags: the platform of idiocy, daniel nicholas gregory 2018, dan n gregory writer 2018, daniel n gregory niagara falls ny, dan gregory niagara falls ny 2018, dan gregory in falls 2018

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