Saturday, December 1, 2018

Unraveling The Mystery of Fallen Angel DNA and the So-Called "NEPHILIM" or Giants of the Earth (2018)

I have researched this Topic exhaustively, from Multiple Angles - and although I am a Man of Science - NOTHING can 'explain the findings from these Researchers, Historians & Scientists that ever-so-clearly PROVE that MANY humans are, indeed, descended from (born-from) Fallen-Angels. 

Indeed, and according to scientific literature, those who have Genetic-Origins from ANY one of these four Groups have AT-LEAST a 50% chance of having Fallen-Angel or "Hybridic DNA". 

  1. Norse (Northern European) Peoples; descended from the Tribe of Dan; mainly Danes & Swedes [REFERENCE 1] [REFERENCE 2] [REFERENCE 3]
  2. Peruvian Peoples; dug-up Skulls and subsequent Genetic-Testing revealed 'unusual' DNA-Architecture, consistent with a Foreign-Element which "does not seem Human" [REFERENCE]
  3. Egyptian Peoples; How did the Egyptians build such MASSIVE structures AKA Pyramids, ever 'wonder that? 'Cause they AREN'T HUMAN! They are clearly empowered by the Satanic/Babylonian "SEAL" and thus are genetically related to Fallen-Angels "the fallen peoples of the Nephilim" [REFERENCE].
  4. Roman Peoples; Mainly those descended from "NERO" the Roman Emperor who terrorized & KILLED Christians and is widely regarded as the "First ANTI-CHRIST" [REFERENCE 1] [REFERENCE 2].

What I have found is that NOT-ONLY are the DNA-Strands/Haplogroups/Chromosomal Loops ABNORMAL in Individuals of the Above-Found Ancestry - but 'upon looking at MY-OWN DNA - I have found through an Advanced Separation Method - that even 1% of ANY fallen-angel DNA is enough to CONFER unusual adaptive abilities such as TOLERANCE/RESISTANCE to Weather-Extremes; Cold OR Hot. 

Having STRESS-IMMUNITY or nearly "Inhuman" Resilience, is ALSO characteristic (Proof) of Fallen-Angel DNA being present.

Perhaps the so-called "LONG" Serotonin-Transporter GenoTypes were conferred by Famous FALLEN-ANGELS who had altered DNA - since being a Homozygote - someone who has TWO copies of that Given-Gene - is PROVEN to be "immune" to Stress - and NOT to feel Fear as much as normal human beings who are heterozygous for one-type of Serotonin-Transporter!

However, "LONG" serotonin transporter Types - are actually MORE common in Melanized Populations such as the Mediterraneans/Italians/Greeks [!] , Africans [!] etc - - - so possibly the Romans have greater Fallen-Angel DNA involved (concerned with) in the DEVELOPMENT of their Brain?


With the Emergence of CRISPR-CAS9 and other "DNA-Editors" [VALER/STRIDE] there is now NEW-HOPE that Dangerous/Deadly diseases such as Cancer [1] and HIV/AIDS [2] as well as Alzheimer's Disease [3] - can be CURED [4]. WHY? Because MANY diseases come from Faulty Genes that cause abnormalities in Brain-Body Cellular Function [5]. Thus, altering SPECIFIC pieces of Genetic-Code could ABSOLUTELY cure MANY diseases [6] and EVEN,...prevent them in the First Place [7].

However - this TECHNOLOGY along with the Newly-Grounded FALLEN-ANGELS whose presences are (CURRENTLY) being Magnified by ELECTRONIC-AMPLIFICATION TECHNOLOGIES designed to LOCATE & AMPLIFY electrical currents attached to the Minds of Humans (Fallen-Angels)...

Then CRISPR-CAS9 may end up being able to be used to MODIFY an ALREADY-INHUMAN baby within the Womb - who may already have Fallen-Angel DNA - thus CRISPR-CAS9 - may be able to be used to create a Baby/Child with EXTREME Intelligence, an Immortal Cell Line (immune to all disease) and EXTREME abilities perpetuated by his GENIUS - of the Greatest Magnitude.

The so-called Concept of "Designer Babies" may 'thus be very REAL and FAMOUS/RICH Actors/Actresses may OPT to have Embryonic-Gene-Manipulation in-order to EXPAND their Families line and create ever GREATER-PERFORMING offspring.


As "OMEN-OFFICER" - one of our FAVORITE compadre's - has so dauntily written - we KNOW that the ONLY likely scenario for the "Anti-Christ" of END-TIMES or the "Man-of-Sin" is GENETIC-MODIFICATION + Fallen-Angel SUMMONING/DELIVERY of said CHILD.

  • A Miraculous or "Virginic/Virginal" Conception can be achieved using Rockefeller' patented Technologies known as DNA-Somerization devices - one such example is KNOWN as the X-12 Somerization & Amplification Machine which is based on a MODIFIED NOISE-GENERATOR. 

In/Tags: unraveling the mystery of fallen angel dna, unraveling the mystery of fallen angel dna 2018, nephilim 2018, giants of the earth 2018, antichrist nephilim connection 2018, are romans fallen angels 2018, roman dna and satan 2018, nero the roman emperor antichrist 2018
Most likely he will be a Product of Gene-Editing with a technology like CRISPR-CAS9 - he will be genetically engineered to be a GENIUS from Birth - embryonic DNA/RNA manipulation is the specific term.
Since the Illuminati have been engaged in the Art of Technological exploitation of Brain-Waves through the CIA and other mysterious Agencies - for generations [SEE-HERE] - my best GUESS is that they are *already* able to trace electrical currents inconsistent with Brain-Patterns AKA they can use a Sonar-Type technology to DETECT Demons/Fallen Angels who leave electromagnetic ‘fingerprints’ around the Earth - they can then use Sonic-Boom/Noise Frequency amplification technologies to “ENHANCE” the PRESENCE of the Fallen-Angels.
The CIA also practice Psychological Manipulation tactics on the Regular to “interrogate” suspected Terrorists or other threats to National Security/Sovereignty.
This REPLY/COMMENT has been Written by…
~Omen-Officer the Ultimate MASKED Anarchist Currently Over-Seeing & Writing the Blog “AREA-1255” LTD - also the #1 Life-Extension & Technology Conversation BLOG/ORGANIZATION.

I also HEAD the Blog/Organization known as the “NEW-ANARCHIAL-ORDER”(NAO) or “New Global Order of Anarchy” the *rightful” successor to ANTIFA & ANONYMOUS!!!

1 comment:

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