Thursday, January 10, 2019

List of Unknown Demons 2019 (List of Uncommon Demons 2019) (Lesser Known Demons 2019) (Less Common Demons 2019) List of Fallen Angels 2019

In Christianity and Demonology - there in always the inherent need to identify Demons by Name [1], detesting/denouncing them [2] and revoking their Authority over ones life [3]. However - some Demons are lesser known and only pointed out indirectly in The Bible. 

Since I have access to 'Secret' Vatican scripts - through my Intelligence Sources. I can say that definitively there are "other" demons that are aside from the ones that you can read about easily on the Internet [4] or in the Holy Bible [5].

Many of these have never been written before Publicly. However - they are INCREDIBLY important in understanding the delicate balance between Human Goodness & Human Flaws [6]. Everyone has flaws. Everyone has exploits. Everyone has times of Hatred, and times of Love. Demons, however, try to get one to 'stick' to certain Negative Emotions - they simply alter the Electricity in ones Brain/Nervous System - tailoring it to an "adrenaline-dominant" State; characterized by Fear, Anger and being "on-edge". Perhaps that is ALSO why it says in The Bible "the wicked shall have no rest" [Isaiah 48:22].

:::Lesser Known Demons:::

AZAHGHOS: Azahghos is the 'true' form of The Devil (Satan) - his COMPLETE dragonic form that is the Hebrew Translation of "the Zig-Zag" or "the Serpent"
NOTE: This is a derogatory name for Leviathan (the "Dragon) - using it around him can evoke hatred and unfortunate life circumstances.

ZEID: Zeid pronounced "zeed" is an 'Assistant Demon' working along with AZAZEL. He tends to play with peoples minds - but often plays the Role of "false enlightener" where he tries to get people to pick up False Knowledge; or to believe in Delusions.

ZHCHAK: Pronounced ZHOCK, is an 'True Enlightener' who plays a role in masquerading as Angels to get people to believe that Jesus Christ is with them when he really ISN'T.

PELG: Pelg is a Demon who tries to influence people to stray from normal types of sexuality; to persuade Women & especially Young GIRLS to cheat on their Boyfriends - and also uses his influence to create Sexual Deviance in Society. He tends to be the cause of abnormal and sudden HOMOSEXUAL DESIRE. Pelg is rumored to show himself as a "Mountain God" where he currently dwells. Rumor is that his 'CORE' Energy resides in the Mountains of Cairo, Egypt somewhere!!!

DHUSKK: Pronounced "dusk" - is a Demon of changing intentions. He tries to get people to abandon their Families - new Fathers to abandon the duties of taking care of his Child/Baby. Dusk is a Demon who's main goal is to permanently disrupt Marriage, Integrity between Couples - and gets Boys & Men to follow the "player lifestyle". Hollywood, Rap and Movies help to perpetuate this Demon.

UUNZ: Uunz is a VILE DEMON who's goals are typically more DIRECT - in that he attacks Places of Worship; by utilizing peoples Minds to commit atrocious acts of MASS MURDER. He also tries to persuade people to talk out of line in Church - channeling Impatience into the Minds/Hearts of Church-goers. He creates a shift in the Anxieties of people to get them to denounce their Church/Congregation. He also attempts to ATTACK Jesus Christs energy presence DIRECTLY.

ARMORAG: Is a 21st century Demon with a hyperactive personality & diverse set of skills; including deflecting spiritual energy - mimicking others - and has a "Heal Gem" which allows him to recover his own energy when he is attacked (spiritually).

TEHGROD: A giant SPIDER demon - who specializes in poisoning his enemies with Nicotine & other carcinogens - if he is near you, your blood pressure may go up - he also specializes in Miraculous or Virginic conceptions - and can transfer sperm into the reproductive organs of living females.

In/Tags: list of fallen angels 2019, list of unknown demons 2019, list of uncommon demons 2019, lesser known demons 2019, Less Common Demons 2019, most vicious demons in the bible 2019, List of Unknown Demons 2019 (List of Uncommon Demons 2019) (Lesser Known Demons 2019) (Less Common Demons 2019) List of Fallen Angels 2019, DEMONIC ATTACKS AND SEXUAL FUNCTION 2019 DEMONIC INFLUENCE SEXUALITY 2019 SEX DRIVE AND DEMONS 2019 DEMONS AND LIBIDO 2019 HUMAN SEXUAL MOTIVATIONS AND DEMONS 2019 HUMAN EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SEX 2019 SATAN AND SEX 2019 THE DEVIL SS

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