Thursday, June 6, 2019

How to Increase Feelings of Lust with Supplements 2019 - Restore Feelings of Lust with Natural Supplements 2019

Lust; that is the strong urge to have a sexual, intimate experience with someone that one is attracted to. For Men, it typically involves the urge to get-off and a feeling of immeasurable response to appealing physical traits (big breasts, flat stomach, curves etc) - sometimes facial features ('bad' look, cute features) are key in creating lust - for Men. 

For Women, it is a strong, almost unavoidable urge to reproduce with a Man or commit to intercourse as a temporary means for pleasure & closeness with an attractive Man. 
That is - a "preferred mate". 

Not everyone is sexually desirable, though.
Everyone has their own tastes. Everyone gives into lust at different times, and to different degrees.

Now, lust is clearly a chemical response in the Brain & Body. Lust - is driven by Testosterone & Dopamine; for both Men and Women.

However, lust has other chemical necessities (prerequisites). That is - that for Men, lust is dependent on a very important chemical balance.


The Serotonin 5-HT1A & 5-HT1B Receptor

Pheromone are chemicals that are released in the sweat, so when a Man - smells these pheromones from the sweat (even distantly) of a nearby Woman, he gets attracted (desires), a hard-on (erection) and then he makes his move. 

The "serotonin" receptors - are involved in suppressing male response to a nearby female, that is they reduce "in-person" attraction to Women.

5-HT1A Receptor [reference]: This receptor dulls out the sexual response (erection) to a nearby female, it also directly causes the blood flow in the penis to reduce.
5-HT1B Receptor [reference]: This receptor is in the Brain - and it causes the brain to not be interested nor respond in the thought "Oh, she's damn sexy" - that sort of passionate, flaming sex drive (libido) that is what this receptor suppresses.

The best ways to block this suppression are the following...
NOTE: Clicking the name of the supplement leads to a discounted store page where you can buy the supplement.

  1. Wild Jujube Extract: This herb contains spinosin which blocks 5-HT1A receptors [1] and as well blocks 5-HT1B receptors [2].
  2. Yohimbine [3]: This sex supplement blocks 5-HT1B receptors - and it can improve erectile response and libido in Men [4].
You can also use the two following drugs to directly block (completely) the serotonin receptors.
  1. Cyproheptadine [5]: This drug blocks Serotonin 5-HT1A receptors [6] [7] and 5-HT2A [8] receptors and improves sex drive (libido) [9] and erectile function in Men & [10] [11] [12].
  2. Metergoline [13]: Metergoline is a serotonin antagonist that blocks 5-HT1B receptors [14] [15] [16] - it increases sex drive in Men & Women.

*Cyproheptadine is also the only valid remedy to treat Serotonin Syndrome [17] - and it is the only over-the-counter drug/medicine that blocks serotonin completely [18] [19].

For Women, the following supplements may work better...

  1. OxyLuv (Oxytocin Nasal Spray): Proven to improve Love, Bonding & Orgasms in Women [20] [21] [22]
  2. In addition, Flibanserin (Fliban/Addyi) is a drug/medicine approved in the USA by the FDA for Female Sexual Dysfunction; it improves sex drive (libido) & vaginal wetness (lubrication) [23] [24] [25]. It blocks serotonin [26] and activates Dopamine [27].
  3. Viagra (Sildenafil for Women) is also able to increase vaginal lubrication (pussy wetness) [28].
Lust is an ongoing enjoyment in today's fast paced lifestyles, lust is popular means of gratification & satisfaction, and is yet a troublesome thing in marriages...

However, lust also permeates the brain and helps us reinforce our sexual ambitions - thus, in some cases, lust is helpful and powerful, certainly, and not necessarily synonymous with Adultery.

Lust & Passion however, do not always have the same look to them. As lust is more a need to 'do it' (fuck) and then yet - passion is more emotionally involved.

  • Lust; a strong sexual desire that often leads to random hook-ups, casual sex & affairs [29] [30] [31] [32]
  • Passion; a strong form of emotion, usually connected to Love & Romantic Attachment/Intimacy [33].
*Other Interesting Research*

  • Women have far LESS serotonin 5-HT4 receptors; which means they have less 'stimulating' effects of serotonin [34]. Women tend to respond to serotonin in different ways than Men [35].
  • Metergoline blocks Aldosterone production which leads to lowered sodium-retention (high salt in blood) [36]. It can be used to lower blood pressure, in some cases, and block the effects of Stress.
  • Cyproheptadine can also be used to treat Migraines [37]. Not all natural serotonin receptor blockers or even drug serotonin receptor blockers can fix/treat migraines though.

In/Tags: how to increase feelings of lust 2019, how to increase feelings of lust with supplements 2019, restore feelings of lust with natural supplements 2019, cause uncontrollable lust with supplements 2019,  make a more lustful world 2019

1 comment:

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