Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Dopamine D1 Receptor, Creativity, Passion & Youthful Energy 2019

:::Dopamine D1 Receptor:::

(natural Dopamine D1-agonists/stimulators)

The Dopamine D1 Receptor is perhaps the most important "dopamine" receptor overall; its linked to Visual Recognition [1] (noticing of images), Noticing Detail [2], Good Mood [3], Enthusiasm [4], Creativity [5] and Energy [6]. More relevant today, it is related to the spiritual world - the growing "young energy" and the activity of young people, today. 

This receptor is key to making the World less Judgmental; more Tolerant of others, More Creative, More Inventive, More Productive - and transitioning the world into a larger understanding of the Universe. 

This receptor is key also to...

  1. Curing Schizophrenia [7] [8] [9].
  2. Curing Parkinson's Disease [10] [11] [12].
  3. Curing Depression [13] [14] [15].

  • Its also decreasing in people and people today have less receptors in many areas - but more among young and open-minded people and people who start movements.
This means those in movements such as Black Lives Matter, LGTBQ, Gun Rights Activists, and anti-bullying movements all have higher dopamine D1 receptors.

Before you continue reading - consider that just because something sounds simple, too scientific or too good to be true - that the doubt in those thoughts is an example of something opposite to creativity and openness. The suggested solutions in this article are sound, supported by science and reasoned as to why the simple yet specific solution hasn't (yet) been applied to the world.

We should consider supplementing with (takingStephania Extract to restore Dopamine D1-receptors and their function. 

This would also help us change the world. As shown in this study - the evolution of the human mind - the revolution of the human spirit, is all based on the dopamine D1-receptor.

Dopamine makes people more altruistic [!] (selflessly doing the right thing) "egalitarian" [!] and more full of Positive Energy [!].

:::Read More Here:::

Changing The World - No Small Task
...but easier with understanding

This is the ultimate time in our lives to change the world; we can start by understanding that (unfortunately) our problems have become a chemical issue. We can't any longer resolve issues with diet alone in many cases - we can't evolve without restoring and improving specific areas of neurological function - as evident in studies. 

We can't get rid of bullying, hesitating to do the right thing, social anxiety; lack of freedom or negative emotions in general - without reversing the paradigm of deficiency - that is the lack of dopamine D1 receptors in today's people. This neurobiological issue is central (main issue) - and is shown in research papers like this one. Dopamine D1-receptors block Aggression & Intolerance according to this study.

In my experience, this Dopamine D1 receptor theory is true. It empowers me to be creative, energized - this article was written under the influence of a substance that increases Dopamine D1-receptor function.

Some of my best times are the times when I know my dopamine is through the roof. I feel the power of potentially changing the world; my energy tends to sit with people - it energizes them as well. If we can repeat this process; and carry through this memento - energizing people around us then we can change the world.

Creative Passion - The Example of Inventors
In life, creative passion is the drive of the mind that leads one to make the new - to invent, but it also gives one enthusiasm and satisfaction in doing so. The results, simply spiral that satisfaction.

The Dopamine D1 Receptor was shown (recently) to be higher in inventors brains [16] - and my theory is its evolution is what transitioned the so-called "Age of the Genius" and empowered the earlier Age of Enlightenment.

A New Understanding of the Human Mind Can Work in Tandem With Continuing the Cycle

We can transition the human populations into a greater understanding of the self - by first informing them of what made them and their best moments the most glorious - what has historically done so, and then - give a simple way for people to apply that logic to evolve themselves and their purpose.

If the evolution of the human mind and the transition and resonating energy of the current age is related to this "receptor" in the human brain - then we simply cherish this receptor and nourish it. 

We can do this - and take my theories - cause it to evolve itself, then embrace belief in the self and make the jump into the future by being creative. 

Expansion of the Worlds Young Energy

"Age is not a restrictive factor, and we should not be criticized for our age and age does not limit us, but an open-minded person knows that all people of all ages have the ability to be creative & to embrace the Power of Belief"

Imagine a 5-year old in kindergarten, who draws (doodles) and spends more time in his head, thinking and then when left to himself, draws things that his teachers, peers, Mother and Father - would not imagine he would. 

Then think about - his teacher (Math Teacher), finds him drawing, takes him off point and tells him not to draw. Think about a friend of his who tells him drawing is "not cool". This is the type of comment - and the type of criticisms that happen in schools; especially in America - and the Middle East. 

If this very kid - did not get criticized, and hurt. He might have become a genius, an inventor. This is not just a reflection of rudeness in society, its a reflection of the very principle & science said. Dopamine D1 receptors create both the pattern - and the open-mindedness - the more of them there are, the less Judgement, the less judging behavior...the more tolerant people are. Then - those people - especially the young people, who are inherently sensitive, can thrive...can move forward with even those ideas seen as "radical" - or "corny" or kiddish - or too "out there". 

Often - when labels are applied to people like this, the very same ideas criticized, are the ones that succeed and prevail, and are later in seen in life.

We need Open-Mindedness & Tolerance on a Chemical Level 

 So that Equilibrium is Bodily - Stress is No Longer Able to Conquer Us - and the Planetary Energies and Evolution of Human People can become (on a grand scale) - the reason for a society that is bound by a sense of Happiness, Peace and Harmony that does not end. 

Imagine a world like this. It does not just sound fabulous - it does not just look pretty, it actually generates love & makes people more open and admirable. 

I know that we are capable of so much more but we are being hindered by the flaws of our brains - that then lead to flaws in the personality - that then lead to people hindering others. This hindrance can only stop when you enlighten ALL people - the people that are hindering first, and those that can help the hinderers. 

"Too Good to be True"
Exists when you Believe It and Get Used To Believing It.

The reason why too good to be true has remained too good to be true, is because people have (by and large) thought of ordinary solutions applied directly, or things like creating new jobs, or making new medicines - or spreading love, but they haven't defeated the existence of too good to be true mentality chemically - if Dopamine D1 receptors are about Creativity & Open-Mindedness and are the reasons why the Young People are so creative and energetic - and why tolerance movements exist - the this very receptor is contrary to Doubt - and by definition - too good to be true is Doubt - and doubt is negative, not open-minded and dismissive. 

If you dismiss the good ideas - then you dismiss the possibility to embrace good results and a good future, and even those things seen as "good" should not be criticized, because good is still a good act, a productive thing - and something good is something worth having, and someone good is someone worth appreciating. 

Never criticize someones mediocreness - because mediocre human beings have always been known to surprise on occasion, and those surprises are limitless. It shows, that human beings can do anything. That there is no general rule or assumption that should be the final ruling for something or someone. 

Assumptions are often built around the remembrance of past failures, expectation of failure based on what something looks like. That - is why mediocre people - and moderate results are criticized by "the old and the wise". 

Believing things are just a certain way - believing in what things look like without believing there are other possibilities is something human beings do as a shortcut - because it is easier to say that you "have knowledge" based on experience, even though experience leads into one direction of results and often includes assessing and retaining generalities. If you believe experience is everything - then you shut the door to possibilities.

In today's day and age - it is possibilities that have helped us navigate the future, and the most serious strides are those that have been rooted in those who "just do it" - because they do not neglect what is possible by assumption - rather, they assume forward, embracing open-mindedness by having an innate sense than anything is possible.

Dopamine D1 Receptors are Under-Emphasized in Today's 
Medical System
Many drugs are tailored to the dopamine system but are unspecific to the Dopamine D1-receptor, in the area of Depression - medicines like Wellbutrin - which increase dopamine, do so indirectly and the Dopamine D1 receptor is the same receptor that is declining in numbers in the average human brain [!] and dopamine is more easier attached to D2-like receptors - which is why rates of Depression are increasing and available drugs are not often able to remedy it [!]

The fact that Dopamine D1 receptors are the ones that are all throughout the human brain [!] (most abundant) and the location of Dopamine D1 receptors itself [!] - gives evidence that it is the one most important to human bodily balance [!].


Before I get into the solution - one would ask three questions to themselves.

1.) If its so "easy" why haven't others thought of it.
2.) Wouldn't other scientists have found this and applied it by now?
3.) Wouldn't this be too easy and thus "too good to be true".

The answer is this: Others have thought of it; including medical professionals [reference], but they haven't applied it - and not enough have teamed up to create a unanimous opinion - and to integrate that into the current Medical System.

It isn't a matter of money, but rather the regimented, sort-of restrictive nature of the medical system and facilities.

Unfortunately - some drugs that are direct Dopamine D1-agonists are not FDA-approved or passed through the market. 

And as far as the "all-natural" solution - supplements like Sulbutiamine are considered supplements and are apart from the pharmaceutical companies - and could also be seen as not only non-traditional but not immediate enough.

Stepholidine - a natural product, easily available - works more immediately and shows promise, and can treat Schizophrenia/Psychosis [!] and Parkinson's Disease [!]. It is found in Stephania extract which can be bought on Amazon for cheap. 

The Reason Why The Populations Are Losing Their Dopamine D1 Receptors

The people of the world are experiencing radical changes in brain chemistry - although many people are thriving and maintaining - Stress [!], Exposure to Chemical Fumes [!] [!] [!], poor quality of food [!] and genetic factors [!] - are altering the average Dopamine D1 number in the brains of human beings.

This tends to happen and be more prevalent in inner-city (urban) areas like Bangladesh [!], Mexico [!], Puerto Rico [!] - Niagara Falls [!]

In order to more entirely remedy the worlds ongoing Depression problem - the key dopamine D1 receptor decline must be addressed [!] - that can be done by restoring D1 receptors to the brain [!] - developing solutions that increase sensitivity to Dopamine D1 receptors [!].

This would also get those tired [!], without a purpose - living day to day JUST TO LIVE - out of their bed, off their couch and out of their shell - activating their Natural Energy - and put them back into motion.

Because in all the world there is a link - a link to belief, to believing - that sometimes - everything happens for a reason - and in doing so you find reasons to keep believing - you inspire others that reasons are powerful...and having reasons, is necessary. Having, not using - because when you know you have have, you have a sense of dignity, belonging, a future. You see into the future by believing, but you must HAVE to believe - and to believe is to empower. Your belief - the reinforcement of the world, the inspiration of the human thought and the emergence of the human heart - motivated by LIFE - reinforced by BELIEF - and justified by PURSUIT - pursuit of Happiness, Goals, Belonging -  and Results - results, which make even the most unnoticeable have a sense of belonging and not distance - because the return of that is important.

Dopamine, Diversity, Creativity - World Solutions  

When dopamine is high - we feel more creative - we present broad solutions to address the problems in the world - because we are more creative but also on our enthusiasm kick. The best works of mankind were done in dopamine highs; including scientific ones [!].

Dopamine creates this creative mind [!] - dopamine empowers our motivation [!]. So if we can be more dopaminergic - we can fish for solutions more precisely - we can actively resolve disputes & issues and have more truth & justice in society [!]. It is simply not true that it is just "reward" or crude motivation triggered by dopamine [!].

Dopamine can increase belief in the self and belief in changing the future [!] - and it (usually) promotes more "peace" energy - if the dopamine D1-receptor is the one 'dominant' or working *primarily*.

Problems Solved on a Large Scale by a Creative Mind

The difference between humans and apes is humans are more creative and present complex solutions to complex problems not present in the ape world. I mean, there are a lot of other differences, but that's the main one - in my view.

This is a Dopamine thing - so if dopamine triggers this creative "new life" or upgraded mind - and is what makes humans, humans - then we owe it to ourselves to go back to the core, understanding and bringing in this knowledge - and relish it - utilize it, make it viable. That, is what we can do to change the world.

Being selfless and helping others is part of this creativity (in my opinion) - it can help people reach new heights. Dopamine makes people selfless & heroic [reference].

Making More Creative Minds in the process.
In order to change society - people must step up and CHOOSE to be creative - but we must also help make creative minds; create the new, relay the new - relate to the new. 

Changing society by telling people, for instance to eat more Zinc containing foods will help shift the energy of humans to more Dopamine dominant action - causing us to become more creative. 

  • Eating cereal fortified with Zinc is a good idea; if you eat cereal - there are specific ones that are better than others.
  • Eating Oysters even 2X per week; even 1X per week; spend a little extra from your budget - and see the miracles that oysters can create! Read my Article on Oysters Brain Effects.
  • Supplement with Vitamin D - much of the medical system recommends it, even for Depression [!].
  • Supplement with Stephania Root Extract [!]. This will GUARANTEEDLY cause the Dopamine D1 receptor to become "activated".
  • Take a Protein Supplement; many of us don't get high-quality protein [!]. Protein raises dopamine [!].

Motivational Passion

As a man of motivational passion; I strive to motivate myself (and others) passionately; I do so with intent and love. I LOVE to create love - and to create Positive Changes in Society - is my goal!

...But I've fluctuated (at times) - as with most people.
Still, as shown here in my enthusiastic writing, I don't give up - I just keep inspiring...imagine if EVERYBODY did this - without worrying about what people think - that's PASSION!!!

All people have to do is emulate (do the same as) me - Create, Recreate & Invision. 

  • Invision the Possibilities.
  • Create the Future.
  • Recreate the Essence of Humanity.
 The Herb of Passion & Creativity

*By blocking MAO-A; Parkinson's Disease can be naturally addrressed.

Being Drawn to Pictures, Color & Music

Seeing things that make us "alive" - that is the power of Living - living in color; is living with reason - living with enthusiasm. To look at the Stars, to look into the Sky at Night, to look and wonder, is to be appreciative of the beauties we can see with our eyes.

The creativity we can get at just by being able to visualize.

I believe that if we all stop to look at the Stars, realizing there is more out there - that stars have energy, then we can draw in that energy. I have found out that is true - actually. That simply appreciating the beauty of the stars - creates a sense of relaxation and energization. This is an extremely relevant thing to today's people who (typically) pay attention to their immediate surroundings - instead of things & beauties that are far off but apparent. 

The universe plays an increasing role in today's world. A humongous role - it is the main decider of Karma - together with the stars determines these things and the fates of people. 

Each star has a matter of intelligence, and if each person could just attempt to talk to a star - then they would find out that stars "know us" - each of us have a guardian star (at least from time to time) - mainly those of us that are not particularly Religious (not Christian). 

Expanding: To look at paintings, to look at art in general (oil drawings), to look at the Stars in the Sky. The stars themselves are reasons to thrive - they demonstrate that anyone/anything can take after the resilience of stars. Look beyond - the stars are the future.

* Wishing Upon A Star *
It Does Work...
Wishing upon a star is a very old tradition, yet superstition - that you can "wish" something to a star or passing star and that wish may come true or that favor, granted. Many people have attested to the fact that it happened - they got their "miracle" from a star - or reward, or result they asked for. 

Why is that?

Because, Stars have their own intelligence - they carry Karma and contribute to the allocation of Karma - they also have the capability to influence events & people in a persons life. 

....The reason why it doesn't work for some are the following...

  1. The persons Karma is bad. (person is bad/treats others poorly)
  2. The person has no positive energy or no "good vibes".
  3. The persons loyalty is to a Religion or specific faith that declines the use of Stars/faith in Stars.
*Unfortunately, the Christian Religion happens to be the main one that stars reject for Wishes - since the Holy Spirit, Father & Son are in direct contrast with Universal Forces - and carry their own 50% Karma allocation (they control 50% of Karma). Their energy tends to decline Universal Energies within the person as well - something they refer to as "purification" & spiritual chastity.

Astrologists have long had a battle with Religious folk [!] - this is evidence also of the contrast between Spiritual Elements of the Universe & Holy Elements.

The Universe has energies that "create" as much as those of Holy Origin do.

Therefore, it seems pointless to make assumptions - other than the fact that Stars have their own Brain - their own Willpower - and their own destiny.

When you wish upon a star, you often have in your heart Patience - belief that your wish will be granted; but you also agree to the stars timeline - as stars are their own energy force with their own timeline.

 Stars have 3 requirements to fulfill their wishes to a person.

  1. Patience.
  2. Goodwill.
  3. Belief (lesser)
*When all three are fulfilled then the Star, depending on how evolved he is at the time - will start, travel and fulfill - the Wish for the Person [!].
A shooting star is typically the type of star that is wished upon [!] although it has been known that people have wished upon "ordinary" or non-moving stars.

The Universe VERSUS God
One question many would ask is "do I have to believe in one or the other" - unfortunately, based on my experiences - the Universe & "Yahweh" (God) and "Yeshuah" (Jesus Christ) are in direct opposition to each other - there was a disconnect a long time ago. 

Theories & Research support the idea of such a conflict between the two "forces" - while moderately dismissing the existence of God - however I believe that you can join the two sets of facts (Universe + God) together, creating an argument that justifies the existence of both. 

Everything points to a conflict between Universal Powers & God - and today, when people pray to stars or the Universe - they are answered based on their Karma.

There are universal powers that people should be introduced to (if they choose).


Mr.Universe - he is a God of great Wisdom that is composed of outer space/universal energies, he holds some Karma (although as of late he has none). Typically he is defined by...

  1. His Wisdom..
  2. His morality.
  3. His cherishing of Respect.
  4. His emphasis on Karma/fairness.
  5. His resilience.

Do Atheists Have It Right?

Although I've been on both sides of the coin; as a Christian (believing in God), and being "other" in Religion - I believe that the analytical nature of Atheists is the reason why many of them are more intelligent and have deeper insights into concepts of Astrology, Astronomy and general Physics.

Passion for Creativity 

I believe everyone has a passion - everyone has something within them that they can spark up, it just may be buried from time to time. People dismiss the existence of this passion - they boundlessly search for answers without being in-touch with their own emotions.

They don't consider that their own feelings, stresses and ruminations block them from finding their creative touch. In today's society - we have to move forward from the idea that our problems are unavoidable, we have to develop an inner resistance to stress - and learn to open our minds in the face of stress - that despite a barricade of feelings - we can still reach within our minds deepest artistry and Imagine, Create and Invision. 

Without that - we are bound by constraints of our minds stresses, but are not freed by the boundless limits that I'm sure all human beings are capable of. The creative passion of human beings is always a possibility - if you reach for it.

So how do we free ourselves first and unlock this creative passion?

  1. Learn to de-stress; by first focusing on something environmentally stimulating - then slowly remind yourself of the reasons for you living and continuing. Take in the positive - by removing distractions, removing obstacles of negative energy - join your focus with thoughts of the future, imagine good times. Imagine your life improving. Imagine your families life improving.
  2. Embrace Life and Look Around; Embracing life and just holding onto the things that make you happy, be optimistic, don't stress about the little things - find enthusiasm in anything you see that has beauty in it - look around, at art and inspirations; whether from art itself or TV - or anything...then use that to create. 
  3. Look Within Yourself, Don't Hesitate; When you have ideas or images, try to put them together - don't be afraid to try new things. Look at all possibilities by simply trying without fear of failing or fear of what others think. Be a living generator of ideas; let ideas flow, be relaxed, be focused, be magical! Everything can come together when you are at peace with yourself; looking within yourself.
  4. Use Emotions; Emotions like heroism, heart, justice, love and fury can be used to spur up creativity - if you get in touch with and really "feel" your emotions, ideas will come. Just believe. When you are in coordination with your emotions - you can make strides, innovate (create the new) - most painters find an emotion that drives them, sometimes a crude passion, sometimes an obsession.
  5. Expand; Imagine every possibility, imagine what fits together - then add in the emotion to it or let the emotion drive the motivation to expand. Everything can be changed in the world by expanding where we are at, don't be afraid to not expand. 

Vulnerability to Fear & Dismissal

  1. Vulnerability to fear and dismissal are some of the most important exploitations of the human mind...being vulnerable in itself is a blockade of progress in humanity, peace and progress. If you fear the accusations of others, you lose touch with the possibilities of the future, as you get too caught up in the moment. We see that today - fear & dismissal are constant, not just among young people but also among company's, institutions, social gatherings - it never ends. In movements that define the future, such as BLM - there is a constant vulnerability - within, an inner-hijacking, due to the unfortunate displacement of peoples due to fear of dismissal (mainly). 
  2. Vulnerabilities are Defined by What We Allow; If we allow ourselves to be vulnerable - if we put ourselves in the line of fire, then we are choosing to hinder our own progress. Hindering progress - is unacceptable in today's world - given the amount of progress that can be completed.
  3. Suppression of Thought by Vulnerability; suppression - of thoughts and actions and images - and such creativities of the human mind - are allowed by vulnerabilities of the human mind. The mind is an open casket waiting to happen, for its own thoughts. It also can be the opposite - the creativity of the human mind, is resurrected by true suppression of negative energy.
  4. Dismissal is Visual & Interpretive; if one is fearful of being dismissed, many times it is because they imagine being dismissed or consciously understand being rejected is a possibility; a worst case possibility - interpreting the outcomes of things - is a deathnail to our progress - in mankind.
  5. Adversity is A Source of Fear & Dismissal; adversity (opposition) and the driven conflict by such adversity is the main source of fear & dismissal and it causes people to be locked-in to a state of Anxiety, Suppression, Anger etc - to eliminate adversity, we must learn to handle adversity - to grip it hard and intently (but not aggressively) - we can do this not by refusing the adversity, but by steadily debunking the adversity and finding similarities between the opposing parties to help dissolve conflict and remove said adversity.


Since positive energy is linked (increased) with the Dopamine D1-receptor - then it makes it that much easier to address all of the above issues (vulnerability, fear of dismissal and rejection) - since intolerance is also linked to the Dopamine D1-receptors - and you would be less judgmental with more dopamine D1-receptors. Restoring the earths Dopamine D1-receptors should be the earths most prominent objective (from a neurological standpoint). 

The dopamine neurotransmitter has long been held as the most favored neurotransmitter for common day discussion - because of societal implications. 

Human behavior is inextricably linked to dopamine. 

Dopamine is the emotional and ideological "oomph" of humans - it is what carries us forward, allows us to pursue our dreams. It is the energetic essence of humans that gives us reason and persistence, it fuels our passions and makes our deepest emotions apparent. 

So how do we fuse together the essence of humanity again?

  1. Eat more protein - but high-quality protein; FAVA beans - we should make a fava bean revolution - they contain L-Dopa; levodopa extract
  2. We can supplement with Mucuna Pruriens (Velvet Bean Extract) - this supplement can be taken - daily to stimulate the Dopamine D1-receptors - and then increase Positive Energy.
  3. For those who enjoy a good smoke - Blue Lotus Extract; this herb is a plant that directly activates the Dopamine D1-receptors - via its component Apomorphine. It has euphoric effects (a buzz) - and it improves visualization & creativity.
  4. DHEA supplements- activate Sigma-1 receptors [!] and sigma-1 activation stimulates Dopamine D1-receptors [!]
  5. Conessine Bark Extract - Kutaja an Indian herb - blocks Histamine H3-receptors - this stimulates and enhances the Dopamine D1-receptor function [!]. It can also be bought in powder form.

  1. Supplementing with Conessi Bark Extract - MAGICALLY enhanced my motivation - to the point of Extreme Creativity. It (immediately) enhanced my connection with the Spiritual World. It allowed me to have extreme focus - and it enhanced my energy levels dramatically. 
  2. The powder tastes really nasty - but I like the effects enough to part with the tablets when they aren't available. 

*Other Notes*

  • In my experience - blocking the Histamine H3 receptors - not only by BRAIN SCAN (fMRI) - but by EFFECTS - increases the Dopamine D1 function. 
  • The level of positive energy is unprecedented - the ability to stay awake - not get sleep - for DAYS upon end and STILL maintain my energy level is one of the greatest parts of this supplement. 
  • Histamine levels clearly play the greatest role in Energy (next to Dopamine) as on the highest histamine level - I feel REVIVED, maximized and more Creative... (buy Histamine supplements here).
  • DHEA (a hormone) levels are declining in today's populations and that leads to less Dopamine D1 receptors (due to less Sigma-1 stimulation).
  • READ: DHEA and Sigma-1 Receptors and Sigma 1 And Dopamine Connection.

Sigma-1 Receptors are also the reason why Anti-Depressants such as Luvox (Fluvoxamine) work so well. 

The Revolving Door of Excessive Religion Can Close With Dopamine D1 Dominance in Populations

Religion has become a persistent issue in society - and religion corrupts even decent people [!] [!]. Religion is also a disentanglement [!] - it is on a decline and many have strayed from the original concept of Faith [!] - and have seen themselves become hypocrites [!], further, religious intolerance [!] & conflict among religions have demonstrated that chaos is a never ending lesson of humanity [!].

Ideas that sway with religion are more volatile than some would hope to imagine - there is a constant infusion of disintegrity in the world because of pressed ideas - yet, the very irony is that although some of those ideas may, at times cause peace - they also cause disruption of stability in people - and many are left rolling their eyes at people constantly hurling religious ideas. 


Solve Religious Intolerance & Open The Minds of People 
By Restoring Dopamine D1 Receptors to the Brains of People

As noted in this study - judgementalism/intolerance is characteristically opposite what Dopamine D1 Receptors do.

By restoring the Dopamine D1 Receptors - we can restore a sense of Clearheadedness and tolerance [!] [!] [!] to the people so that they may choose to do things that benefit humanity rather than a set of old principles.

Lastly, because Stress both causes negative interactions between people and aggression among people [!] - and Dopamine D1 Receptors protect against Fear stress, by helping people deal with the fear. Stress is reduced and there are less negative interactions among people. 

The Dopamine D4-Receptor makes people more religious and religiously dominant [!].

Why Nicotine is Still a Good Idea

Nicotine is the best 'ordinary' drug in society, it is commonly used [!], incredibly useful [!] -  helps inventors invent [!], but is also addictive [!].

It is used by college kids as a "smart drug" [!]; it improves focus & memory.

STAR 46 & The Universe
Star 46 is the 46th star in the Universe; he has guided me & understood my Brain since I was young - 4 years old; he is the result of Magic in the Universe being linked - to a sense of Dignity, he has held his own Confidence, sense of Being, and Persistence.

He is a star of Action, Understanding, Collectivism.

He is a Star - who has traveled through the universe, who has observed, seen - who has plotted, sought after a sense of Justice, and imagined a World re-united by Justice

"HURRY, HURRY Change the World"

This is Stars call to the world. He calls out seeing the drastic mess and discombobulation that is present in the world and among people. 

He sees the misfortune, unemployment and unfairness among peoples. He does not like this.

Star calls out for change. He states that the ideas of Men are not enough to conquer this - but that Wisdom & Decency are the most important traits that people could have, but that people aren't using them.

Star 46 is prayed to by 2 people.

Star 46 is as of recent, taking an observational back-seat in the Universe - watching everything going on in the world. 

Star 46 is located at in the universe (NASA research). 

In/Tags: dopamine d1 receptor 2019, dopamine d1 receptor and creativity 2019, is dopamine d1 responsible for creativity, dopamine d1 and energy, dopamine d1 and my child 2019, dopamine passion and power 2019

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