Thursday, December 2, 2021

AntiSocial Personality - Its The Weather, Man! [2021] (Psychopaths & Climate Connection) [2021]

---This article states that "genetic differences" in people are the result of long-term exposure to harsh/significant extremes of weather/temperature. These genetic differences contribute to the pool of antisocial personalities---

From the massive amount of Prison Inmates who are diagnosed "Psychopaths" [1] - to the general INCREASE in antisocial personalities in the Western World [2], one has to Wonder...where's it all coming from?

Why have Psychopaths steadily shit-faced our World, disrupting Peace [3] - and are constantly able to EFFICIENTLY enter in and infiltrate Politics [4]

Some say its the CHEMICALS in the Water/Food [5] - and that is IN-PART, true [article]. Heavy metals, artificial hormones and hormones in food ALL play a Role in the increasing prevalence of AntiSocial personalities [6]...BUT, these types of Personalities have ALWAYS existed...I don't know of ANY Major "KING" or "LEADER" of Medieval Ages who didn't fit into either the category of "Psychopath" or "Malignant Narcissist" - in FACT - the so-called "BARBARIAN AGES" of Northern Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain & Scandinavia - SHOWED that almost EVERY Ancestral Population had a time period - where they were all, to one Degree or Another, AntiSocial/Psychopathic. 

One thing that I've NOTICED, however, is that apart from the RESEARCH that Emotional RESPONSE dictates whether someone will BECOME a Sociopath; that certain environments representative of Emotional EXTREMES - have more "PSYCHOPATHIC" type traits.

So you ALL know - I'm NOT racist...and you can CLEARLY tell by the fact that I am (essentially) putting Northern Europeans & Africans in the "same-boat".

  1. The Northern European peoples, also known as "Scandinavians", descendants of FIERCE, barbaric and gruesomely Sadistic Warriors & PIRATES known as "Vikings" - GREW-UP in the Coldest Climate ON-EARTH. To this day, many people regard Scandinavians as being "not caring" and "cold" or "distant"... and BOLD & FEARLESS behavior, which is CHARACTERISTIC of Psychopaths and Sociopaths, and antisocials in General - is a VERY common trait in Scandinavia! [7] [8]. Borderline Personalities (erratic) are also common in Scandinavia, Sweden, mainly [9].
  2. AFRICANS: On the other hand are more dramatic, Emotional, sometimes even FLAMBOYANT, but also as indicated on the Streets of BUFFALO & other BLACK Gang-decimated areas, can be extremely RUTHLESS, barbaric, violent, and downright PSYCHOPATHIC...they KILL people, Police - ANYONE in their way without a CARE in the WORLD. Africans, grew up in a Furiously HOT Climate - hence WHY their Skin is so Dark! Its possible then, that these two temperature EXTREMES, led to the development of a HYPO-emotional and HYPER-EMOTIONAL population, respectively to their Nations. The HYPO-emotional (Scandinavians) are more inclined to SPECIFIC antisocial traits; like Callousness, Indifference, Arrogance/Smugness & Bold, Deceptive behavior - whereas AFRICANS, lying on the OTHER-END of the Spectrum; being more Emotional (sample RAP song), giddy, HYPED-UP, tend to also have "poor adaptation" to Stressors, and thus have ADAPTED to an Impulsive, AntiSocial lifestyle - since they have "too many Emotions" - many of them adaptably ACT as if they have NONE...perhaps, the "Wear-and-Tear" of a hyper-emotion Brain-GENETIC pattern, eventually creates the OPPOSITE effect in this population...leading to Coldness, alike the Northerners [10]! ...BUT, they (African Men) tend to have higher Testosterone [11], DHT [12] and Estradiol [13] levels - these higher hormones is from the high concentration of MELANIN in their skin - which leads to higher Testosterone production [14]. Black Men also have higher Free Testosterone. Also, black Men & Women tend to have lower Vitamin D levels; this is why Black Men & Women have lower Serotonin levels. Low Serotonin leads to Violent behavior - as well as hypersexual (very sexual) behavior.
  3. 3. HISPANICS: Spanish tribes were originally known as "Conquistadors" which is a Latin term meaning "Conquerors". For these AntiSocials it is the result of mixed Arabic-African heritage [15] [16] [17] [18] - which is Melanin, Sun-Darkness exposure + other unique genes passed down from Arabic peoples ("unchanged genes").

  1. In/Tags: antisocial personality weather 2021, antisocial personality articles 2019, antisocial personality, psychopaths are here because of climate change 2019, the reason why psychopaths exist 2019, antisocial personality and weather, melanin and antisocial personality, melanin and psychopaths, melanin makes psychopaths, antisocial personality its the weather,


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