Thursday, January 27, 2022

Does Malignant Narcissism Require Natural Confidence? 2022

Malignant Narcissism is a mixed form of Narcissistic personality disorder which includes Paranoid traits; a lot of times correlating to natural intelligence [1] [2] [3], as the paranoid traits are either the result of high intelligence [4] or the paranoia can lead to the drive to improve ones intelligence [5].

...but is Malignant Narcissism a result of Top-Tier masculinity or natural confidence? Or the opposite? Malignant Narcissism is generally a sign of high Manliness or masculine hormones, like Testosterone [6] - but it is also a sign of high Fear [7]. Fear of imperfection, mainly. 

But Malignant Narcissism generally requires events, reinforcing events in order to develop to legitimate perfection [8]. That is, the idea of "winning" in order to become a perfect confidence. Malignant Narcissists are good at winning - because they desire perfection and have the rational thinking to obtain it [9] [10]

So for malignant narcissism to become a complete form of influential confidence it does require a form or forms of reinforcement; generally winning a battle; whether real or perceived (usually real) or obtaining something the person wants [11].

In conclusion Malignant Narcissism is only well-formed when the person "wins" in life or life's challenges in one way or another. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

IdeaLabs LISURIDE Review [2022] Haidut's Lisuride Experiences 2022


This is a Review/My Personal experience with Idea Labs ( Haidut's lisuride product. This is a Dopamine agonist medication normally used for Hyperprolactinemia [1] (high prolactin levels) and Parkinson's Disease [2] - but it has many benefits for ordinary people [3]...such as countering Depression/boosting mood, life-extension and heart protective effects.


   Overall Review/Experiences::: I noticed improved mental clarity, creativity (divergent thinking), reflexes, reduced heart rate, better endurance, ceaseless sexual fantasies (at times all day), fat loss, muscle growth, and overall more quality/enjoyment of life.


Day One: I used 8 drops on my forearm, equivalent to the standard dose of 0.2 mg [4]. I noticed after about ~15 minutes, some improved mental clarity - but nothing too profound.

Day Two: Once again, this time a couple hours earlier than my last dose at 6:33 am, I dosed again ~8 drops. Nothing too noticeable, although its only been two days. Do notice (maybe) a little more relaxation, though.

Day Three: Now I definitely notice more, today, definite enhancement of all forms of pleasure, increased enjoyment & attention to small things like the sound of an air vent, increased enjoyment of TV, video games and improved tolerability of cold weather. I ran outside with a T-shirt on in freezing cold weather. Normally it would be a little more annoying/stressful but it seems this drug has some adaptogenic effect.

Day Four: Noticing improved motivation for Writing, music, and exercise. Noticing also an increased curiosity for listening to new music. Mood is highly energized & ambitious.

Day Five: Noticing (once again) an improved motivation for Writing, Marketing, and also a nearly eliminated refractory period - meaning I can orgasm/ejaculate one after another with only about 2 minutes needed for recovery. This evident both in sexual intercourse and during masturbation.

Day Six: Noticed an maximal increase in sexual desire (libido) [although already normally very high] - this drove it to obsessive (ceaseless) sexual thoughts - I may have to reduce the dosage (lol!) [or not]. 

Day Seven: Noticed increased frequency of random erections (all day nearly!) and continually increased libido, even at a reduced dose of ~4 drops - it may be that given this is liquid (transdermal/on the skin) version of the drug/medication that it is a lot stronger - and possibly hits you in ways that normally would not be as apparent with pills/tablets.

Day Eight: Went to ~2 drops today instead - seems this keeps the effects more related to normal activities and focus is still way up! Noticing the same mental benefits as the initial ~8 drops - without the obsessive sexual drive.

Day Nine: Noticing a clear diuretic effect (improved veins/muscle definition) - this I thought I noticed earlier during this trial but I brushed it off as coincidence given that its not a steroid or similar substance. However, dopamine does raise Human Growth Hormone (GH) levels [5] and can boost Testosterone [6] and Androgen Receptors [7] - so it makes sense it would have a pro-muscle effect.

Day Ten: I boosted it to sixteen (16) drops today, 8 twice a day; equivalent to 02 mg twice per day or 0.4 mg altogether. I noticed (interestingly) - more of a Euphoria, a sense of totally enhanced enjoyment a slight sense of grandiosity with this dose.

Day 11: Enjoyment of music is my theme today...but also writing. This product has continually enhanced my enjoyment of music and seems to make me in a relaxed/focused yet stimulated mood. I noticed a lot more fast-adaptation to cold weather - veins and heat flowing making it actually enjoyable

Day 12: Noticing nothing much new today. Not any different than yesterday. That's still a really good thing, though. Got blood work done to measure levels of Testosterone (out of curiosity) to see if it went up (sky-rocketed) - as I noticed enhanced control of environments and assertiveness. 

Day 13: No results to blood work yet, but definitely noticing the same (at ~16 drops) obsessive libido as earlier - although it skipped a couple days. Definite improvement in mood - on all levels.

Day 14: Bloodwork came back, Testosterone level jumped from 778 ng / dl to 998 ng / dl, which means it boosted it to the high-normal range. Very interesting.

Day 15: Noticing once again obsessed libido, but functionally able to ignore it as with an enhanced (odd) willpower, definitely a mystic balance achieved by such an obscure medication.

Day 16Noticing better endurance during running, and a reduced heart rate, my heart rate normally is at around 70-80, this brought to a healthier 65. 

Day 17: Heart Rate once again dropped, maybe because of Serotonin Antagonist properties [18]. Noticing the same benefits as before - with added benefit of improved creativity (divergent thinking) - to my articles. 

Day 18: Noticing improved verbal skills - and more extroversion. Went out to a club for the ~first time in 5 years tonight.

Day 19: Noticing improved management of businesses. 

Day 20: I'm faster & more efficient at doing pretty much - everything. My reflexes are better, too.

Day 21: Overall high zest for life. Enjoying music more. Enjoying everything. Managing my businesses well. Everything is going speedy.

Day 22: Same as above, but with a random erection while at work. (at ~4 drops per day, on forearm)

Day 23: Construction went well today on a larger project. Hopefully, my muscles grow 5 x their size with the addition of Lisuride. (joking, kinda!)

Day 24: More extroversion, picked up a part-time job as a Security Guard/Bouncer at a Club. Charisma used to get the job on a whim. 

Day 25: More libido/random erections at the club today. Scored three chicks in one night!

Day 26: Lisuride definitely kicks ass in comparison to Pramipexole!!! Lisuride is the superior dopamine agonist and drops Prolactin (PRL) levels to nearly ZERO!!!

Day 27: Lisuride activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular-Axis (including getting the Testicles going) - shot much bigger loads today (and tonight!) than usual. ;) ;)

Day 28: More improved ORGASMS & higher/stronger ejaculatory loads (ROPES!!!) x3.

Day 29: More memory, more extroversion, more jobs. More consultations due to better / MORE POSITIVE presentation on YouTube/Video sites.

Day 30: Ultimately! This drug kicked ASS!!! It really did what its marketed to do + more!!! (enhanced ejaculatory loads + testicle function and bigger muscles!!!)

In/Tags: idealsb lisuride review, haidut's lisuride experiences, haidut's lisuride experiences 2022, experiences with lisuride, experiences with lisuride 2022, what does lisuride do?, lisuride buy 2022

How to Downregulate the Dopamine Transporter 2022 [How to Reduce DAT 2022]

ANSWER: The only proven ways to downregulate the dopamine transporter are by raising the levels of Estrogen in the Brain [1] [2] - and by taking a Parkinson's/restless legs medication known as Pramipexole [3] [4] [5].  However, because estrogen does not cross the blood-brain-barrier (get into the brain) [6] easily, the only way to raise the brain levels of Estrogen for Men & Women is by raising Free Testosterone levels [7]

SUGGESTION: Although expensive, the most clinically proven way to boost Free Testosterone is to take a supplement like Test Stack Product No. 17 to boost FT levels. It contains Shilajit which is proven to boost Free Test levels in Men [8].


The Dopamine Transporter (DAT) is a protein that recycles (gets rid of) dopamine and essentially takes it out of activity [9]. Many people have genes that cause them to have more of these "transporters" [10] [11] which can lead to ADHD [12] [13] and other mental health issues [14]. Depression [15] & low libido (sex drive) [16] are also a result (symptom) of too much dopamine transporter activity.


There is something that carries the nerve dopamine outside, essentially saying "no more" - that is the Dopamine Transporter - the more of this "protein" (or carrier) present - the less of our Happy Chemical dopamine will be inside doing it's job.

***Other Ways***

Cheaper, Inexpensive Way to Downregulate the Dopamine Transporter

In/Tags: how to downregulate the dopamine transporter, how do i downregulate the dopamine transporter?, how do i downregulate the dopamine transporter 2022, downregulate dopamine transporter, downregulate dat 2022

Monday, January 3, 2022

How to Make Myself Want Sex As Much as A Teenager [2022] How to Boost My Sex Drive to that of a Teenager 2022

ANSWERRestoring Free Testosterone levels with Test Stack Product No.17 or a similar product can do the trick but you also need (its more complex than that, a lot of times) to alter the neurotransmitters - most people don't know this - but blocking serotonin is necessary as Teenagers have lower serotonin levels. So Metergoline or another serotonin blocker would do it. 


What is different about teenagers? What makes them so sexual versus those in their 20's? 30's? Older People? Many things happen as people get older...but the most important are the changes in the 20's because it highlights what is so different as Teenagers typically have higher sex drives than even people in their 20's...despite still being young. In your 20's, the sex drive starts going down [1] [2] [3] the levels of nitric oxide start dipping [4] [5] [6], the levels of serotonin go up [7] [8] [9], and the total Testosterone level is less [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] - testosterone being a hormone that boosts the sex drive of Men & Women [15] [16] [17].

However, various people have attempted to restore their sex drive (libido) to that of a teenager using Testosterone supplements and / or testosterone drugs [18] [19] [20]. This does not seem to do the trick. In fact other solutions such as NSI-189 ("smart drugs") are reported to restore teenage levels of sex drive. 

Why? This is because you can restore Testosterone levels but testosterone is considered a "necessary" [21] not a cause of high libido. 

Instead, it is the levels of Free Testosterone (a stronger form of the male hormone) [22] [23] [24], Dopamine:Serotonin balance (low serotonin causes insane sex drive) [26] and Histamine & Nitric Oxide levels that are important [27] [28] [29].

Teenagers have...

***Restoring Nitric Oxide Levels to Teenage Levels***
You can restore nitric oxide levels to Teenage levels by following the suggestions in this article. Things like Oxystorm provide naturally occurring nitrates that raise nitric oxide in the body/brain. More than what's found in food. As these are specific Red Spinach extracts that are made more potent by a specific separation (extraction) process.

Utilizing the "Obsession" Neurotransmitter Histamine

In/Tags: how to boost libido to that of a teenager, how to boost sex drive to that of a teenager, how to boost libido to that of a teenager 2022, how to boost sex drive to that of a teenager 2021

How to Maximize Nitric Oxide Levels 2022 [How do I Maximize Nitric Oxide Levels? [2022]

Maximizing nitric oxide levels can keep us Youthful (young) [1] - and is one key to reversing/preventing Aging [2] and leading to teenager style vitality [3] for the rest of our lives.

  • We can take Vitamin C + Garlic supplements to raise Nitric Oxide 200% [4].
  • We can drink Pomegranate juice to raise Nitric Oxide synthase enzymes [5] [6]. (This alters the smaller pieces of genetic code to improve N.O release)
  • We can take L-Histidine; which raises a neurotransmitter "nerve" called Histamine - which then maximizes the Nitric Oxide output [7].
  • We can maximize our Testosterone levels; for both Men & Women - by taking supplements like Test Stack [8].

Nitric Oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that also keeps us motivated to Goals [9].
Together, with science we can make & continue a motivated society - and a functional one. 
The more nitric oxide - the more dopamine [10] [11]. The more dopamine there is, the more motivated we are, but Nitric Oxide has direct effects on motivation as well. Not just through Dopamine.

Nitric Oxide levels being high also protects our Hearts [12] - and our blood flow in general [13]. Especially to the Brain [14] [15]

***The Science of Nitric Oxide***

Nitric Oxide was discovered as a chemical causing relaxation of blood vessels in 1980. Since then, much research has been done on the chemical. Nitric Oxide (N.O) is known to help fight infections [16] and helps maintain & grow muscle [17]. Nitric Oxide not only reverses aging but if maximized early, can prevent the process, mostly. 

Teenagers have the highest levels of Nitric Oxide [19]. This is what causes their extreme sex drive [20] [21], high hormone levels [22] and motivation & pursuit of love [23].

It seems then...that maximizing Nitric Oxide not only will make the world a more youthful place - but also one that is lacking sexual dysfunctions seen in recent years [24] [25] [26]. We can make the world a perfectly reproducing world - by teaching people how to take care of their health and not judging the sexual behavior of people. By encouraging sexual activity and the naturality of it - we can loosen the restraints of people and make the world a funner - more youthful place. 

                      ***More Youth, More Sex, Less Deliberation***

  • We as humans naturally seek out sexual perfection & competition [27], but did you know that this depends on Nitric Oxide? [28]
  • Additionally, sexual experience increases/maximizes Nitric Oxide [29] - so the more sex - the healthier our blood flow & heart health [30].
  • Edgy discussions & long-discussions with fruitless results are the result of lack of common sense - something Nitric Oxide stimulates [31].
  • Nitric Oxide allows us to control ourselves [32] & make the "right" decision [33].
Thus, nitric oxide enhancement (teaching this) is likely to motivate people to improve their health understanding that both behavioral control and "fun" impulses such as the desire for sex rely on Nitric Oxide. Simply put, nitric oxide makes us, human. 

It powers our emotions [34] - strengthens our resolve [35] and makes us fun people to be around [36].

A Stronger Kidney, A Stronger Spiritual Connection?

Nitric Oxide plays a role in kidney health [37], but also, it regulates serotonin [38] - leading to increased Spiritual Behavior/Spirituality in people who believe [39]. Studies suggest nitric oxide leads to openness, when balanced properly with dopamine [40]. This would lead to a more tolerant world...

Key point is that there are spiritual zones in the kidney - their health and proper blood flow would allow for rational thinking [41]

By enhancing nitric oxide levels in people - the world would be more Tolerant, Rational, Open & Youthful [42].

On the other hand, we must still protect our health from toxins produced in the world - and lead exposure [43].
Lead & Cadmium can be detoxified by enhancing Nitric Oxide [44].
More blood flow = more detoxification and that equals better health [45] [46].

This whole world is coming unglued by school/place shooters, COVID-19 & political unrest; but maybe...we can repair it by restoring the health of people so they make more effective decisions that influence larger amounts of people.

Knowing for instance, that Nitric Oxide kills COVID, and helps the body fight COVID - is one MAJOR reason to maximize Nitric Oxide and trust science.

Nitric Oxide is a powerful gaseous molecule that maximizes Oxygen in the blood...
Oxygen levels are deficient (low) in people that are violent. For example, the alpha-1-agonist drug Pseudoephedrine halves oxygen to the front part of the Brain - leading to violent behavior in some cases

Oxygen deficiency is something that can impact leadership & effectiveness in social situations.

***Nitric Oxide & Regulation of other Neurotransmitters***

Nitric Oxide downregulates alpha-adrenergic activity selectively [47], while preserving some of the beneficial adrenergic activity [48]. Alpha-adrenergic receptor A1B shortens lifespan, A1A extends lifespan and protects against Cancer [49]. Nitric Oxide activates Protein Kinase C [50] [51] - which then desensitizes the alpha-1B receptors [52].

This means, taken in conclusion - Nitric Oxide...

  • Protects against Cancer [53].
  • Protects against COVID [54].
  • Restores Youthfulness [55].
  • Restores Overall Health/Optimizes It [56]

HINT: Trace Minerals also play a role in Nitric Oxide production.

In/Tags: how to maximize nitric oxide levels, maximize nitric oxide levels, how to maximize nitric oxide 2021, how to maximize nitric oxide levels 2021, how do i maximize nitric oxide?

How to Boost Libido to that of a Teenager 2022 How to Boost Sex Drive to that of a Teenager 2022

ANSWERRestoring Free Testosterone levels with Test Stack Product No.17 or a similar product can do the trick but you also need (its more complex than that, a lot of times) to alter the neurotransmitters - most people don't know this - but blocking serotonin is necessary as Teenagers have lower serotonin levels. So Metergoline or another serotonin blocker would do it. 


What is different about teenagers? What makes them so sexual versus those in their 20's? 30's? Older People? Many things happen as people get older...but the most important are the changes in the 20's because it highlights what is so different as Teenagers typically have higher sex drives than even people in their 20's...despite still being young. In your 20's, the sex drive starts going down [1] [2] [3] the levels of nitric oxide start dipping [4] [5] [6], the levels of serotonin go up [7] [8] [9], and the total Testosterone level is less [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] - testosterone being a hormone that boosts the sex drive of Men & Women [15] [16] [17].

However, various people have attempted to restore their sex drive (libido) to that of a teenager using Testosterone supplements and / or testosterone drugs [18] [19] [20]. This does not seem to do the trick. In fact other solutions such as NSI-189 ("smart drugs") are reported to restore teenage levels of sex drive. 

Why? This is because you can restore Testosterone levels but testosterone is considered a "necessary" [21] not a cause of high libido. 

Instead, it is the levels of Free Testosterone (a stronger form of the male hormone) [22] [23] [24], Dopamine:Serotonin balance (low serotonin causes insane sex drive) [26] and Histamine & Nitric Oxide levels that are important [27] [28] [29].

Teenagers have...

***Restoring Nitric Oxide Levels to Teenage Levels***
You can restore nitric oxide levels to Teenage levels by following the suggestions in this article. Things like Oxystorm provide naturally occurring nitrates that raise nitric oxide in the body/brain. More than what's found in food. As these are specific Red Spinach extracts that are made more potent by a specific separation (extraction) process.

In/Tags: how to boost libido to that of a teenager, how to boost sex drive to that of a teenager, how to boost libido to that of a teenager 2022, how to boost sex drive to that of a teenager 2021

How to Increase D3 Receptors in the Brain 2022 (How do I Increase D3 Receptors in the Brain? [2022]


D3 receptors are important for...

  • Motivation for Money & Goods [1].
  • Ejaculation [2] [3] [4].
  • Taking proper Risks [5].
  • Thinking through decisions [6].
Given that, it makes sense that some who lack Motivation for Money & Goods would benefit from a method to increase D3 receptors in the Brain.

The following supplements/drugs increase D3 receptors in the Brain...


D3 receptors play a BIG role in human behavior, ultimately - much of our workforce depends on the motivation for Money & Goods - you NEED money for something; whether it be to put food on the table or for your own personal spending. So - many people lack that motivation for Money in the first place. Increasing the D3-receptors (dopamine) in these people would correct this issue. Rest assured, increasing these receptors won't turn you into a money-loving hog! 

...but in today's world is that really a bad thing?

Sometimes, you need to love money with a sort of callous ambition in order to take your job seriously enough - even if its just in the moment.

...Besides, you have to rely on people to do the right thing. If people get obsessed with money - eventually through exploration & experience - people find that what they are looking for is or isn't worth it...they will find that there are better things in life, than money.

In/Tags: how to increase d3 receptors, how to increase d3 receptors in the brain, how to increase d3 receptors in the brain 2021, how do i increase d3 receptors?, how do i increase d3 receptors in the brain?, how do i increase d3 receptors in the brain? 2021

Saturday, January 1, 2022

How to Maximize Nitric Oxide Levels 2021 [How do I Maximize Nitric Oxide Levels? [2021]

Maximizing nitric oxide levels can keep us Youthful (young) [1] - and is one key to reversing/preventing Aging [2] and leading to teenager style vitality [3] for the rest of our lives.

  • We can take Vitamin C + Garlic supplements to raise Nitric Oxide 200% [4].
  • We can drink Pomegranate juice to raise Nitric Oxide synthase enzymes [5] [6]. (This alters the smaller pieces of genetic code to improve N.O release)
  • We can take L-Histidine; which raises a neurotransmitter "nerve" called Histamine - which then maximizes the Nitric Oxide output [7].
  • We can maximize our Testosterone levels; for both Men & Women - by taking supplements like Test Stack [8].

Nitric Oxide is a powerful neurotransmitter that also keeps us motivated to Goals [9].
Together, with science we can make & continue a motivated society - and a functional one. 
The more nitric oxide - the more dopamine [10] [11]. The more dopamine there is, the more motivated we are, but Nitric Oxide has direct effects on motivation as well. Not just through Dopamine.

Nitric Oxide levels being high also protects our Hearts [12] - and our blood flow in general [13]. Especially to the Brain [14] [15]

***The Science of Nitric Oxide***

Nitric Oxide was discovered as a chemical causing relaxation of blood vessels in 1980. Since then, much research has been done on the chemical. Nitric Oxide (N.O) is known to help fight infections [16] and helps maintain & grow muscle [17]. Nitric Oxide not only reverses aging but if maximized early, can prevent the process, mostly. 

Teenagers have the highest levels of Nitric Oxide [19]. This is what causes their extreme sex drive [20] [21], high hormone levels [22] and motivation & pursuit of love [23].

It seems then...that maximizing Nitric Oxide not only will make the world a more youthful place - but also one that is lacking sexual dysfunctions seen in recent years [24] [25] [26]. We can make the world a perfectly reproducing world - by teaching people how to take care of their health and not judging the sexual behavior of people. By encouraging sexual activity and the naturality of it - we can loosen the restraints of people and make the world a funner - more youthful place. 

                      ***More Youth, More Sex, Less Deliberation***

  • We as humans naturally seek out sexual perfection & competition [27], but did you know that this depends on Nitric Oxide? [28]
  • Additionally, sexual experience increases/maximizes Nitric Oxide [29] - so the more sex - the healthier our blood flow & heart health [30].
  • Edgy discussions & long-discussions with fruitless results are the result of lack of common sense - something Nitric Oxide stimulates [31].
  • Nitric Oxide allows us to control ourselves [32] & make the "right" decision [33].
Thus, nitric oxide enhancement (teaching this) is likely to motivate people to improve their health understanding that both behavioral control and "fun" impulses such as the desire for sex rely on Nitric Oxide. Simply put, nitric oxide makes us, human. 

It powers our emotions [34] - strengthens our resolve [35] and makes us fun people to be around [36].

A Stronger Kidney, A Stronger Spiritual Connection?

Nitric Oxide plays a role in kidney health [37], but also, it regulates serotonin [38] - leading to increased Spiritual Behavior/Spirituality in people who believe [39]. Studies suggest nitric oxide leads to openness, when balanced properly with dopamine [40]. This would lead to a more tolerant world...

Key point is that there are spiritual zones in the kidney - their health and proper blood flow would allow for rational thinking [41]

By enhancing nitric oxide levels in people - the world would be more Tolerant, Rational, Open & Youthful [42].

On the other hand, we must still protect our health from toxins produced in the world - and lead exposure [43].
Lead & Cadmium can be detoxified by enhancing Nitric Oxide [44].
More blood flow = more detoxification and that equals better health [45] [46].

This whole world is coming unglued by school/place shooters, COVID-19 & political unrest; but maybe...we can repair it by restoring the health of people so they make more effective decisions that influence larger amounts of people.

Knowing for instance, that Nitric Oxide kills COVID, and helps the body fight COVID - is one MAJOR reason to maximize Nitric Oxide and trust science.

Nitric Oxide is a powerful gaseous molecule that maximizes Oxygen in the blood...
Oxygen levels are deficient (low) in people that are violent. For example, the alpha-1-agonist drug Pseudoephedrine halves oxygen to the front part of the Brain - leading to violent behavior in some cases

Oxygen deficiency is something that can impact leadership & effectiveness in social situations.

***Nitric Oxide & Regulation of other Neurotransmitters***

Nitric Oxide downregulates alpha-adrenergic activity selectively [47], while preserving some of the beneficial adrenergic activity [48]. Alpha-adrenergic receptor A1B shortens lifespan, A1A extends lifespan and protects against Cancer [49]. Nitric Oxide activates Protein Kinase C [50] [51] - which then desensitizes the alpha-1B receptors [52].

This means, taken in conclusion - Nitric Oxide...

  • Protects against Cancer [53].
  • Protects against COVID [54].
  • Restores Youthfulness [55].
  • Restores Overall Health/Optimizes It [56]

HINT: Trace Minerals also play a role in Nitric Oxide production.

In/Tags: how to maximize nitric oxide levels, maximize nitric oxide levels, how to maximize nitric oxide 2021, how to maximize nitric oxide levels 2021, how do i maximize nitric oxide?

How to Reduce 5-HT4 Receptors 2021 [How to Reduce Serotonin 4 Receptors? 2021] (How to Lower 5-HT4) 2021

 Testosterone levels in healthy men correlate negatively with serotonin 4 receptor binding.

ANWSERRaise Testosterone levels to the high-normal or very high levels would reduce 5-HT4 receptors. As seen in the study above.

***Health Benefits of Reducing 5-HT4 Receptors***
  1. Removal of Diarrhea [1]
  2. Improved Bowel Function [2]
  3. Increased Muscle Mass [3]
  4. Diuretic Effects; more Vascularity (veins showing) and less body fat [4] [5].
  5. Improved Erections/Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction [6] 

Also...Estrogen does the OPPOSITE - it raises 5-HT4-receptor expression. So ensuring your Estrogen (E2) levels stay low means less 5-HT4 and thus, less Prolactin [7], Cortisol [8], Aldosterone [9] - and other stress hormones. Plus, less water retention/sodium retention [10] and other problems of the body that hinder optimal health.

You can lower Estrogen by taking the same Test-Booster mentioned above (for Men & Women - or by taking the supplement Chamomile extract [11].

In/Tags: how to reduce 5-HT4 receptors, how to reduce 5-HT4 2021, how to reduce serotonin 4 receptors?, how to lower 5-HT4, reducing 5-HT4 receptors naturally 2021, how to lower 5-HT4 naturally?, what raises 5-ht4 receptor expression

How to Increase D4 Receptors in the Brain? 2021 [How to I Boost the D4 Receptor? 2021]


The Dopamine D4-receptor or "fourth door" for Dopamine is a receptor that, when dopamine activates it - leads to Exploratory Behavior (exploring things[1] [2], Reduced Instinctual Fear [3] - erection [4], reduces time until ejaculation "time until I cum" [5]. It also is involved in Intelligence [6] [7] [8] The more D4 receptors; the more intelligence & creative thinking someone has [9] - and higher capacity to raise their IQ [10] [11].

Schizophrenics have high D4 activity but the same nerve correlates are the reason why they often have higher intelligence/creativity [12] [13] [14].

Dopamine D4-receptors promote intelligent risk-taking in a field you already are in or have experience in [15].

D4 receptors increase skin tanning [16].
D4 Receptors increase the diversity (different kinds) of sexual fantasies [17].

To increase the D4-receptors you have to...

In/Tags: how to increase d4 receptors in the brain, how to increase d4 receptors in the brain?, how to increase d4 receptors in the brain 2021, how do i boost the d4 receptor?, how do i boost the d4 receptor? 2021, suggestions 2021, d4 & exploration, d4 and novelty seeking 2021, d4 and drug addiction 2021, does d4 receptor cause you to become a drug addict? 2021

How to Increase D3 Receptors in the Brain 2021 (How do I Increase D3 Receptors in the Brain? 2021]


D3 receptors are important for...

  • Motivation for Money & Goods [1].
  • Ejaculation [2] [3] [4].
  • Taking proper Risks [5].
  • Thinking through decisions [6].
Given that, it makes sense that some who lack Motivation for Money & Goods would benefit from a method to increase D3 receptors in the Brain.

The following supplements/drugs increase D3 receptors in the Brain...


D3 receptors play a BIG role in human behavior, ultimately - much of our workforce depends on the motivation for Money & Goods - you NEED money for something; whether it be to put food on the table or for your own personal spending. So - many people lack that motivation for Money in the first place. Increasing the D3-receptors (dopamine) in these people would correct this issue. Rest assured, increasing these receptors won't turn you into a money-loving hog! 

...but in today's world is that really a bad thing?

Sometimes, you need to love money with a sort of callous ambition in order to take your job seriously enough - even if its just in the moment.

...Besides, you have to rely on people to do the right thing. If people get obsessed with money - eventually through exploration & experience - people find that what they are looking for is or isn't worth it...they will find that there are better things in life, than money.

In/Tags: how to increase d3 receptors, how to increase d3 receptors in the brain, how to increase d3 receptors in the brain 2021, how do i increase d3 receptors?, how do i increase d3 receptors in the brain?, how do i increase d3 receptors in the brain? 2021