Sunday, June 16, 2024

Titan Steel REVIEW - Russian Star Peptides

AD: Buy Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) from a Reliable and Famous Pharmacy:

I recently (about 1 month ago) purchased

“Titan Steel” from Russian Star Peptides, it has a spider venom extract in it called TX2-6.

This chemical is reported to cause erections - and possibly grow the penis; both in girth & length.


It can be used 2 drops twice a day on the penis. Or 6 drops at once on the penis 1 hour before Sex.

I used it about ~3 weeks; two drops on the penis twice a day.

-I noticed increased erections frequency.

-I noticed more veins poking out of my penis; a sign of good blood flow.

-Increased girth of the penis.

-At the end of the 3 weeks was a 0.8 inch penis LENGTH growth.


  1. have you tried Testosterone base in vitamin E, orally?

  2. And you conjured up your Antichrist. And now I will show you what these FALLEN ANGELS FROM YOUR ARTICLE look like This photo predates the times when artificial intelligence could do something like this. And real.... And now I'll tell you this. If you want to survive. If we want to survive. If we want to take over the cosmos (I don't intend to conquer only the earth. I WANT TO TAKE POWER OVER THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!) We have to do this: And look at this! See the whole thing!
