Saturday, May 5, 2018

Why Murder to Protect an Illicit Business ISN'T Reasonable.

In Our Previous Article; we described the many MANY reasons why Murder could be deemed reasonable in protecting Illicit Businesses/Enterprises. We also went over the Perils of such a Business and the many deciding factors that could influence the direction of such a business. 

Of central interest - are the dilemma's associated with the naysayers and intrusive peoples frequently encountered in the Business. 

Thus, it is essential for us to be "Fair and Balanced" and assess the reasons why Murder isn't/won't be reasonable to the conduction of Business or the protecting of Profits and Assets associated with it.

5 Things to Remember about Drug Dealing, Stolen Goods/Pawn Shops, and Illegal Virtual Goods Dealing as it Relates to the Use of Murder.

  1. Business with such goods is highly variable, demand for some items over others will rapidly change, and peoples expectations of those goods, the purity/validity of them may change with time - Dealers and other illicit item sellers have to constantly understand these patterns - thus they have to keep Cognitive Control of any and all circumstances that may arise from not conducting business "as expected". This puts a substantial amount of work-load on the Dealer/Seller or Would-Be Dealer/Seller already. This makes it a more difficult prospect to embark on a Mission of Murder when many other factors may be seen as more important.
  2. Aside from this - there are also currency changes, geographical issues, random Law Enforcement actions (sweeps or raids) and other "sudden" issues which may make Murder harder to get away with...
  3. Some Buyers may shy away with any Dealer who is known or even RUMORED to have Committed Murder.
  4. There is less time and sometimes less cooperation between Street Parties who have at one point used Murder to send an example.
  5. So while Murder may boost the persons Ego and garner Respect for such an individual - it may also "turn-off" supporting parties or potential supporting parties to such person.
If the idea of Murder in an Illicit Business is to PROTECT Business.
  1. Then a logical fallacy might erupt that says "murder can send you to jail so it doesn't. 
  2. ...Or that there is "no guarantee you will/could get away with it". 
  3. So it *potentially* ruins business rather than Protects it.
On the other hand...

If the idea of Murder shall be used to REINFORCE the Legitimacy of said Business or the Competency of its Individuals or Leaders then...

  1. The Person is responsible for such results AND Consequences and...
  2. The person may be indebted to suspicious onlookers or those whoin may keep their secret by means of understanding but not "reporting" their Reputation/s.
...In either case, Murder can be seen as "playing with many variables" - even too many to count which may later be introduced in that persons Life as some who "leave the game" later "grow a conscience" and as such.

Thus...Murder can be an instrument of self-defeat, a Legacy which comes back to haunt the individual.

  1. Whether you call this "karma" or some other unlinear aspect is irrelevant.
  2. Its a logical consequence of the free-will of humans; on both sides.
  3. ...And yet an illogical action if you deem "Caution" to be logical as both the act of Murder and Reporting a Murder can be equally DANGEROUS to both parties.
In/Tags: why murder to protect an illicit business isn't reasonable, why murder isn't reasonable 2018, the fallacies of murder 2018, murder is incorrect 2018, why murder to send a message is illegitimate 2018

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