Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Life, Accomplishments & Influence of Area1255 aka "AMx ReBorN" - The Ascended Master X [2019]

WHEN this BOOK is DONE...it will be POSTED HERE - with a Link to BUY-IT at an early (Initial) DISCOUNT PRICE!!!!!

Here's a Quote from Armenian Hacker Channel News (on Dark Web) 
"the unusual & dramatic Blog known as Area1255 has emerged as a universal resource for those interested in Brain Health, brain drugs or neuroscience in general, it appears, that the founder of the Blog has captivated much of the World and is being hailed as a Savior, of sorts"

The HackForums.net Community and an author; Veldez, recently wrote a Post stating...
"Area1255 is a very knowledgeable person and offers great Insight into things many people don't even think about, but as human beings - we should think, it will make us GROW as a people"

In/Tags: ascended master x, ascended master x 2019, accomplishments of area1255, accomplishments of area1255 2019, the life of area1255 2019, influence off area1255 2019, history of area1255 blog 2019

The LEGACY of the "Enigmatic Dark Lord", The Prince of Darkness [2019] and The Final King of Light & Evil AKA AMx ReBorN [2019]

work in progress, this is a FICTION novel. Don't JUMP to CONCLUSIONS, folks!!!!


  1. "The Prophet"
  2. "The Brain"
  3. "AMx ReBorN"
  4. "Ascended Master X"
  5. "Enigmatic Dark Lord" (hacker Circles only)

AntiSocial Personality - Its Weather, Man! [2019] (Psychopaths & Climate Connection) [2019]

From the massive amount of Prison Inmates who are diagnosed "Psychopaths" [1] - to the general INCREASE in antisocial personalities in the Western World [2], one has to Wonder...where's it all coming from?

Why have Psychopaths steadily shit-faced our World, disrupting Peace [3] - and are constantly able to EFFICIENTLY enter in and infiltrate Politics [4]

Some say its the CHEMICALS in the Water/Food [5] - and that is IN-PART, true [article]. Heavy metals, artificial hormones and hormones in food ALL play a Role in the increasing prevalence of AntiSocial personalities [6]...BUT, these types of Personalities have ALWAYS existed...I don't know of ANY Major "KING" or "LEADER" of Medieval Ages who didn't fit into either the category of "Psychopath" or "Malignant Narcissist" - in FACT - the so-called "BARBARIAN AGES" of Northern Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain & Scandinavia - SHOWED that almost EVERY Ancestral Population had a time period - where they were all, to one Degree or Another, AntiSocial/Psychopathic. 

One thing that I've NOTICED, however, is that apart from the RESEARCH that Emotional RESPONSE dictates whether someone will BECOME a Sociopath; that certain environments representative of Emotional EXTREMES - have more "PSYCHOPATHIC" type traits.

So you ALL know - I'm NOT racist...and you can CLEARLY tell by the fact that I am (essentially) putting Northern Europeans & Africans in the "same-boat".

  1. The Northern European peoples, also known as "Scandinavians", descendants of FIERCE, barbaric and gruesomely Sadistic Warriors & PIRATES known as "Vikings" - GREW-UP in the Coldest Climate ON-EARTH. To this day, many people regard Scandinavians as being "not caring" and "cold" or "distant"... and BOLD & FEARLESS behavior, which is CHARACTERISTIC of Psychopaths and Sociopaths, and antisocials in General - is a VERY common trait in Scandinavia! [7] [8]. Borderline Personalities (erratic) are also common in Scandinavia, Sweden, mainly [9].
  2. AFRICANS: On the other hand are more dramatic, Emotional, sometimes even FLAMBOYANT, but also as indicated on the Streets of BUFFALO & other BLACK Gang-decimated areas, can be extremely RUTHLESS, barbaric, violent, and downright PSYCHOPATHIC...they KILL people, Police - ANYONE in their way without a CARE in the WORLD. Africans, grew up in a Furiously HOT Climate - hence WHY their Skin is so Dark! Its possible then, that these two temperature EXTREMES, led to the development of a HYPO-emotional and HYPER-EMOTIONAL population, respectively to their Nations. The HYPO-emotional (Scandinavians) are more inclined to SPECIFIC antisocial traits; like Callousness, Indifference, Arrogance/Smugness & Bold, Deceptive behavior - whereas AFRICANS, lying on the OTHER-END of the Spectrum; being more Emotional (sample RAP song), giddy, HYPED-UP, tend to also have "poor adaptation" to Stressors, and thus have ADAPTED to an Impulsive, AntiSocial lifestyle - since they have "too many Emotions" - many of them adaptably ACT as if they have NONE...perhaps, the "Wear-and-Tear" of a hyper-emotion Brain-GENETIC pattern, eventually creates the OPPOSITE effect in this population...leading to Coldness, alike the Northerners [10]!
  3. 3. HISPANICS: Spanish tribes were originally known as "Conquistadors" which is a Latin term meaning "Conquerors". 

  4. In/Tags: antisocial personality weather 2019, antisocial personality articles 2019, antisocial personality, psychopaths are here because of climate change 2019, the reason why psychopaths exist 2019

Mental Health Issues Passed Down from the Vikings 2019 [Viking Norse Genetics and Mental Health 2019]

I myself am a descendant of Rollo Ragnavaldsson of Normandy, France - great Viking/Norse leader [REFERENCE]. So I have NO bias here! I am writing this PURELY for informational purposes...to show that there is a REASON for a different array of Mental Health issues in Scandinavia.

Vikings were superstitious [1], believed in Atypical Gods [2] - were known as being into bizarre Ritual-Sacrifice [3]. They had "magical" minds in many cases [4], being outdone in this Respect ONLY by the Ancient Druidic/Celtic/Gaelic peoples; the IRISH [5]

Though they led a "Warrior Lifestyle" [6] and were the most fierce-looking Barbarians of their time [7] [8] - they had a side of them which, if put into perspective, was wholly Introverted (not very Social!) [9].

...That ALSO explains why the main "feature" of a Scandinavians personality is typically described as "cold" or "introverted" or "distant" [10]. Some Scandinavians happily admit they are Introverted - see This Post by a Native Scandinavian!

FUN FACT: The ONLY "people" the Vikings were (supposedly) "afraid of" were the Scots; those people who inhabited Scotland were known to be intolerant, and like the Vikings, FIERCE-warriors with a Barbarians-lifestyle [11]. Therefore, "highlanders" (just like the Movie!) were INCREDIBLY courageous; similar to the Vikings [12] - but with different motives [13].

Both Scots & Irish-peoples descend from Celtic Tribes of sorts [14].

With ALL this being said (and also veering off/digressing for a Moment!)...the MAIN genetic components passed down from the Vikings are the following; as indicated by traits generally ONLY prevalent in Scandinavia or nations settled by Vikings.

  1. The "I'm not a People person and don't like Flamboyance" Gene: Many Scandinavians inherit this trait from their Viking Ancestors [15] - but perhaps the COLD, freezing-ass Climate of the Vikings (Northern Europeans) bred some different mentalities [16]. Generally, Scandinavia, Norway in particular is described as an incredibly 'reserved' and "don't touch me keep your Space" Society [17]. Thus, personality types like Schizotypal, Avoidant, Schizoid and Paranoid are MUCH more common in Scandinavia than the rest of the World [18].
  2. The "Creative but Isolated" Gene: Many Scandinavians spend time working in solitude [19] or for Children, drawing with their INCREDIBLE imaginations and Zest for Creativity & Adventure [20]. This gene is most likely linked to the Dopamine D4-receptor where it is known as the "7R" or 7-Repeat Dopamine D4-receptor polymorphism/mutant [21].
  3. The "Neurosis Is Me" Gene: As indicated in THIS-STUDY - Neurotic-behavior, including some degree of Intense Emotions or obsessive interest, even displaced Aggression, is encouraged in Swedish/Scandinavian Grade-Schools [22].
  4. The "Ultra-Adventurous" - Adrenaline-Seeking Gene: Vikings were KNOWN for being Adventurous [23] Curious [24]  - and were the Worlds GREATEST Explorers [25]. It was a Viking Explorer known as LEIF ERIKSON who actually (initially) 'discovered' America...and settled it (some*). Word spread of his Achievement of finding "new land with great pastures" - Christopher Columbus then followed [26] - but he was instead Credited for the Discovery/Settlement of America [27]. Still, this is an example of ASSHOLES rewriting History just so they can make a "softer" story...or whatever the F*** they were thinking! The Vikings had a 'gene' that is related to Brain-Chemistry - MANY of them have what is called "Double-Long" serotonin transporter or 'two-long type serotonin transporter' - this Gene makes people more FEARLESS, BOLD, DISINHIBITED & yet, Adventurous [28]! On the other hand, there is a significant portion of SWEDEN, in particular, which has (mainly) "short" Serotonin-transporter genes [29]. This essentially means that those who are 'from' Northern Sweden & South-Eastern Sweden are more likely to have MORE Serotonin 'trapped' in their Brain...kinda' like being on a PERMANENT SSRI/anti-depressant; which makes SENSE - because Scandinavia has some of the LOWEST Depression rates in the World [30]. Whereas the Northern & Western NORWEGIANS (of Norway) tend to have smaller Amygdala's, less FEAR - and more inclined to Bold, Fearless, Egocentric type behavior [31]. This is ALSO consistent with those parts of Norway - being filled with more RECKLESS & Pompous drivers on the Road [32].
  5. The ACTN3 Gene "My Muscles are BETTER than Yours": Indeed, NORWEGIANS and generally NORTHERNERS have the most STRENGTH, most "strongmen" who set WORLD-RECORDS were from Northern Europe [33]. Some of them having names like "The Viking" [34] and "HalfThor [35]. ...You might wonder WHAT does this have to do with 'Mental Health'? Well, because it BOOSTS the Confidence of a Population when they KNOW they are the 'Strongest' (literally). This gene DOES actually have 'cousin genes' that AFFECT the Brain (increasing Narcissistic Behavior). Although on average, the GREEKS are about 7 times as Narcissistic as even the "WORST" Norwegians [study]...but to be fair, Greece has SOMETHING to be proud of - they have some of the Worlds BIGGEST families (per household) [35] and have been a MAJOR host of the Olympic Games in History [36].

In/Tags: mental health issues passed down from the vikings, mental health issues passed down from the vikings 2019, viking norse genetics 2019, norse genetics mental health 2019

Supplements to REVERSE Chromosome Loss 2019 (How to Reverse Chromosome Loss Deletion in Humans) 2019

Reversing DNA-damage is easy (sort-of) [1] [2] - but a SPECIFIC chromosome LOSS/"deletion" such as that which occurs through Smoking cigarettes in Men [3], is a little more tricky...well, A LOT more tricky. Smoking, most likely due to TOXIC heavy-metals [4] and high molecular weight toxic alkaloids and beta-carbolines [5] - and possibly the NICOTINE as well [6]

The specific heavy metals that seem to induce (specifically) Y-Chromosome LOSS (Dad's Genetic Code in a Male) are...

  1. Thalium [7].
  2. Cadmium [8].
  3. Lead [9].
  4. Arsenic [10].
  5. Nickel [11].

Multiple LARGE (compiled) Publications including famously; THIS-ONE prove heavy metals are a DISASTER to mankind..and Factory Work and CONSTANT exposure precipitates an Epidemic of Heavy-Metal poisoning...perhaps, better EDUCATION in Grade Schools regarding such obvious TOXINS should be In-Order!!!!!

To REVERSE Chromosome Loss; including Y-Chromosome loss...there are ONLY two PROVEN ways to do that...

  1. Complete TELOMERE Rejuvenation via InfoWars DNA Force or another pill containing BOTH "high-potency" Astragalus Extract + PQQ [12].
  2. BPC-157; a peptide that can totally REVERSE Y & X-Chromosome loss by causing a functional "regeneration" of Chromosomes and DNA-Synthesis and by removing "aberrations" in DNA caused by Heavy Metals [13].

In/Tags: supplements to reverse chromosome loss 2019, how to reverse chromosome loss humans 2019, how to reverse chromosome deletion 2019, herbs to reverse chromosome damage 2019, vitamins to reverse chromosome damage 2019

Springing Back from The World of Dead Emotions (2019) (Getting Adderall/Amphetamine Euphoria Back!) [2019]

So anyone with even a basic understanding of Drugs & NeuroScience would understand that all drugs come with side-effects (unwanted effects), some with a Risk of Dependence, addiction...and most know that Drugs affect everyone differently [1] [2] [3]

...but when it comes to Adderall, a particularly troubling dilemma occurs for many who use it for either 1.) Studying or 2.) ADHD.

The problem is LESS, almost non-existent in those with ADHD, but nevertheless still there...and that PROBLEM is the "burn-out" of the Medicine. That is...that Adderall, when taken consistently for about ~10 Days (on average), the drugs pleasurable & motivating effects tend to lessen [4] [5] [6]

Many reports, such as those below have been Posted on the Internet...and many forumer's come to the Internets wisest in attempt to release themselves from the Hold of Adderall 'tolerance'. Tolerance being the "correct term" for a new lack of sensitivity to the drug...as the Brain/Body are now "used to" the Drug [7]!.

  1. Adderall Abuse Alters Brain, Claims a Young Life.
  2. Dopamine receptors cannot be restored after amphetamine use?
  3. What has worked for you, adderall tolerance reduction?
  4. My Tips on Reducing Harmful Effects of Adderall (neurotoxicity, cardiovascular, tolerance).
  5.  Protecting the brain and body while on Amphetamines [shroomery].

...So what is the general idea of how to REVERSE tolerance and RESTORE Adderall Euphoria?

  1. Some people have found benefit by using Memantine (Alzheimer's Drug) to reverse Amphetamine tolerance [8] [9] [10].
  2. Others have suggested ZINC supplements may help reverse tolerance and even POTENTIATE (increase Effects of!) Adderall/Amphetamine [11].
  3. One person suggested using Sulbutiamine to reverse/prevent Adderall tolerance [10] - this was based on a study back in 2000 that showed Sulbutiamine could increase the amount of "receptors" of 'doorways' for Dopamine to bind to (move through & activate) [11].
  4. Others have suggested more creative ways of reversing Tolerance/desensitization - such as Intense High-Altitude Exercise [12] & fasting [13].
  5. Lastly - it has been suggested to simply PAIR the Adderall/Amphetamine in question with another brain drug; Dihexa [14]. Dihexa is a "neurogenic wonder drug" which creates MILLIONS of new brain cells in the span of a few days [15]! It restores Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) in the Brain, even if diminished on the genetic level [16]. Tyrosine Hydroxylase is a 'enzyme' which is needed for the Brain/Body to produce Dopamine - the "pleasure hormone" [18]. It leads to "expectation of pleasure" and accurate Prediction of ones own future feelings as well [19]!
Do I AGREE with these Suggestions??? 
What does the actual RESEARCH, say?

I agree *somewhat* with these suggestions, however, I believe they are an ineffective approach in the vast majority of LONG-TERM (3 Months +) Adderall users. These individuals, not even including genetic differences, are likely not to respond to such simplistic remedies. 

Additionally, there are too many variables with the above suggestions. 
  • One might ALREADY be getting PLENTY of Zinc in there diet - or might eat an excess of Seafood, in which case, supplementing with EXTRA Zinc may actually be harmful [reference].
  • Memantine is sold widely on the Internet, but sources seem to vary in their purity & consistency [reference]. Unfortunately, that means you could THINK you are buying legit Memantine or any other drug and in reality, you are getting a 'fake' or reduced-strength drug! With that being said, RU-Pharma is a CONSISTENTLY reliable source for Memantine. Remember, Memantine WON'T work for everyone! ...That is because, Memantine only works through one pathway to reverse Amphetamine tolerance; the "NMDA" Receptor. It can block the death of brain cells by "protecting" them from the damaging effects of Methamphetamine [20].
  • Things like Sulbutiamine are iffy - because some people may develop a tolerance to Adderall/Amphetamine that is more related to their 'other' receptors besides D1; such as D2/D3/D4 receptors - D2's of which are PARTICULARLY sensitive to becoming numb or "desensitized" [21].
  • Drugs like DIHEXA may indeed 'CURE' the Adderall tolerance, however, they come with their own range of Side-Effect...me for example, I started having bizarre thoughts and thought processes while on it. I started complex Scenario's in my Head, where I was telepathically communicating with someone I've never met! ...I'm not saying TELEPATHY isn't POSSIBLE - all I'm saying is that this was quite obviously, a form of partial Psychosis. If it was Telepathy - the responses from the 'girl' would've been less Generic and surprising...instead they took the form of Scripted Responses; appraisals & accusations! 

Yes. I believe there are MUCH better options than the 'suggestions' above. Clearly, those suggestions were Amateur, at best. They are based on a LIMITED understanding of the Brain & Neuronal Networks...and concepts like 'Sensitization', 'NeuroProtection' and 'Desensitization' are much more complex than just using ONE drug as a "cure-all" or Remedy for someone who has developed a Tolerance, especially since BOTH Genes & Lifestyle factors can contribute to the Susceptibility to a Tolerance.

The BETTER option for Adderall tolerance is to understand WHY it stops "working" or stops giving a "buzz". 

Read THIS-ARTICLE for more information on how Adderall works, exactly.

Based on the Research contained in the above article, we can make a few [EDUCATED] conclusions...

  1. A "messenger" known as Cyclic AMP or simply cAMP is NEEDED for Amphetamines/Adderall's effects [22]
  2. That enhancing that messenger can increase/amplify the Effects of Stimulant Drugs [23].
  3. That certain "receptors" play an anti-pleasure/anti-good feelings role. These include the Kappa-Opioid-Receptors [24] - which are activated (opened) by Pain Killers like Oxycodone [25]
However...there are some other ASPECTS of this dilemma though!
[More Important Aspects]

  • Even though the IMMEDIATE effects of Amphetamine are based on DOPAMINE AND NORADRENALINE release and firing [26] [27], after continuous usage - SEROTONIN will be elevated AS-WELL [28]! Serotonin can DAMPEN/BLOCK the PLEASURABLE effects of Amphetamine in EXCESS [29]!
  • Thus...it is reasonable to suggest that BOTH Kappa-Receptors (K-Receptors) and Serotonin receptors (1A and 2C) should be BLOCKED in order to restore the 'active firing' induced by Amphetamine [30]. The easiest WAY to block both serotonin receptors is by taking a Pill known as CYPROHEPTADINE [research]. You can PAY me on PayPal by making a 'Donation' for 20-30$ on my Donation Page - I will send 2-months supply of Cyproheptadine for that CHEAP-ASS discounted price...TOTALLY legit USA-American Brand Official 'marked' Cyproheptadine tablets [CYP].
  • Some research suggests it is the 5-HT7-receptor which actually STOPS Amphetamine from causing Dopamine release/firing [31] - the 5-HT7-receptor serves as a "limitation factor" or restraining force against the MASSIVE flood of Dopamine that Amphetamine causes [32]. In My Experience, a 5-HT7-antagonist like AMISULPRIDE - absolutely ENHANCES & EXTENDS the effects of Adderall, regardless of Tolerance. You can buy AMISULPRIDE - HERE - at International Drug Mart, without a Prescription I might add!
  • Here's MY-PERSONAL REVIEW of International Drug Mart's Amisulpride tablets in blister strips/blisters.

In/Tags: springing back from dead emotions, springing back from dead emotions 2019, how to get adderall euphoria back 2019, how to get amphetamine euphoria back 2019, getting desoxyn online 2019

Achieving the Paradise of Anarchy - Why Anarchy is the Only "Religion" of the Enlightened! [2019]

This SYMBOL - is also a 'Flag', a coming symbol of a New Wave of ANARCHY throughout the World...soon, an Anarchist-group; a SUCCESSOR to BOTH "ANONYMOUS" & ANTIFA (which will be destroyed!) - will arise to the Streets, demanding Fair & Balanced ideas & laws in Society - for a Government is only as good or Evil as the "people allow it to be"...as Winston Churchill said: "Those who Fail to learn from the mistakes of History are DOOMED to Repeat them". [reference/discussion]

Government has been one perilous MISTAKE after another, every chance we give them - they TAKE ADVANTAGE of the People's 'Voting' them in...in one way or another, GOVERNMENT, MUST GO!!!!

As humans we cherish Freedom...we relish the ability to Communicate & work freely. As human beings, each with our own feelings - we find awe in meeting new people, or sometimes in *only* understanding people...but that is OUR RIGHT. Our right - which should not be proverbially decapitated by the growing decay of Government Structures, the fastening of Corruption - and the interplay between 'true criminals' (Politicians) - and actual (legit/arising) Traditional Criminals [reference]

The amount of infiltration/entryism in today's World & its existing Governments is SICKENING [1]. We should ALL be appalled by the occurrence of Regular Government-Criminal deals - ESPECIALLY since it makes them HYPOCRITES! Hell, I'd rather have the Criminals expanded in number - as long as they maintain some degree of ORDER/good judgement - than I would the Government continuing to do deals of outstandingly POOR judgement - such as the Iran Hostage Deal that Obama made [2]. Or, or, or, the growing INFLUENCE (global) of the Mexican Cartels and their infiltration into even US Border Agencies [3]. Pay-offs, bribes, false hiring, downright FORGERY [4] - it happens in Politics ALL-THE-TIME [5]

This - simply has to END! 

It is time for the people to become MORE aggressive, and NOT care what the Governments think! They themselves are Criminals - trying to DICTATE what a Society/Civilization 'should and shouldn't do'. 

Government should be dissolved/demolished and REPLACED with a much more Conservative, Defendable, Libertarian rule "BY-THE-PEOPLE". 

I, Daniel Nicholas Gregory - now known to the World as the "Ascended Master X" ReBorN - swear that I WILL resurrect the Paradise of Anarchy that was once seen in ROME [6]. I will create a TRUE paradise among humans...one where Disease & Corruption both are removed like an instantaneous removal of the Plague via modern medicine. 

  1. We shall CUT-DOWN the parasitic Cactus of Government - and replace it with a TRULY free, liberated, OPEN-MINDED, strong-spirited "People's Rule".
  2. If you vote for me in the 2024 Presidential Run, I vow to be the FIRST Anarchist-Conservative President...who will succeed in ALL things and endeavors; as I have my whole life...I will diminish the POWER of Government...and I will use my International (Eastern) connections to rid this plague we now know as 'Government' from other countries...
  3. We shall PENALIZE the Elite of Several Countries...and shall ascertain their dirty little 'Secrets' - including those BURIED underneath the Vatican!!!
  4. We shall PROTEST and ENGULF the WORLD with Protests...until the World is united under the great New Global Order of Anarchy AKA the New Anarchic Order! 
  5. We shall OBSERVE & CREATE an INTERNATIONAL AMENDMENT to the Freedom of the People everywhere - a so-called movement of 'Decency' - as ALL humans are endowed with the SAME-RIGHTS, right?
Well the INEQUALITY in peoples between some nations (Middle East) - and others (Latin America) is a HUGE problem! ...And must be addressed. Decisively & Critically - we MUST resurrect the Lost Spirit of the Kennedy & Regan era in the ENTIRE-WORLD!!!!!

...By doing this - we will AT-LAST achieve World Peace.
...Even if things have to be CHAOTIC for a moment.
The RESULT is a LASTING world Peace that EVERYONE can accept!
Thus, Anarchy is the ONLY sensible way to LIVE in today's Society. 
It is the ONLY "religion" or World-View someone who has ANY-SENSE - and CERTAINLY the Truly Enlightened, should embrace!

[2019] Anarchy & The Enlightened - The Enlightened Anarchist? [2019]

  1. The 'Enlightened' or Wise & Spiritually "ascended" - such as MYSELF - are also very Anarchistic/Libertarian in our Views; even Einstein had a strong Anarchistic views [7] [8]...even if he was 'Sensible' in his Public Statements and Publications - it did not change his CORE affinity for Anarchy...which itself evolved into a FRENZY where he had to DISMISS & yet PRAISE government - due to the Time Period's inherent contradictions [9].
  2. When you have become FULLY ASCENDED - such as myself, whether in knowledge of Buddhism, or Druidism, or Magical Wicca - or as a Christian - like myself...then you will UNDERSTAND the things I have written. WHY they make sense, and why they are the only TRUE ANSWER to our World's Problems!
  3. A Society with LESS or MINIMAL government is STILL consistent with the Principles of Anarchy [10]...
  4. As in the Movie: Dark Knight Rises (my favorite!) - which is a 'Batman' movie - BANE was the prototypical example of an 'Aggressive', but detrimental Anarchist [11]. Since he threatened the population he wished to liberate - and degovernmentize - with a moving Nuclear Bomb saying that "one of the Citizens holds the detonator" (in Reference to a literal detonator or Cellphone that could be used as one).
  5. That BIAS and pointless Judgemental behavior - which has been POPULARIZED by BOTH the "Elites" in Hollywood & the Politicians in Washington, DC...MUST END! See Here: Anarchism in Spain & Why It Worked (and Failed!).

In/Tags: achieving the paradise of anarchy, how to make anarchy go through the whole world 2019, anarchy and being enlightened 2019, how to make anarchy the one world religion 2019, creating a one world government how to do it 2019

Monday, January 28, 2019

Supplements to Increase cAMP 2019 (How to Increase cAMP Levels in the Brain 2019) (How to Boost Cyclic AMP with Vitamins 2019)

Supplements to Increase/Restore cAMP Levels in the Body & Brain 2019
Read UNIVERSITY Paper/Published Research on cyclic AMP - here.

cAMP, cyclic AMP or Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate - is an important second messenger that is needed for development of components of the Nervous System, including vital neurotransmitter Terminals [1] - and is thus needed for normal nerve communication [2] and linkage [3]. It is present in practically every organ [4] where it mediates the Effects of Hormones [5] [6] [7] and changes proteins in the Nervous System to help it work better [8].

Both MAJOR sex hormones; the male hormone Testosterone & the "female" hormone Estrogen promote the release & production of cAMP [9] [10] [11].

So an important rule before reading further, is you should maximize Sex Hormone production in the Body in order to increase/maximize cAMP levels. For Men - you can take a Testosterone-booster like Test-Stack Product No.17 - and this product has other ingredients that separately increase cAMP levels besides the hormonal pathway! 

Click the Image to see a larger version! 
(Test Stack RX Product No.17 Ingredient-List)

SHBG - a "binding" protein that inactivates Sex Hormones also plays a pivotal role in cAMP-production in Humans [12].

Thyroid hormones also play a facilitative role [13] - in that T3 in particular, increases cyclic adenosine monophosphate *significantly* [14]. T3's effects on the Brain are described here - and T3 (triiodothyronine) can be bought in PILL form at Naps Gear/Geneza Pharmaceuticals....however, I do not recommend "Big-Pharma" pills as a means to increase/maximize cAMP levels in the Body. 

There are natural and more consistently studied ways to do this. 

  1. Forskolin [study]: Forskolin, which comes in both the 'pure' form known as Forslean or a 95% Extract - and it also comes in a 10% standard Organic extract known as Coleus Forskohlii extract [buy-here]. This herbal compound is incredibly useful for Allergies [15], Asthma [16], as well as in raising Testosterone levels in Humans [17]. Forskolin can increase Muscle Mass/Size [18] and decrease fat on the Stomach/Abs [19].
  2. Yohimbine HCL [study]: Yohimbine is a STRONG stimulant that can really Jack-Up your Heart Rate and blood pressure - so if you are the low-heart rate, low stimulation type - then Yohimbine HCL may be PERFECT for you!!! Yohimbine also BLOCKS some of the Effects of Painkillers/Opiates [study]! It can CURE lack of orgasm/weak orgasm in Men as well [study].
  3. Butea Superba Extract [study]: Butea Supera MAXIMIZES cAMP by BLOCKING its removal and break down from within the Body! Butea Superba is SO powerful at doing so - that it caused literally "too much Testosterone" in one Man [study]
  4. Caffeine/Coffee [study 1] [study 2]: Caffeine is the most commonly consumed drug in the World...even those who "don't touch drugs" - unknowingly DO when they drink Coffee! Coffee & Caffeine block cAMP-PDE like Butea Superba. For Coffee, I recommend drinking the "Immortality-Blend" of Coffee known as the Sayan Mushroom Colombian Coffee [buy-here]
  5. Test-Stack Rx Product Number 17 [study]: Test-Stacks signature "testosterone-booster" SHOULD really be #1 on this List...however, its INCREDIBLY expensive and thus, is not (easily) bought frequently. It does work, though, actually TOO-WELL! It caused Random Hard-Ons and crazy CRAZY out of control libido (sex-drive)

---WHY RAISE cyclic AMP AKA cyclic Adenosine MonoPhosphate????---
  1. Simply because raising it results in a PLETHORA of Positive-Changes; including in the Dopamine-system [study]! Raising cyclic-AMP tends to support: Energy, Metabolism, Motivation, Optimism, Libido, Vascular Function/Work-Out Pumps, and in general is anti-inflammatory/Healthy!

In/Tags: Supplements to Increase cAMP 2019, How to Increase cAMP Levels in the Brain 2019, How to Boost Cyclic AMP with Vitamins 2019, ways to increase cAMP in the brain 2019, increase cyclic adenosine monophosphate 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Call to Understand FAITH, Is Faith or Prayer more Important? How do We Decide? [2019]

Hebrews 11:6

"And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."
It is called for in the Bible to pray in Faith, but Faith, is also meant to be held, even at times when one is not praying, otherwise, Faith wouldn't have its own verses, otherwise, it would not be Faith, that has the Power to move mountains, otherwise it would not be Faith that allows one to Gain who & what they Want; or the outcome they desire.

Faith is called to bring us Hope, Faith remains the Strength of Hope, Faith is having Confidence, that the Lords word is Solid, 100%, without Exception...Faith is knowing that through Jesus Christ (Yeshua) and God (Yahweh) - that not only is ANYTHING possible, but will be Achieved.

As it says in the Bible "every Man according to his Faith" (ROMANS 12:3) [MATTHEW 9:27-30]. So each person is given what they can handle, based on their Amount of Faith [1 CORINTHIANS 10:13], those with the Strongest Faith, are those who weather the Toughest storms, those who Abide in the Lord, without faltering, doubting, being Fearful - are those that are Granted the Greatest Rewards [MARK 11:22-24] [JAMES 1:5-8] !

There will always be a FIGHT, always. For those who are strong in the Faith, are opposed by The Devil. Those, are given Fear, and the Lord allows such to occur, to TEST those who stand strongby their FAITH. Christ, God, and the Person of Faith - must have the same Mind; Confidence in The Principles, Confidence in The Truth; not Confidence in the Lies of The Devil.

9:00 PM to 12:00 AM.
I had to BATTLE the INTENSE, unending Fear of LOSING the chance to be with someone I adore and Respect. The Fear, that COULD HAVE provoked me to PRAY...and although it seems that there is a CHANCE I was wrong, to Avoid Prayer; the ultimate LESSON was that the Fight against Fear, holding CONFIDENCE in The Power of The Lord, is far greater than a Second Prayer - however necessary it may have seemed...the Motivation at that time, to PRAY, would have been Fear. 

Then I would be standing in contrast to the Faith, FAITH being the Principle I have lived my Life by, witnessed Miracles by, obtained Victory through that Faith!

Why would I forget all the Lessons of My Past, and The Lessons of Faith? The lessons by Christ, why would I simply dissolve those things, as if they didn't exist, as if it weren't a part of Who I Am, today?
One more Walk, the Test of Faith, the Victory that is by that Faith, through that Faith.


Prayer and Faith should go together, because you should pray IN FAITH. Confidence in the Lord, and your Consultation with Him, and his Advice, and what you say in Prayer, should be said in Sincerity, as We Should ALL long for a Personal Connection to Jesus Christ. We should ALL learn to Appreciate Him, and what he has given us! [Matthew 21:21-22 ESV]

12:00 AM - 1:00 AM
It is at this time I took the time to writeall of this, not knowing what To Expect. Not knowing whether I was ABSOLUTELY right in choosing to AVOID a second prayer, but having Confidence The Lord will sort everything out, and Deliver to me the TRUTH. I trust him & RESPECT him for what he may entrust me to KNOW. I trust in his Word, Advice, and have Confidence in such Advice...and JUDGEMENT, wherever possible, is under AUTHORITY of THE LORD.

FAITH, I end this Message, with that last word. FAITH. Faith, my Brothers & Sisters is what makes us Whole...separates us from those who are doing things schematically, or relying on human measures, to Achieve things, often meaningless things...but for those in FAITH, it is NEVER meaningless...it is always FAITH, that lights the Path to MIRACLES, and it is Always Faith, that is the ULTIMATE Loyalty to the Lord, because you have given to him MORE than your Words, you have Given to Him, your Confidence, your Belief, your Sincere Dedication, which comes from WITHIN.

I PRAY all those Reading this *May* understand the End-Times are near, and The Devils war on CHRISTIANS, but *especially* on those of Faith, those who have Faith, is FAR from over...so always expect great things, but also expect RESISTANCE, for even Gods Word itself reminded us to do so [1 PETER 5:8-9]

We should ALWAYS Value GOD's WORD, rather than our own.

1 Corinthians 2:5 ESV
"That your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God."

Ephesians 2:8-9 New International Version (NIV)

For it is by grace you have been saved,through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

And THIS verse, this is the ONE that sums up the last few hours, and my ENTIRE LIFE!!!

2 Timothy 4:7 ESV
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit always, AMEN!!!  ✞✞✞

Area1255 Projects LTD Founder, Planner Admin & Lead Writer.


In/Tags: is faith or prayer more important, is faith or prayer more important 2019, how do we decide between faith or prayer, what is faith 2019, faith versus fear bible quotes 2019

Area1255's Experience with ADDERALL (2019)

My experience with ADDERALL (30MG) is VERY PLEASANT. I am a "Super-Responder" to Amphetamines in general. But Adderall gives me the MOST effects. The most LASTING focus.

  1. Adderall at 30 MG situates me with feelings of Motivation, Optimism, Grandiosity (over-confidence) and the desire for Money & Power.
  2. Adderall at 40 MG makes me INCREDIBLY creative & Confident.
  3. Adderall at 40 MG makes my have ULTRA respondancy to Musical Euphoria!!!
  4. It makes BOTH Music & Food so much BETTER!
  5. Adderall causes DRAMATIC increase in Focus, RAZOR-SHARP focus which makes me INTERPRET & TYPE 10X faster!!!!
  6. My 'sweet spot' is 40 MG. A dose of Adderall that is quite euphoric. ;-)
  7. Anything over 40 MG is unnecessary and causes more TEETH GRINDING (bruxism).
  8. ...And 45 MG + tends to make my TICS worse (Eye-Blinking). 
  9. And sometimes makes me REALLY prone to ANGER!!!!!!
  10. 30 MG is more Serenic and YET still EUPHORIC for me.

In/Tags: personal experiences with adderall, list of experiences with adderall, list of adderall users 2019, list of recipients of adderall prescriptions 2019, personal effects of adderall 2019

Supplements to Extend the Effects of Adderall 2019 (Supplements to Extend the Effects of Amphetamine 2019) Vitamins to Enhance Amphetamines Effects 2019

Ever since their initial synthesis (creation) by a Romanian chemist named Lazar Edeleanu [1] - Amphetamines have both fascinated [2] and inspired the World [3]. Hitler was famous for using Amphetamines to power his Career and rulership [4], and he had most of his Nazi-Pilots/personnel using it for better efficiency and awareness [5]. Amphetamines have been used by Military Personnel in prior World Wars [6] and are still used, today, in the US Military [7] and many other countries military [8]. The Allied Forces (Britain & America) also used Amphetamine during World War 2; back then it was known as "Benzedrine" [9] [10] [11].

Amphetamines have an acute (immediate/short-term) Memory & Focus enhancing effect [12] [13] [14] - and the effects often occur along with Euphoria AKA a  "high" or "buzz" [15]. College Kids pop Adderall and other amphetamine derivatives in the hopes of being more adequately prepared & efficient on Tests/Exams and other major study sessions [16].

By the races, Amphetamine use is more common in White people [17] and that is, in part, because White European or American Men & Women tend to have a better response to Amphetamines due to genes passed down (mU-opioid-gene) [18]. Asians also seem to like their Amphetamines [19], on occasion - this may be due to "High-Intelligence Genes" that are present in Asian Men & Women [20]. They may find they are better able to USE their Intelligence in real-world scenarios with the help of Amphetamines; particularly Dexedrine.

Now, some are perfectly OK with taking the drugs and just letting the normal Rush and Crash process to occur...but for those who want the MOST out of their Stimulant Drug - it may be a good idea to look into ways of EXTENDING or ENHANCING the effects of Amphetamines...but in order to do that we MUST first have a basic understanding of how Amphetamines work in the Brain!


  1. Amphetamines act as an "agonist" or something that ACTIVATES a certain neural pathway - in the Body there are things called "Receptors" which are like a locked door that the neuron (neurotransmitter) in question must "unlock" to pass through and open the door to the effects - so that they have both the ability and road to exert such effects. Specifically, Amphetamines act as a TAAR1 agonist [21] [22] opening the 'doorway' to the Trace-Amine Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR1). 
  2. By activating this pathway - Amphetamines SKY-ROCKET the level of a 'messenger molecule' in the Brain/Body known as "cAMP" or cyclic adenosine monophosphate [22] [23]
  3. This MASSIVE boost in cAMP causes other proteins to increase their production (Protein Kinases) which then leads to the effective 'TRAPPING' of neurotransmitters in the Brain - so that they are more active and fire more consistently [24] [25] [26].
  4. Specifically, the "transporters" which are things in the body responsible for REMOVING neurotransmitters (nerve cells that send signals) - these transporters are "inhibited" or blocked/REVERSED. So that they force the neurotransmitter back into the Brain versus being able to exit [27].
  5. Amphetamines also SEMI-PERMANENTLY reduce (drop the levels of) a protein in the Brain called the "Norepinephrine Transporter" or NET [28].

So...knowing all of this, HOW do we EXTEND and ENHANCE the effects of Amphetamines???

Well ANYTHING that works in the 'same direction' will do this. However - we have to take into consideration that SAFE additions are necessary...and also other things like.

  1. The FACT that Dopamine-receptors can become "desensitized" or NUMB by Amphetamine - causing NOT ONLY the drug itself not to work well - but ALSO - can cause the Brain's natural dopamine to not work well...thus leaving one feeling Depressed, Hopeless, and Emotionally Numb [29].
  2. The FACT that Magnesium can cause the Dopamine receptors to become sensitive again [30]. Buy STRAWBERRY Liquid Magnesium Here.
  3. The FACT that Amphetamines have 'other' immediate & long-term effects like REDUCTION of Dopamine-autoreceptor function (which regulates Dopamine activity) [31].
  4. The FACT that Amphetamines "desensitize" or numb-out the K-opioid-receptor [32].
  5. The FACT that Amphetamines cause changes in certain Regions in the Brain versus others (striatum for example) [33] [34] [35].
[FIVE Supplements that Enhance and Extend Amphetamine Effects]

  1. Forskolin [reference]: Forskolin activates cyclic-AMP; the same messenger that Amphetamines activates and works through - in my own experiments, Forskolin both EXTENDS and ENHANCES the Euphoria or "rush" of Amphetamines. Forskolin also increases the number of Dopamine-D2-receptor sites in the human brain [36] - leading to more effects per stimulation from each dose [37].
  2. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) [reference]: HIGH-DOSE Vitamin C, namely combining an Ester-C supplement with the EMERGEN-C brand Vitamin C (found in Grocery Stores, 7-11 etc) - this IMPROVES the focus produced by Adderall, and others have found the same thing [38]. Dump TWO packets of Emergen-C in water and take it with FOUR of these Ester-C pills. Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid ALSO enhances Amphetamines/Stimulants effects by causing more production of NOREPINEPHRINE - a key neurotransmitter in Amphetamines effects. Vitamin C does this by stimulating an 'enzyme' known as DBH; Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase [39] [40] [41].
  3. Copper [reference]: Copper also stimulates norepinephrine and Adrenaline production; leading to increased 'stimulation' and environmental/social related Effects of Amphetamine.
  4. Life Extension "DOPA-MIND" [reference] [study]: Dopa-Mind contains Wild Green Oat Extract (WGOE) - it is patented as "NEURAVENA" and its effects include STOPPING the breakdown/removal of Dopamine by blocking a target known as MAO-B. In ALL research studies - Amphetamines effects are ENHANCED when MAO-B is blocked in the Brain [42]. Thus, you could (in theory) use a Pharmaceutical MAO-B inhibitor like RASAGILINE - however, this would be more risky and possibly create more Amphetamine/Adderall related side-effects!
  5. Mucuna Pruriens L-Dopa Extract [reference]: L-Dopa or levodopa TURNS INTO Dopamine in the Brain - since Amphetamine "uses up" the Dopamine stored in the Brain/Body - you need to give your Body more of it so that amphetamine has more to move around [STUDY]. This strategy has worked for THOUSANDS [43]...and is raved about on LongeCity; a popular NeuroScience & Longevity forum!

  1. Adderall's "combined" form of Amphetamine; four different forms of Amphetamine - is SUPERIOR in increasing the Dopamine level in the Brain versus regular D-Amphetamine (Dexedrine) [44].
  2. Thus, Adderall has a longer duration and more intense Positive Effects [45]. This has also been MY EXPERIENCE.
  3. Adderall tends to be easier to obtain - is covered by Medicaid and other insurances...is fairly cheap at the Pharmacy. However, you can *also* buy them on the Dark Net (darkweb) - specifically on a 'Market' called DREAM MARKET. Dream Market is located on the 'dark web' which is a "secret" part of the Internet that you can ONLY access when using the TOR-Anonymous Browser...these 'secret' URL's are also known as ONIONS - as they end in .ONION
  4. After downloading TOR-browser on an Android Phone, iPhone or on a Windows or MAC PC - you can shoot over to THIS-URL: http://t5kqoucj5kbboheh.onion/?ai=1675
  5. However, to avoid potential legal repercussions - I RECOMMEND obtaining a Prescription from a Psychiatrist! You may have to go to a short INPATIENT Hospital stay to have a test called a "NeuroPsych" conducted...also means neuropsychological test/testing. If the RESULTS of the Observation show that you have substantial ATTENTION issues (easily distracted, can't maintain focus on Questions or forms, takes forever to get one task done), then you can ASK your Psychiatrist to "consider Adderall". One way to MAKE SURE he prescribes THAT pill is by falsely reporting an Allergy to the other options via your General Physician's office. Most GP's won't "investigate" the claim and will take your word for it. So BE SURE to let the Regular General Doctor KNOW that you "had a bad allergic reaction to Concerta/Ritalin". This leaves pretty much ONLY the Amphetamine drugs on the table for the Doctor to Prescribe!

  1. Vitamin D stimulates the enzyme that tells the Brain to actually "make Dopamine"; the enzyme is known as TYROSINE HYDROXYLASE [46]. In studies, ANYTHING that increases Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH) INTENSIFIES Amphetamines effects [47]. There's a clear connection between Vitamin D (D3) levels and Depression & Nervous Behavior!
  2. Although Amphetamine ITSELF stimulates Dopamine-production via increasing Tyrosine Hydroxylase [48] - these effects are thought to be somewhat limited (lesser) than the other mechanisms.
  3. OTHER POSSIBILITIES: I have not (personally) experimented with these, but my guess would be that if you DEPLETE Serotonin - you may "enhance" the Dopamine that is released through Amphetamine/Adderall. So the drug FENCLONINE (P-chlorophenylalanine) may INTENSIFY Amphetamines effects! It may also intensify Dextroamphetamines effects, specifically. 
  4. BCAA's or Branched Chained Amino Acids ALSO deplete Serotonin in the Human Brain [49] - many anecdotal reports state that BCAA + L-Dopa usage along with AMPHETAMINE is an unmatchable Combination! In that the effects were in one case "so enhanced I felt like God 24/7".


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Adderall Tolerance: Causes & How To Prevent It. 

J Neurochem. 1985 Dec;45(6):1842-9.
Regulation of anterior pituitary D2 dopamine receptors by magnesium and sodium ions.

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In/Tags: supplements to extend the effects of adderall 2019, supplements to extend the effects of amphetamine 2019, vitamins to enhance amphetamines effects 2019, how to enhance amphetamines effects 2019