Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Area-1255: Ushering in the New Era of Humanity & Resurrecting the Medieval Spirit 2019 (Tribute to Nordic Superiority 2019)

Ushering in the New Era of Humanity & Resurrecting the Medieval Spirit 2019


It is a custom we embrace, the precept of trying to understand ourselves - so that we can understand (and underestimate) the World. Yet the world is not the same on any land, strip, or Ocean. There is ALWAYS fluctuation. Always different types of Vegetation. Always different storms for each country. Each country - weathers a different tragedy, holds to its own manner...styles itself on the basis of its Faults & Defaults. Each country carries its own burden, on its shoulders...for some countries, they pass the burden on to even their recent Citizens. They pass it on (unfairly) to the Youth - such as in Africa [1] and France [2], Ireland [3] [4], Sweden [5] and others....

The world has been increasingly racially motivated in some Countries, the South African leadership recently "voted" to SEIZE land from White Farmers, some of whom had been there for decades [6]

In the USA - a new flurry of White Nationalist organizations have emerged from the depths of obscurity [7]. They have taken the travails of their Predecessors and relentlessly have driven them into becoming a Public Menace [8]...

...And yet, still, I SYMPATHIZE with the White Nationalists - on a certain level.

I believe Adolf Hitler was RIGHT...

The Nordic Peoples are the Superior race and are PROVEN to be via Science!!!

  1. Y-Chromosome analysis of the "Nordic" I1-haplogroup shows unusual characteristics - in that those possessing the haplogroup display Extreme Resistance to Cold Weather, Stress, better Ambition, Cognitive Function and higher-order thinking skills! They have the greatest Muscle-Strength - and most of the World's "strongmen" come from either Iceland [9] or Norway [10] or another Northern European nation [11]. The ACTN3 mutation which is present in virtually OLYMPIAN - is passed down from the Vikings [12]. Which explains the Sports of preference for those of specific ethnic backgrounds. Such as Tennis being taken up more by Africans & Hispanics - who's linear muscle-strength aren't quite as good in comparison to Northerners - who have superior LIFTING/PULLING strength.
  2. The Nordic Peoples passed down a mutation that protects MANY of their Children from HIV Infection [13], as well as Smallpox [14]
  3. The Nordic Peoples remain the happiest in the World [15] [16] [17], have the LOWEST divorce rates [18]. The only other country that enjoys such a low divorce rate is Ireland [19].
  4. So perhaps being a Nordic + Celtic + mixed-MUTT-ass individual doesn't make me the "ideal" - but the people I'm related to DOES (Rollo The Viking & Ivar the Boneless.
  5. Hitlers vision though - included the idea of the Germanic Race (which includes German) [20] being also aligned to the superiority of the Nordic Race. It is from this idea - that the initial ideas of the "Aryan Nation" or Aryan Brotherhood [21] formed as well as their Superiority Complex [22]
  6. Thus, the Master Race was born both as an idea [23] and then later as FULL-FLEDGED Belief - as if a Faith [24] - and lastly, as a Scientific Concept [25] that assures the World that Hitler's Instinct was Correct [26].

So was Hitler so wrong after all? Well maybe MAD. Perhaps erratic. Perhaps unstable, at times. Perhaps everyone should see a FACT though - he was a Human Being with his own Beliefs. His own beliefs which nearly EVERYONE in his Country justified at one point. We know Adolf Hitler was charismatic - but we ALSO know he was dedicated to his Wife; Eva Braun. We know that in that dedication - both of them were committed to each other until their eventual Death.

An idea sprang forth from Hitler and his Nazi-Empire. An idea that caused the World to slowly re-discover their Racial Identities...and although Post-World War II - was a time of Acceptance & Respect for those of other the World by-and-large tried to cover up and "erase" the faults of the Nazi-kingdom that had so taken the world by storm!

...but were things so Simple? Many Nazi Scientists continued studying [27]. Many NEO-NAZI's emerged in Germany [28] and America/USA [29]...even Great Britain [30] - which typically tolerates LESS Racism than many countries [31] - although there is their share of EVILS. 

The Neo-Nazi & White Nationalist organizations became a steadily more Powerful & Persuasive movement [32], despite worldwide rejection of what the World calls "Racism" [33].

Nowadays, the Victories of White Nationalists are MANY. They have embraced their Heritage - unlike much of the World - who has forgot its heritage, er-UM SWEDEN [34] [35]. But those who stick with the Aryan Philosophy - have remained loyal to their Fierce roots. A time not of decadence and disorder the Medieval Age was - since they EXPANDED the great Danish-bloodline that begat many of our Ancestors [36] - after all, even the Anglo-Saxons ("old british") originally migrated from Denmark (Angles) [37] & Germany (Saxons) [38]

If the Norwegians are more purely the Master-Race - well that I'm not totally sure I think Danes & Icelanders are AT-LEAST Equal.

Even the CIA conspired with White Supremacists & Neo-Nazi's, WHY? Because it was an inert Philosophy that couldn't be breached - and civilization had to change...just, like it does Now!

Although the Legacy Hitler & the Nazi's leave has left The Products of "their-plan"; children scarred and cast-out [39] [40] - they still have ascended to the Throne like an antiquity. Today - the British "Royal Family", including Prince Williams line is a German-Transylvanian bloodline [41]. The current QUEEN of England (Elizabeth II) is also of part-German descent [42] [43]

Prince Charles - though far from "pure-bred" is a descendant of real-life Dracula or Vlad the Impaler [44]. This seems to endow him with "Crusader Blood" and perhaps - he can take a STAND against the Muslims who are currently invading multiple countries [45] and making life HELL for many of the ones they are already living in (Iraq, Pakistan, Iran) [46].

...Like his Ancestor Vlad the Impaler Repelled, fought off [47] AND Impaled the Ottoman-Turks [48].

I myself stand somewhere in the Middle - yet desire to see myself as a Leader - perhaps an Anarchistic-Hero of the Western World...the World NEEDS Anarchy like no-tomorrow! Why? Because Anarchy - is FREEDOM - freedom of the Mind, freedom from Restraints, freedom from Closed-Mindedness, freedom from Surveillance...freedom that is Universal, Powerful & Open-Minded - in its pursuit for HAPPINESS.

Still - Donald Trump seems to be doing a very EFFECTIVE Job (as much as He is Able to within the unfortunate SET Boundaries). He seems to have embraced a GREAT Philosophy for America [49]...and the World! Though he VALUES Government POWER - he values Freedom & especially envies other Business Men [50]. He WANTS to see Young people start their own Businesses and LIVE the American Dream [51]!

...and if you can't see that - well then you're Dumb!

Before he was elected it was FAR harder to start a Business due to IMMENSE taxes and a rigid, demolished Business structure set about by Democratic-exploitations and ignorant Governor's [52].

The ploy of the World's most powerful Businesses (Google/Amazon) is to extract, Bribe Politicians/Lobbyists and yet be excluded from paying TAXES.

Something that Trump should TRY to Equalize, as his Agenda states - his success is mostly self-made [53].

Donald Trump owes his Success to his DAD, in Part, though [54].

So - in how many events does the World FINALLY realize that there is a reason MOST effective & Genuine Politicians are WHITE? Yet...the World's most effective Anarchists were also White-Europeans [55] [56] [57].

So I guess White-people simply have more Charisma, Stamina & Esteem than other races...consistent with Hitler's ideology and hypothesis [58].

+ Whites are more intelligent than Blacks (PROVEN)

Makes sense, right?

So HOW do we change the WHOLE-WORLD into the Favor of A Balanced Society????

  1. FIRST, we NEED to help Trump out and give him serious support in Building the Wall - and break through the Barriers of the whatever means necessary - Unscrupulosity is a great thing in this case. Not bad! 
  2. Building the Wall and locking out the Illegal Immigrants, Invaders and rock-throwers would be a very GOOD thing. 
  3. After all, how can we return to American Principles with a Current INVASION going on???
  4. Then - we MUST insist on making this Agenda of Trump's PASSED.
  5. ...And in due time, an Anarchist-Independent may rise to follow after Trump's second Term (because I believe he WILL win!).
I believe that Government must be reformed. Policy shifted. Trump is at the Start of it...perhaps I am at the End of It! We shall see.

...And to my fellow Anarchists around the World - don't give up Hope! An Anarchic Establishment is in our Future...since Global Banking Cartel's can't "RULE" forever!!!!

We KNOW - that "the dawn is Coming" - and the dawn though may be a Mirage or even fictional to some Scholar's - even true believers - it is an INEVITABLE reality that Government must be universally disassembled from its Corrupt Posts - and replaced with "Rule of the People, By the People"....

Much like BANE did - but perhaps without as much 'Nuclear' force, LMAO!!!


In/Tags: ushering in the new era of humanity 2019, resurrecting the medieval spirit 2019, new era of humanity 2019, new phase of civilization 2019, south africa and land seizure 2019, (Tribute to Nordic Superiority 2019). NATURAL NARCOTIC VENDORS 2019 CENTURIES OLD ANCIENT NARCOTIC 2019 ANCIENT NARCOTICS 2019 ANCIENT HISTORY OF KRATOM 2019 KRATOM THE HERB OF THE GODS 2019 BEST SACRED LEAVES ROOTS HERBS FREE SAMPLES 2019 BEST HERBAL VOODOO REMEDY, ORGANIC SPERM INCREASING SUPPLEMENTS 2019 BEST EJACULATION SUPPLEMENTS 2019 BEST MALE FERTILITY SUPPLEMENTS 2019 BEST PORN STAR SUPPLEMENTS 2019

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