Thursday, January 10, 2019

Dedication to THOR 2019 Post : The Power of 2 and Unity 2019 [Thunderous Momentum 2019]

 (AMx ReBorN) Dedication to THOR 2019 Post (AMx ReBorN)
 The Power of 2 and Unity 2019
 [Thunderous Momentum 2019]

This is a poetic expression of a dedication to Thor; the Norse God of Thunder, Lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing and fertility [1] [2] [3]

I found the path - the way to Victory through Thor - who united me and my Perfect Partner. The Power of 2 recognized not as fools, but as manifested by the Lightning by which we Summon - the Power of Unity is our verification of Our Equality. If in Thor's presence, we shall make a tribute. An honest commitment and Sacrifice - for dedicated Worship.

Silently in the forest of what others call an unholy continuum, rebelling against my old principles as if it is a Symbol of Hope. A champion of Faith - but to what faith? From one idea to another, I call upon ideology & yet criticism. In consultation with the Gods, where my foes are subdued, I see the presence of a Supreme God - surrounded my Lightning - THOR. I feel as though my whims have been struck with an Energy I have not previously felt before! I feel as though my mind has shifted out of Chaos and into optimism with the presence of the Almighty Thor. I feel as though - a relentless move towards Bravery, Courage & Partnership - is the path to Conquering. Not just myself - but perhaps even the World. If Thor so allows it - or strengthens me in his midst, then he shall open the path to this Victory. What WE can do with this Storm - is revolutionize the ultimate Redemption through this Storm. Redeeming specifically - the greatness of Our Ancestors - and our Past. Reviving it. Everything has been ignited. The power of Thor's fury in my Soul! For the great waves of his undertaking have made me into a much Wiser & Stronger person. They've made me into my Own King. Now, I just need my Perfect Partner 'soulmate' or "Queen". That is my Goal. It is necessary...and perhaps, William the Conqueror's legacy will be reincarnated...perhaps we shall be William & Matilda all over again!

Victory for each of Us is Victory for ALL!

Destroy them who attack me and Energize my Veins with Electricity! 
...Give us the Strength!
Wipe the arrogance of our Foe's - with your Hammer!
Wipe them Out!
Make them Pay!
They shall not interfere, with our Ways.

Rollo Ragnavaldsson's Spirit/Ghost echoes some words...

"Remember today's Thor's day (thursday), he's getting Victory for both of You, so that you Both can get Victory together"

Then my Quote...when coloring Thor's day YELLOW.
"Perhaps Fear can be a beautiful Creator, of a Legacy worth fighting for!"
~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~
"AMx ReBorN"
~The Ascended Master X~


Thor is GREAT, and I dedicate this Writing to You - O 'Thor make a God within me Merge with my Perfect Partner, who together our Paths are United, and our Partnership Immortal.

For we will always be Safe from Fear & Self-Destruction, and Weakness will never be a part of anything in our Lives for we are Conquerors and....

We are YOUR Son & Daughter THOR, yet brothers & sisters - yet Girlfriend & Boyfriend. Yet Wife & Husband. O let us harness the Power of Two - united within you, O'THOR!!!!

In/Tags: dedication to thor 2019, dedication to thor 2019 post, the power of 2 and unity 2019, the power of 2 2019, power of unity 2019, thunderous momentum 2019, thor unites soulmates 2019, thor worship 2019.

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