Thursday, January 24, 2019

The 7 Societal Plagues of ManKind! (2019) (What are the 7 Worst Traits in Society 2019) [Worst Traits of Human Beings Today 2019)

The 7 Societal Plagues of Mankind are known to be the inherently 'horrid' traits & trends of People, today. That cause the rest of Society to dwindle and gravitate from Energy, Optimism and that causes negativity to be dispersed amongst Peoples of all Nations! The 7 Societal Plagues are (roughly) equivalent to the "Seven Deadly Sins". 

1.) Closed-Mindedness: Close-minded behavior; leading to lack of Opinionative Flexibility is a PLAGUE to mankind as it leads to excessive Judging, Criticism, Social Isolation and other bad occurrences in Society [1]. Narrow-mindedness, in contrast to OPEN-MINDEDNESS - causes a lack of learning from mistakes and lack of productivity; this contributes to the IMMENSE list of Social Welfare recipients in America & around the World (particularly Western Europe) [2]. Closed-Mindedness impacts Business Stability & Economic Development by shifting mindsets out of the Realm of Negotiation [3], negotiation being a *key ingredient* in Business Success [4]. By being narrow-minded, we hinder progress; both in appealing to the general need of people to obtain Peace in Civilization but also in actual business matters that rely on open-mindedness to obtain results! Thus, Closed-Minded/Narrow-Minded peoples are themselves a PLAGUE to Society. A destructive bout of non-salvageable & contagious hindrance. 

2.) Laziness: Laziness, next to Closed-Mindedness - is, as stated in THIS-ARTICLE - a key problem in today's leads to lack of Consistency in the work-place, a lack of initiative and new workers - a general lack of productivity in Society. Laziness draws in Negative, Gluttonous & Perilous mindsets, leaving society with TRASH that exploit others for Money (antiSocial paradigm!) [5].

3.) Gluttony: Gluttony (excessive eating or unnecessary food intake and indulgence) is known as a particularly "deadly sin" - and although MANY of my Readers are either Agnostic or Atheist (not believing in God) - I approach the lesson of Gluttony without religious bias...its DAMN unhealthy to be a Glutton [6]!...and it leads to Laziness which is #2 on the list of Seven Plagues/Worst Traits of People Today. Even US News Today declared America as a gluttonous nation, in some ways - and that it affects Society at EVERY-LEVEL!

         ((READ: What are the 7 Deadly Sins? (2019))

4.) Self-Criticism/Pessimism: Self-doubt, pessimism, procrastination, "getting down on yourself" are one MAJOR trait complex that is linked to Neuroticism [7]; which is seen as a BIG problem in today's Society [8]. As increasing amounts of people WORLDWIDE are turning Neurotic [9] (overly Emotional, manic and delirious, seeking after PLEASURE). From neurotic Politicians to neurotic Dictators (Kim-Jong Un) - we see Neurosis as a DISEASE of humankind...a Plague.

  • In Rise of the Neurotic Society (2019): AMx ReBorN (myself) states "it is increasingly apparent that neurosis, like other personality traits that shift the world toward reward-based instead of Empathy based thinking, has become common-place because there is severe doubt that Empathy is even "worth-it" since "everyone is losing it anyway""  
Thus, Self-Justification (ironically) goes along with Neuroticism, even if normally they are at OPPOSITE ends of the Spectrum of Human Thought!

5.) Lack of Awareness/Vigilance: A low-energy, low Vigilance state in Society leads to the development of fundamental deficiencies among Humans; most importantly Common Sense, Initiative and Focus without distractability [10]. Children are the first victims of Universal Lack of Self-Awareness, this leads to a lack of Vision/Insight which can later become problematic in School & College, and ESPECIALLY in pursuing a Career. 

6.) Lack of Insight/Vision: Those who falter in the continuum of lack of Insight & Vision are assuredly a weak and corrupt link in Society - one that not only hinders progress but also accommodates all of the Negative Traits people are expressing more and more these days. A dangerous lack of Vision & Insight is a corruption of Human Thought and Human Capacity. We can simply NEVER achieve *ANYTHING* in Life - in Career, in CURING DEADLY DISEASES if a lack of Insight/Vision is the continuing paradigm! Those who are abated by the current social operation of "everyone is a Winner, even Losers" are also plagued by a lack of Insight/Vision. Those who calibrate their incentives well must also have messengers, and carry-overs that are RELIABLE - a lack of Insight leads to a lack of Workforce Stability and Military Efficiency. We must then, work therefore to IMPROVE Insight & Vision - and make it MANDATORY in Schools & Colleges (expansion!).

"As part of my (continued) unified Effort, we can work toward a more Stable & Peaceful world if we re-embrace the Power of Productivity" 
"We can rid the world of its problems - by addressing the 7 Plagues of Mankind" "In time, the effort WILL be successful and we shall transition the world into a Anarchic Kingdom of Precedent, and FREEDOM."

~AMx ReBorN~

7.) Habitual Lying as a Proxy to Fast-Track Success: Habitual or compulsive & pathological lying is a COMMON trait (unfortunately!) in Society; including in Business. Exaggeration is seen as "good" in order to Market products and in order to entice Customers - as is seen continuously in both the CLOTHING Industry [11] and PHARMACEUTICAL Industry [12] [13]. Habitual or even MANDATED lying is seen as a Plague of Mankind...because it makes people Dishonest. It also allows people to justify dishonesty. It creates a Vacuum of Illegitimacy - and a Wave of Uncivilized Effort in business. Fueled by PIGS & BUFFOONS - the Commercial/Business industry is NEVER short on Liars & Psychopaths [14].

Optionally: A #8 was added for Progressive Insight & for extra Enthusiasm! 

8.) Dismissive Attitudes: Being dismissive is a plague because it is the inherent nature of making Assumptions a paramount action or somehow justifying the presumptuous nature of humankind because of yet ASSUMING that the nature of Humans is to Assuming & Judgemental...leading to an Array of Frenzied Chickens in Society & Business!!!!!

9.) Doomsday Decimation!: Doomsday prophecies and "apocalyptic thinking", especially as they are seen in "Age of Trump", are an inherent THREAT to the SURVIVAL of ManKinds Sanity. Paranoia, you see, creates an "Energy Nexus" that defiles all real-world thought - acting as if the Grandiosity and Creative Effort manifested by such Paranoia - is in some way UNIQUE or Beneficial...

Even if the EUROPEAN UNION is the "AntiChrist Kingdom" - does FATALISM not seem like the REASON he would Succeed? If people believe that "fate" will happen no matter what...then people will REFUSE to TAKE ACTION THEMSELVES!!!!! 

WE CAN destroy the Anti-Christ kingdom before it arrives. We can eliminate Communism & a Coming IMPERIAL ORDER by being PRO-ACTIVE & REBELLIOUS!!!!!

In/Tags: the 7 plagues of mankind, 7 societal plagues, 7 societal plagues 2019, plagues of mankind, plagues of mankind 2019, worst traits of human beings today 2019, what are the 7 deadly sins 2019

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