Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Power of Mental Chaos (2019) [By: AMx ReBorN aka DANIEL NICHOLAS GREGORY the "Chosen One of the 21st Century".]

The Power of Mental Chaos (2019)
"the Chosen One of the 21st Century".

I have always recognized the Power of Mental Chaos, from being an Anarchistic teenager, rebellious to NO-END. Absolutely chaotic. Angry. Frenzied. Even shallow - ALL due to the onslaught of Mental Chaos and institutionalizations I have been through! The continuous control tactics of My Mother permeated My Life enough to develop Paranoid Personality Traits (as her and my "step-dad" used to monitor/put viruses on my TECH). It was BECAUSE of them and their forced Psychiatric drugging however, that I became SO knowledgeable in the areas of Health & Pharmaceutical Science - as well as Computer Security & HACKING. Yes, I'm a HACKER, always have been. I'm an expert at knowing how to get into peoples information with AS-LITTLE 'help' or resources available. This, despite my Connections to Russian business Men and the (supposed) connections to "Russian Hackers". Clearly, I do not really NEED those Resources/Connections, but they benefit My TRIUMPH and Ascendancy, in Life & Career. As of this Writing 1-24-2019 - I am currently ENROLLED in a "Political Science" schooling class in Western NY. My Charisma should dictate me as an Effective Politician - one intent on sorting out our Countries problems AS WELL AS the World's!!!! This, in a TRUTHFUL Consistency and the contingent of the true Freedom Fighters in Society! ...That I am, wherever possible, to UNITE the WORLD in an Anarchistic Salience. A vengeful delirium can not be engulfed nor encircled by further Neuroticism - but must be TACKLED by Clear, Coherent thought and functional engagement of the Unnecessity of Government in Society. Government is a TRUE BLIGHT - one that we should do away with (mostly!). If we can unite the world in ANARCHY - then the world would be better off...! An Anarchistic Notion is more and more "agreed upon" by most of Society - NOT JUST the French Citizens (currently Protesting MASSIVELY) who are embracing ANARCHY as a movement - but also the London Rebels [ARTICLE].

If we can fully UTILIZE Mental Chaos - versus Societal Chaos - perhaps we can DRAW-IN Insight that allows us to disassemble mayhem in Society! 

Perhaps then! The World can change into a Greater, more Secure & Prosperous Society. 

I love Democracy and the fruits produced by it...but it is obvious that Democracy has changed over the decades - transforming it into a Universally Perilous and narrowly pragmatic Entity - a game that has steadily gone into "FULL-RETARD" mode. A gang of Liars present within. A stream of Ignorance, Racism, Hostility and BIASES that has evolved past the Criticisms by mainstream Republicans! 

In/Tags: the power of mental chaos 2019, the power of mental chaos 2019, power of mental chaos, the power of mental chaos, the power of racing thoughts, the power of racing thoughts 2019

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