Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Power of Mental Conflict (2019) by DAN GREGORY of Niagara Falls, NY (14304)

"Harness the Power of Mental Conflict, and channel it to discover the growing threat of lack of Progress in Society, garner the infliction of suffering through Mental Conflict, allowing it to permeate enough so that People RE-DISCOVER the Self, and the reasons for lack of Stability in the World"

Yes. We, TODAY - must understand and APPRECIATE the Utter Power of Mental Conflict; that it draws up Insight, collectivizes a movement of Furious Willpower - and initiates the Discussions about Societal Violence through its Mental Conflict, is a PRECURSOR to VIOLENCE - it is also yet, a GREAT lesson and a stepping-stone toward RESOLVING conflicts amongst Mankind.

In/Tags: the power of mental conflict, the power of mental conflict 2019, dan gregory niagara falls ny, dan gregory niagara falls ny 14304, power of the people daniel nicholas 2019

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