Friday, December 24, 2021

Genes Passed Down from Fallen Angels 2021

  •  The serotonin transporter long-allele. [1] [2] [3].
  • The "Warrior-Gene" [4].
  • DAT1 Mutation [5]
  • DRD2 TAq1A Mutation [6].


  • The long-allele of the serotonin transporter originates in Denmark [7] - and was passed down by the Vikings.
  • The Warrior Gene originates among the Maori people - who privately reproduced with fallen angels [8].
  • The DAT1 mutation comes from Denmark - most likely Azazel being the bearer of the gene [9]
  • The DRD2 TAq1A mutation comes from Denmark as well [10].

  • The long allele neurotransmitter gene makes one "stress-resistant" in the face of negative stimuli - sometimes also referred to as stress immunity - and is a characteristic of Psychopaths [11] [12] [13]. It also makes the person have lower Serotonin levels [14].
  • The Warrior-Gene makes you have higher brain concentrations of Dopamine, Norepinephrine & Serotonin [15]
  • The DAT1 mutation leaves more Dopamine in the Brain rather than being removed from use [16]
  • The DRD2 TAq1A mutation leaves less Dopamine D2-receptors (autoreceptors) in the Brain [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] leading to obsessive sexual desire [23] [24] [25] [26] & higher fertility rates [27] [28] [29], resistance to antipsychotic medication induced infertility [30] as well as less Depression [31].



In/Tags: genes passed down from fallen angels 2021, what genes from fallen angels?, what genes come from fallen angels 2021, what genes come from fallen angels? 2021, genetic mutations from fallen angels 2021

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