Sunday, November 11, 2018

ANNUAL Celebration of 11:11 For Area1255 Blog/Org LTD [11:11 Bloggers/11:11 Occult Worship 2018] (1111 and the Occult)


Here at Area-1255 LTD we have consistently been publishing many Articles relating to Life-Extension; in order to further the goal of promoting a Healthier, and eventually disease free World. We have published various articles that have aimed to hardline the Medical-Political scene. We have made significant strides - in that all of Our Charity organizations & developments over the years have led to the development & release of various Chemical Cures for different diseases. We have shed light on the possible cures for those diseases that are still somewhat mysterious and we have published work that has allowed Researchers & Scientists to go with an innovative atmosphere and find new paths to new breakthroughs.

Some of our most famous pieces are the following...

  1. Sex Chromosomes, Chromosome Disorders And Brain/Psychiatric Disorders (Area-1255 EXCLUSIVE!)
  2. Protecting Our Chromosomes 2018 & Maximizing Our Genetic Capacity 2018
  3. The Path to Immortality is Within Our Reach... (Immortality & Maximal Life-Extension 2018)
  4. Establishing The Grand Order of Immortalists 2018 (Immortalist Group [Order] Joining with the World 2018)
  5. The Future of Male Sexual Enhancement 2018
  6. Advances in the BioChemical Realm of Neuro-Endocrine Enhancement 2018 (How to Enhance/Maximize Testosterone Production Artificially 2018)

The Great Celebration of 11:11 Is the Celebration That Finances the Great Revolution

In this great, Life-Extension, transhumanism - these are the things that are "In" among the scientific community. Nootropics (brain-enhancing drugs/pills) have been increasing in popularity; even among High School & especially, College Students. Those who want a good challenge & have an inventive mind are THE most significant people who are practically DESTINED to success. It is of paramount importance - that HEALING and our timeline is completed. We must stand not in the way of our objective, but we must embrace the objective - above all else, that the World is slowly freed from the increasingly toxic-chemicals, which, along with the so-called "Cultural Stressors" have instituted a change in the lower class Residents throughout the world. Their behavior, becoming steadily more primal, more extreme, more rebellious and less empathetic of others. 

...We can reverse this trend. Simply, by removing the toxicity from the world. By inducing a state of change and opening up new medical facilities for the dedicated removal of heavy metals. Never mind cost, if it isn't government funded it will be PEOPLE-FUNDED. Our organization is working closely to make this a Reality - so that changes can occur. So that the world can reside in Unity & Peace. 

The two things that every DECENT human-being, desires.

We celebrate this Day - November 11, 2018 (11-11-2018) to SHOW that Inspiration has no limits. Progress has no limits. 11:11 is a Number of Ascendancy...and Projection. Is a number that steeps in the flames of Resolve, and in the Ideology of Success. Even brash, success.

Within the Darkness & the Light - in the harsh light of TRUTH and in the unending virtuosity of Wisdom...we, as the Children of Greatness, the Prodigal Century - must light up the world with that VERY truth. We must increase our observations & Insight - and the velocity at which they become more Observant, and more Insightful. We must fast-track success - so that results are so impressive that they are idolized. We must empower the People, and arm them with Information & the Truth. 

That is Our Role in the World.

To EMPOWER. To give - a true stake in changing the entire world.
In making a Healthier World.
We will - continue to work with powerful Life-Extension organizations & pharmaceutical companies as well as natural health practitioners to formulate the End-Game, to our goal. 

In addition...with some of our Members straying into Politics. 
We can influence the Lobbyists & Republican Senate ...and Democrats to change the Medical Community...from now ON. We shall upgrade all thoughts to all realities. 

NO-IMAGINATION - no visualization, is too illogical...if it can be tested. 
If an experiment can be done, which, when there is a WILL - there is a WAY.
So, I ENCOURAGE all to seek the application of their Imaginations.
Think Outside the Box.
Think divergently.
Divergent thinking is a GIFT.
Be Curious.
Be Intellectual.
Become revered by such Intellectual Abilities - that I KNOW many of you, reading this, even if you are simply "Fans" - are capable of.

11:11 And The Great Transcendence Movement of 2018

In this world - there are two types of people. Those who sit back & allow the World to change around them...and those who change the world, even if its a Fraction of it. 

This Age is the Age of Ultimate Enlightenment.
The Age of Truth.
The Age of Wisdom.
The Age of Rebellion.
...And the Age of Peace.
The Age of Resurrection.
And the Age of Invention.
...And the Age of Unrelenting Self-Enhancement.
And unwavering Dedication to the New. 
It is through these principles - that we WILL change this World.
Because these FACTS, are Inevitable Truths.
These - are not overshadowed by ANY principle, nor by any other form of meaning...principled or unprincipled. 

The idols of this world must shift their Eyes to PAY ATTENTION to the growing Expansion of Our Realm - of Dedication...and Invention.

Attention to Details...but attention to reinvention. Reinvention of the Worlds, culture. 
Let us - move forward then...and begin with this unwavering dedication to NOVELTY. To SEE - that this World CAN - BE-CHANGED. In the direction of Unlimited Health, Governmental Transparency. Medical Transparency. Let us together, CHANGE the Pharmaceutical Industry to be more FLEXIBLE & ACCOMMODATING to Patients. Patients, who more often than you know - are RESEARCHERS THEMSELVES. Who - in spite of the Obligation to TRUST, their Doctors...will scour Side-Effect Pamphlets, ask Questions at Pharmacies, research this, Patients - in many cases - are actually GREATER researchers than their Doctors/General Physicians, who many times simply read-from-a-script...or look for the "easiest" or simplest solution/s.

...But WE, are NOT here for easy or simple solutions. We are for BREAKTHROUGHS - that is WHY those who follow My-Blog so-consistently. That is why, despite my "dramatic-effect" - readers continue to flock. Because my message resonates, it is a realization that everyone mutually agrees with. That the world has become steadily unhinged, unbalanced, UNHEALTHY. That even though - there is a HEALTH-REVOLUTION - this does not occur to everyone. 

...And while we can't force "treatment" on those that do not want expanding the availability of Novel-Treatments, ESPECIALLY if they have "euphoric" effects...then everyone can (easily) go to their Doctors/Clinics for 2 Purposes.

1.) To get a better Mood, a slight or moderate "buzz" and/or greatly increased Energy, Zeal & Confidence.
2.) To get "treated" in the long-term - which will lead to improved quality-of-life as People slowly exit the sphere of seemingly unending toxicity & the barrage of Germs that poison us.

In all of this - is it not then, notable...that this realization is both SIMPLE & yet a more Complex suggestion than has previously been presented? 

...But answers - are not a Common Denominator - they are meant to be CHOSEN "selected" resolutions. They are meant to be, perhaps more than obvious - but the very precursor & yet realization of RESULTS in the World. 

ANSWERS: "More than anything, are the Epitome of Human-Achievement, and certainly, lead to more Achievements."

It is ANSWERS & RESULTS we need. Answers lead to Results And Results... lead to Answers. They are interexchangable.
To facilitate the conversion of the World into a New-Age, a New Era of we have written in Our Article - "The Path to Immortality is Within Our Reach".

We must implement the ideals that are thought of by those who wander through the Technology-Industries greatest Sectors. 

"I think it is possible for Ordinary People to CHOOSE to be Extraordinary

BE EXTRAORDINARY - And this itself...will lead you to Your Dreams!

Elon Musk has it right - CHOOSE to be Extraordinary, even if you THINK you are Ordinary. Ordinary people surpass others who are equally ordinary - but ordinary people like Arnold Scharzenegger & Liam Neeson weren't always extraordinary...they BECAME extraordinary - through the CHOICE, to do so.

They became extraordinary, because they went with the Simple-Thought that "Yes I can, and I will do it"...
That... "I will be the first to do something".
And Arnold knows all too well, even if you FAIL - at least, you MADE-THE-LEAP in the First Place [SEE: Arnold Schwarzenegger "Don't be Afraid to Fail"] [SEE: Arnold's 62 Most Famous Quotes].

In order to change the World - for the better.
To HEAL it.
To mend broken-hearts.
We must create a functional engagement of all that Oppose Freedom & Expansion. For in the very heart of expansion, is the Revolution of the Human-Mind. In the very Center of The Gravity of Thought - is the Nexus of Wisdom. In the shining light - that is EVERY Man, or Woman, who accomplishes an unending Legacy. 


Not UNTIL, we accomplish - all of these things...
Not until this world has double the Integrity, fastened its pace, accelerated its Innovation - to create a TRUE-UTOPIA.


...And it will succeed. It must succeed. This revolution of human thought. The entraining of Technological Progress. The speeding of human-thought - and the Resolution of the Human-Consciousness. YES, through these things we can become COMPLETE. Perfect. The greatest example of Human-Achievement is OURS for the Taking!!!

In/Tags: celebration of 11:11, area1255 blog, 11:11 BLOGGERS, november 11 2018 blog entries, 11:11 occult worship 2018, 1111 and the occult 2018, 11 11 and satan worship 2018, 11 11 OCCULT WORSHIPERS 2018 11 11 BLOGGERS BLOGS PUBLISHED ON NOVEMBER 11 2018 BEST ILLUMINATI  MEMES 2018 1111 MEMES 2018 11 11 MEMES 2018 DARK LORD THEME 2018 BEST BANE DARK KNIGHT RISES EDITED PICTURES 2018 EDITS SERPENTS SS

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