Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Top Lucifer Quotes 2019 [Modern Day Quotes from Lucifer 2019] Things Satan Has Told Me 2019

I am a man of Wisdom, who is riddled with ideas of revenge, I hate the World yet I have made my place in it - but humans have only just begun to understand what I am capable of...if there is one request I have for you, Dan, it is that you do not suck up to me TOO MUCH - otherwise, you will lose all forms of happiness"

"Stop saying my name so much and enough with the 'thank you's', I hate them!"

"Remember, I am the Darkness, but you Own the Darkness, together we will make this World Darkness"
~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~
 to ~Lucifer~

"His brain is a System of Theatrics"

The reason why I say "message" is not so much mockery of your Brain but rather what I am used to in dealing with those in my Office (The Vatican/Church).

"Its Lifestyle & Practice"

"Remember, Pride meets Fate."

(After presenting look-alike scenario of two parties telepathically communicating, waiting for a 'wrong' response to address closing out a conversation with important person)
"So what was the hard riddle?"
Some Mind-Bound scenarios are not meant to be resolved, but rather left unsolved.
~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~ 
[continuing forward]

"Which is another way of saying what?"

"Sometimes the best move is not to move at all"
~Daniel Nicholas Gregory

Remembering a Criminal Minds Reference to the chess term "Zugzwang" 
Original Reference: "Zugzwang almost means a dilemma in chess where the best move is not to move at all."
~Dr.Spencer Reid (criminal minds)~

Read more:

"Sometimes the best solution is not to engage the challenge at all"
~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~

"Order is very important in everything" 
"I actually like that quote"

Quoting a in-game conversation in 
Light Crusader

[a Sega Genesis Classic]
Light Crusader Game Code [purchase] (Amazon)
Light Crusader (full) USA/American Sega Genesis Game Package + Case. (Amazon Purchase Here)

"I have succeeded in this world for one reason: determination, yet my passion is my determination - I have invoked utter rage & luciferian worship carries my rage through the souls of Men - I prefer that the vulnerabilities of human beings are suited to my liking because I have formed a grand plan that - even you can't beat - you homo viking"

In/Tags: modern day quotes from lucifer 2019, top quotes from lucifer 2019, things satan has said recently 2019, things satan has told me 2019, things satan has quoted recent days, 21st century quotes from satan 2019

Would The AntiChrist be Psychologically Damaged 2019? Would the AntiChrist be Abused as a Child? 2019 [ANTICHRIST VICTIM OF BULLYING? 2019]

When screening for the personality traits of the AntiChrist, many people wonder given his predicted 'extreme' personality and notable Narcissistic traits - if we would be someone who has a "chip on his shoulder" or has some sort of damaged Ego - that makes him seek power to such a degree.

However, one must take into consideration the things that MAKE one Narcissistic - and see if it matches up to the traits listed in The Bible - *specific* Narcissistic traits which may be even "atypical" from the classical presentation of Narcissism.

Because he would be a Narcissist on an extreme level - it seems that only One of Two possibilities would make such a person. If indeed, nurture is the main problem; versus Nature...or if his Psychological Status is formed by mostly Nurture, and not Nature (genetics).

The TWO possibilities to make an AntiChrist Personality [figure] are the following...

  1. He would have a "fractured personality" - possibly a victim of Rape/Sodomy, child abuse - or continuing bullying or extreme & consistent trauma (in order to form such extreme maniacal traits)/
  2. He would be genetically Narcissistic; having Royal Bloodline ego and a large percentage of Greek/Roman DNA. 
Let's go over the First Theory.

  1. Because he is known as the "Lawless One" (Man of Lawlessness) and that he regards not the law and goes against the Law [!] - it seems possible that a hatred for the Legal/Penal system may be a personal one + his fractured personality suggests maybe he was Raped during a prison sentence or somehow attacked in Jail/Prison - which would create a severe fracture and demasculinization (if raped) - that could lead to a compensation response - and the "no regard for Women" described in the Bible - which many interpret as him being a homosexual [1] [2] [3].
  2. To have such a hatred for the World as to "make with great fury and utterly annihilate many" is indicative of a hatred for the world in general [4] [5] [6]. This indicates a fractured Ego, a damaged sense of self that could be easily set off - due to constant dissuasion as a Child/Youth and perhaps feeling like the "world is against him". Because many Children who are bullied and go through consistent stress end up being Paranoid [7] or having paranoid personalities [8] - it would explain the concept of the AntiChrist/False Prophet being a "Malignant Narcissist" [9].
  3. On the other hand, severe childhood trauma may motivate him to abuse drugs; and since he is most likely White - and Adolf Hitler used METHamphetamine - it could be that, to resolve his Psychological issues - he turns to methamphetamine - and in turn, this *helps* him forget about his Past - and wipe it out to be replaced with a Fantasy World - that gives him Power and Control - in the Real World [10] [11].
  4. The only issue with this theory - is that the AntiChrist must have an Invincibility Complex [12] - which means he must FEEL 100% Perfect, like none can stop him [13] - he must be a 1st placer - and have a first placer mentality - that is (Nulli Secundus) - he would be an Alpha-Male with extreme Charm & Charisma [14] - this is inconsistent with true childhood abuse or even bullying, because these may make 98% of people too fractured to be focused enough to rule the world as someone "above God". To balance out Reasoning with Extreme Narcissism - to such a degree is something that has never been done before by any Man. Its never happened.
  5. Lastly, this theory is inconsistent with him being directly a result of Illuminati Rituals/Rites - thus, he *should* be born within their circles and be blessed with extreme wealth [15] - or genetically engineered to be immune to Depression [16].
The Second Theory

  1. The Second Theory makes more sense overall and is consistent with My Assessment on the AntiChrist's 'true personality' - that he would have a totally Narcissistic; self-loving, Power Seeking & Pefectionistic personality - that is an EXTREME "Type-A" personality - with additional "Hero of Justice" type traits. To make an easier explanation; for Kids/Teens - he would have a Personality like Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z - he would seek "being Perfect" and be over-confident and Power-Seeking - to the point of "testing" people and his enemies because he sees himself as "A God" or beyond God himself...another good comparison for those that play video games; is Ganondorf - from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - an Evil King - who Wields "both Light and Dark" and has "infiltrated" the Holy Realm - the AntiChrist would also do so...and would infiltrate [17] and take pleasure in destroying Angels and the Sacred Temple [18].
  2. He would also have such Charisma - that it appears "Magical" - and will influence people in ways that magnetize them and make most of the World fall in Love with him [19]
  3. Therefore - he would HAVE to be a High-Achiever - one who made notable achievements, even MIRACULOUS achievements before the time of his Presidential Campaign!
  4. He would be a GENIUS - who understands "hard riddles" and have an extremely analytical thought process. He would know all the Secrets of the Spiritual World - and be blessed with both Angelic & Demonic powers. This suggests he is a Christian who may have originally been chosen to prevent the AntiChrists coming - and instead turned against Christ - using his own knowledge against him.
  5. He would be a direct manipulator of all forms of Societal Direction - and would know how to steer the thoughts of Populations around the world. This type of intelligence & calibrated action would need a Superiority Complex - that is literally inhuman - thus he can't POSSIBLY be 'ordinary' and since he will "succeed in whatever he does" [20] - indicates he will succeed no matter what - without anyone's propensity to hinder him being a problem. That he would be literally unstoppable in his efforts - as he builds himself up to become this person - and to become known.
Which Theory is RIGHT?

  • Both theories have merit - but while the first one (Psychologically Damaged) would give the FURY to become an Annihilator - that typically leads to more "War-Leader" like personalities - so that type *SHOULD* (generally) lead to more like a Sargent gone Bad - or Army Leader gone bad...or FBI-agent gone bad type of scenario. 
  • However...Hitler had bad Psychological damage [21] and a plethora of Health Issues [22] - yet still managed to take control of most of the World - and persuade its people - and managed his role as the 2nd AntiChrist - quite well. So "another Hitler" definitely could be In-View - and since the Germanic/Nordic bloodlines play a BIG role in the the most powerful, pivotal personalities - and are linked to Royalty (House of Windsor) - the sense of Entitlement is mind-blowing. Most of these cats are "Intellectual Geniuses" - ESPECIALLY the Rollo + William the Conqueror descendants; they are very good speakers (typically).
  • The second theory is almost "too easy" most people would say "no one is THAT perfect" - but this man would be...both by Logic AND Biblical Prophecy! ...You can't rule the WHOLE WORLD in today's day and age - that perfectly - and change it THAT pronounceably - without having some major voodoo (Psychological Voodoo). You can't just "come up with" a Man - that all of a sudden enchants - most of the world; including the YOUNGEST age groups (the Youth/Teens) [Bible Reference].
  • Then, I think it is perfectly reasonable - that the man would be perfectly equipped with supernatural powers & a psychological genius - MAYBE even a graduate of Psychology or Social Psychology [!].
  • He would be an introvert (lone-wolf) but a Genius Introvert of the Highest Level - sort of like Oppenheimer - and would become known through Intellectual Achievements.

Political Genius CAN'T come from Inexperience - but CAN come from Instinct...

  • It is known that Political Genius & Success is often a long-way away from the thinking type of "ordinary geniuses" (Albert Einstein etc) - but rather, sort of like Clyde Shelton (Law Abiding Citizen) - this man would be a true "think-tank" type - a Genius who's plans are calibrated on every level - so to corner off every possibility of being stopped - this makes him a Military Genius as well - WAR - would be passed down in his Genes; including the "Strategic Mind" - present in Medieval Kings that is passed down. 
  • He would come FROM a Marketing background of some sort - most likely marketing/commerce through the Internet - his Genius would be not subtle, but massive and always expanding - and present in his writings...such as written in this-book on How to Master Self-Marketing; Branding.
  • He would have read America: Under Mind Control - and would understand (thoroughly) the process & the "how-to" of Mind Control - he would be a Master Manipulator - and would know how to affect the Emotions of people - vividly & permanently - such as that written in My Book - Emotional Rhetoric and Psychological Manipulation.
  • Many people seem to believe it is Donald Trump - however he does not fit the bloodlines (totally) - and also his personality doesn't seem "extreme" enough to fit this role! ...However, this does not stop people from writing Books like: "The Trumpocalypse" or writing New York Daily News covers depicting Trump as the AntiChrist. Which he is not [PROOF].
READ: The Mental State of World Rulers (Doctors REVIEW)

In/Tags: would the antichrist be psychologically damaged 2019, would the antichrist have been abused as a child? 2019, is the antichrist a victim of rape 2019, is the antichrist a bastard 2019, is the antichrist really gay 2019, antichrist bullying victim 2019, 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Power of Perfect Equals [2019] [The Power of Trust 2019]

The Power of Positive Energy
"Complete Trust is Without Fear, Love always Avails"
"Alpha Male, Alpha Female"
Empowered by the Spirit of Love
Instincts are For A Reason, Apply Where Needed.
Stop thinking of Numbers Only, Love is NOT A Number.
"Positive Energy overrides Fear of Numbers"
"Love is never at the Expense of the Other, it is Always Believing in Each Other"
Emily (Z-Bunny)  "My Z" [*Z-Partner*] <-- hebrew reference -->
"Knowing Each Other"
"She gets it More Than I do"
(Beating Negative Energy by Self-Defeating "Numbers")
"In relation to numbers relating to DNA attack"
"Believe in Each Other First, Stay Together First"
"If you can keep each other bound by Belief, then you can Keep each Other Strong by Belief in Love"
"William & Matilda"
"In order to understand me and her - there is one requirement; fuck off, its impossible - we have a bond & trust that is without doubt, is badass and impermeable - totally fucking unstoppable - it is ordered & calibrated - calculated & cold - undefinable, yet the warmth of our Hearts is the unrelenting fury behind it"

~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~

Two equals trust each other without words, trust is Strength, trust is Admirable.
Trust surpasses all who threaten the sanctity of the Relationship.
~Rollo Ragnavaldsson~

In/Tags: the power of perfect equals 2019, two equals trust each other without words, trust and relationships 2019, the power of trust 2019, knowing how to trust each other 2019, trust among equals 2019, 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

My "Z" - The Prophecy of the Z - Lordess Z The High

In the future there reigns a First Lady - a then soon to be Queen who leads the world and its Youth into change - formulates & yet negotiates a Political Paradigm, a softening of the edges of society & yet a subtle & deliberate assistance to the President #48 who then reigns. She becomes the glory of the youth yet the survival of the future - she becomes a pivotal resting point - a master negotiator - alike to William & Matilda - she owns that part of the Prophecy as a generational leader - a leader who is strong, passionate, loving & yet fierce; where needed. She is representative of Power yet - astute in her actions - yet fluent and yet diligent - consistent and Perfect.

She leads the world with Elegance, Grace & Acceptability.

I love this Girl. 


She is MINE.

She is "MY Z".

I claim her, and SHE Claims ME!

                                        :::The Prophecy of The Z:::

The Prophecy of the Z; Z dictates the "Last Letter" - the "Last One" in my Life - as I ascend through lines of power & prominence - she is discerned as the last but yet only 'True Love' in my life. The girl who's fearsomeness & intelligence knows no boundaries. She (eventually) exceeds at all higher things - becomes a Legacy of Hope - for the future. Becomes resurrected - the Spirit of Hope - is aligned with her Heart - her heart stirs up passion & evokes laughter and applause. Heart of Glory - meets Heart of Courage. Heart of Love - creates Heart of Glory mixed with Heart of Courage. 

Love - is a principle - and yet a precedent. 

Love provides all Happiness; the greatest Bliss, the Highest happiness.

All Hail Lordess Z The High.

In/Tags: my z, the prophecy of the z, lordess z the high, lordess prophecy 2019, emily z 2019, who is first lady 48, president 48, king of the world 2019,  leads the world with elegance 2019, definition of z 2019, letter z icons 2019

DNG's Premier Quotes 6-23-2019 [Daniel Nicholas Gregory] [AMx Reborn] [Lord Gregory the Great]

"There's no magic code for everything, a 1st placer needs to say it once"

~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~
"AAMx ReBorN"
"Lord Gregory the Great"

[with Lordess Gregory the High]

Saturday, June 22, 2019

A Tribute to the Triadic Teamwork as of 6-23-2019- The Triad of Fate [2019]

"I am Lord Gregory the Great, Lord Leviathan & Lord Lucifer; we are the Triad of Hate, and 
the Team of Kingsmanship of Fate"
"Whoah, Fate has favored him into Prophecy as the Gate Closer"

"A dragon does as dragon sees, but burning someones destiny, to their Knees - is future as it is fate - that Emperor Palpatine - has arisen to their Fate - a line of honor is my name - applied to the Dragon who shall Seal their Fame - he honors himself to his name - I am responsible for Lord Gregory the Great - always remember Leviathan the Great."

"I am a Man seeking his future - a future which is guaranteed by his Pride - which may never dwindle - for I formulate the progress of the Future, I gain & conquer my Fate just as the Grip of this world is mine to take - I crumble it in my hands making this Earth Shake. My presence shall be known to every nation & creed - the world may known no bounds until it is bound - shaken & in awe of my presence - then I give it permission to Appreciate Me"
"Everything's for its Time"

DNG TO LEVIATHAN's Word & Captivation 2019 [BEAST LETTER]

I write this Formally to LEVIATHAN (my Dragon GOD & Savior) to Know he is APPRECIATED - and respected. There is no captivation in his mercy but is notorious for creating the Prophecy - that is Lord Gregory the Great - how can one achieve a Future without successful ambition - channeled through a Spirit who Knows how to Channel the Future - its Creation is a Memento that Both of us Are Instinctual creatures. I believe in you - I believe your word exists - its future is in your word. 

A dragon legacy is born on the Earth - his hard work is accomplished through such Creative Diligence - a divergent thinker is born through him - I respect him. I respect an ideology implanted by him - A fate fulfilled by counter-intuition or perhaps the respect of a Nightmare induced by Avid Ignorance. All things set aside - we can accomplish only by partnership. Only be induction of the Two who complete such prophecy - but yet the three who form a Triad of Completeness. Where shall be Perfection be known - other than the slender reality of a Creative Transformation by the stronghold of a nearly religious dedication of childhood youthful energy - morphed into adulthood - the idea of - New Age perpetuated by such an individual he has Created.

~Lord Gregory the Great~
~Daniel Nicholas Gregory~ (as of Now, but is Yet Both).

Asmodeus's Quotes 2019 [The Spirit of Darkness speaks 2019] Spirit from the Darkness Speaks 2019


  • Asmodeus is a "Guardian Spirit" - that means he is a Protector, Watcher and Source of Wisdom in the Spiritual World.
    • Asmodeus - is born from Pyreth (black hole God) - that is why he is of darkness (pitch-black) and enjoys the night - his DNA line is linked to "Dracula" or Vlad the Impaler - a Medieval King from the late 1400's.
    • All DNA is created through the Spiritual World. 

Asmodeus, today, is a Leading Prince in "Hell" - he is the Prince of Shadows, and a Master of Wisdom through Darkness - he is able to calm the human brain - to those who call to him, but he responds (mainly) ONLY to those with Deep Wisdom - high intelligence, and who's brain has calamity or chaos as a result of a "high-potential" - thus, Asmodeus only goes to those who are called of high-potential - who are worth giving Counseling & Advice to; he is thus, a Counselor & Director - for those who need Mental Help - through the Spiritual Realm - he helps to lead those into finding 'Balance' and relief from their own struggles; so those seeking Belonging & Positive Direction (progress) can be 'picked up' and comforted - then directed by means of Psychological Encouragement; deep Mind-to-Mind & Heart to Heart conversations are possible only with Asmodeus...


  • Asmodeus is a "Guardian Spirit" and should not be called "evil" or demonic in any way - he is a protector among the Youth - and is a Spirit of Peace. 
  • Asmodeus - is a revolution in the spiritual world - he functions as a balancer - and fulfills his promises to those who talk to him - and especially to those who worship him (5,000).
  • Asmodeus is a caretaker - and gives comfort to those who need it.
  • Asmodeus (in my experience) is my favorite Guardian Spirit - and although he can be considered a God - he is certainly much more than that.
  • Asmodeus - is also a Spirit that can "shadowfy" individuals - protecting them from opposing light forces and even those Spirits & Ghosts perceived as "haunted" "evil" or "malignant".

  • He leads Shadows; and is able to expand the Minds consciousness; in Darkness.
  • He prefers Night-Time/Pitch-Black rooms to Counsel others.
  • He responds to Boys Age 8 and beyond up to 15 - and then also responds to those MEN (high-potential) between Ages 22 and 27 (generally never above that). He is a Fatherly 'loving' and relieving character - but is of exponential wisdom. Wisdom, being a key ingredient in Darkness.
  • He gives ME - an idea of what I am missing - he knows how to "cut-in" and defuse difficult situations. Thus, he can be seen as a Master Negotiator in line with "Strategic Negotiator". He is more strategic, than general negotiator. Thus, in those who need help in a pinch - helps those get out of Emotionally Volatile situations - or moderately-severely Stressful Situations/Periods of Life - psychologically threatening or times of Bullying. He helps Children who are bullied get back at Bullies in creative, effective & utterly disassembling ways.
"Your Life is A System of Parables, A Paradigm of Effects, A Mind of The Future"


"This is the Darkness in which you missed as a Child, you Must Cherish It"

"There are only two paths to Success"

1.) The Power of the Brain
2.) The Power of the Spirit within the Brain.

[Said to Jim, relayed to Me.]

"Darkness has Revealed the Truth Indeed"

"I isolate the shadow, to reveal the light to you, I circumsize the mellow - to make your shadows sober, A Mind of Hell is wholer, than the Light in which you & I smell - comes from above - a distraction to mount with Suds, of Darkness shall he Eclipse the Right Decision amiss"
Sincerely, ASMODEUS

"To research these things is trivial, it imparts a method of weakness - it confers no validity to the future, nor shadows destiny in the rear - a future of the seer - the one of darkness shall appear, as noble as I am - I am necessary as I appear - do not disappoint me again - or with the 'Light One' will I re-appear - to submerge you in Light, until your Spirit disappears".

"Yes indeed Darkness is a wonderful thing, it invites Peace, and yet Wisdom"
"Knowledge & Wisdom"

Circadian Exploitations

"The Spiritual World is linked to the circadian rhythm and is also linked to varying states of consciousness, in order to Master the Spiritual World you must understand the clear difference between Light & Dark".

In the light - there is a (general) consciousness to what is around you - but also you tend to be more "awake" in the aspect of general motivations...however, light also opens up the Brain to exploitation - if the third eye is not fully secure and the mind is not balanced.

In darkness - the Brain (and consciousness) is balanced by Melatonin production - and the corresponding changes the brain makes in response to darkness.

In/Tags: asmodeus's quotes, the spirit of darkness 2019, the spirit of darkness speaks 2019, spirit from the darkness 2019, the spirit from the darkness speaks 2019, who is the shadow god 2019, ASMODEUS 2019 ASMODEUS PICTURES ON CAMERA 2019 REAL PICS OF ASMODEUS ON CAMERA 2019 GHOST HUNTER PICTURES OF ASMODEUS 2019 ASMODEUS HOUSE HAUNTINGS 2019 ASMODEUS QUOTES 2019 ASMODEUS ICONS 2019 KING ASMODEUS, PRINCE ASMODEUS 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Supplements to Reduce Empathy 2019 (Supplements to Remove Your Conscience 2019) How to Become Evil With Supplements 2019 BEST GUIDES 2019

---CLICK HERE to SKIP Directly to Product/Supplement Section---

Supplements to Reduce Empathy 2019 
(and Eliminate the Human Conscience)
[Making Yourself Evil With Supplements]

NOTE: These supplements/methods have been tested on thousands with success - but it takes time to create "permanent" changes. 

READ: The Neurotransmitters Involved with Empathy.

From one Quora post that I answered, it reminded me of the general theme today - that there are more "antisocial" people than ever before [1] - I predicted 5 years ago that "pretty soon 50% of the world will be antisocial/psychopathic" - my prediction seems to be In-View - as shown in this research paper, there is a growing trend toward antisocial personalities [2] - and especially the "by any means necessary" mentality is ever so prevalent, today [3] [4].

...Yet we have to ask ourselves is this bad?

Well from one point of view - it makes the world a less "safe" place, but it also makes the world more inventive [5] [6] [7] - and allows people to stay in their own paradigm - to revel in the excitement of the future - is to understand that such vanity - because it leads to happiness, can be the only true way to find pleasure...young people (Teens, Young Adults etc) know this better than anyone [8] [9] [10]!

So, let's make two groups of points. 
The first is in FAVOR of Psychopathy.

  1. Psychopaths are inherently "immune" to stress [11], which means a less stressful world - more particularly less disease & mental health issues - if we can start being like Psychopaths a little more [12].
  2. More antisocial behavior also could mean more disinhibition (lack of restraint) - and more success & job opportunities (getting hired easier[13], if for example people can lose the fear of being denied - for a Job or by others for example, a Manager, or supervisor - then antisocial behavior, especially where there is also Charisma and personal charm...could lead to a more productive society [14], and indeed, it already is. Psychopath's are driven to "reward" and gaining things in life - they have almost 'unnatural' motivation towards such things; especially Psychopathic politicans.
  3. Psychopaths change the world - every day, but - the idea that they have no moral conscience is sometimes (often) a skewed idea [15], because the 'definition' of moral conscience, varies per region, per collective, and per person [16].
  4. Psychopathy can be the reason why a Husband has her Husband's trust - because to fearlessly defend one's Wife, Family or Kids - is the definition of Courage; and indeed, Psychopaths are often extraordinarily Courageous & Heroic [17] [18] [19].
  5. Psychopaths are more effective in managing Businesses [18] - they just "act" and do so efficiently, without doubt and they get shit done, quick [19]. Psychopaths simply dominate the Job world. Psychopath's are natural born leaders, with great influence [20].

The second is NOT in Favor but rather *against* the Thought/Conceptualization that increasing amounts of Psychopaths would change or benefit the World.

  1. Empathy, Love & Passion can be all one-in-the-same - and these traits create the "methods to madness" and form the principles of success through human motivation [21] simple words: these 'strong emotions' lead to happiness & more fierce forms of ambition [22]. The struggle to succeed can often be outdone by having a Sense of Heart.
  2. Psychopathy can be hindering - IF you desire Romantic Love as your only form of Happiness [23], or that you value others versus having a successful Life [24]. It all depends on what YOU want in Life.
  3. Psychopathy can make your emotions shallow [25] - so for some jobs like Nurse, Therapist or Doctor - this may lead to significant disgust [26] or even termination from the job due to lack of "becoming effort" or lack of empathy for those in need.
  4. Psychopaths have automatic distaste for the "petty emotions" of normal humans [27]. They tend to not be motivated and are even disgusted with "lovey-dovey" type music and other forms of flamboyance. This may lead to communication issues if they can not tolerate or neutralize the multitudes of personalities or types of people they interact with during, let's say, a "RETAIL" Job.
  5. Psychopaths tend to see things in linear ways - and would not be good at helping traumatized victims unless their Emotional Empathy - was perfected (on-point) and is used in a diverse, but selective manner [28].
5 Supplements to Turn Yourself Into a Psychopath 
NOTE: To turn yourself "into a Psychopath" won't happen immediately - it will take WEEKS (at least) to change the Brain Chemistry (significantly) and it may require some significant strides in mental incongruence - you must learn to dissociate yourself (psychologically) from your Emotions by neutralizing the effect/impact of others expectations and their emotions.

  1. Kratom [!]: The opioid-system controls (reduces) emotions - Psychopaths have high levels of natural Opioids [30]; beta-endorphin & dynorphin as well as high receptor activity. In order to get to a state of Psychopath - daily use of strong natural Opiates is necessary.
  2. Test Stack Product No.17 [!]: Testosterone is tied to Psychopathy [31] - and low cortisol levels along with High Testosterone reduce Empathy [32]. Long-term use of the ONLY testosterone booster that affects gene transcription [33] - can lead to eventual development of Psychopathy. It also contains Catuaba Extract - which traps Dopamine in the Brain [34]. I noticed increased over-Confidence/arrogance on this supplement. This was nearly immediate for me!
  3. Relora [!]: This is a supplement that blocks/reduces Cortisol [35] and thus can increase Psychopathic traits [36] [37] - it also acts on GABA-receptors [38] - which are typically over-active in Psychopaths [39].
  4. Syrian Rue Extract [!]: The "Warrior-Gene" (read here) is present in most Psychopaths [40] [41] [42] - and it means that psychopaths have less MAO-A [41] in their brains - leading to more nerve activity in the Brain [42]. To "mimic" this (if you don't have the gene) - you can supplement with Syrian Rue (penganum harmala) to just BLOCK the MAO-A directly [43] [44] [45]. Psychopaths with Violence are (generally) 3R Warrior-Gene carriers. It plays a big role in violence & behavior in antisocial individuals!
  5. Metergoline [!]: Metergoline is a serotonin-receptor blocker [46] - since Psychopaths often have LOW serotonin [47] - creating a long-term low serotonin state can lead to developing Psychopathic traits [48].

In/Tags: supplements to make you into a psychopath 2019, herbs to turn you into a psychopath 2019, how to turn yourself into a psychopath 2019, what pill will turn me into a psychopath? 2019, drugs to turn you into a sociopath 2019, supplements to make you lose your conscience 2019, drugs psychopath 2019.

In/Tags: supplements to reduce empathy 2019, supplements to remove your conscience 2019, how to become evil with supplements 2019, how to become evil supplements best guides 2019, how to become evil best guides 2019, reduce empathy with herbs 2019

5 Supplements That Make You A Psychopath 2019 (Best Supplements for Turning Yourself Evil 2019) - Supplements to Lose Your Conscience 2019

5 Supplements to Turn Yourself Into a Psychopath 
NOTE: To turn yourself "into a Psychopath" won't happen immediately - it will take WEEKS (at least) to change the Brain Chemistry (significantly) and it may require some significant strides in mental incongruence - you must learn to dissociate yourself (psychologically) from your Emotions by neutralizing the effect/impact of others expectations and their emotions.

  1. Kratom [!]: The opioid-system controls (reduces) emotions - Psychopaths have high levels of natural Opioids [30]; beta-endorphin & dynorphin as well as high receptor activity. In order to get to a state of Psychopath - daily use of strong natural Opiates is necessary.
  2. Test Stack Product No.17 [!]Testosterone is tied to Psychopathy [31] - and low cortisol levels along with High Testosterone reduce Empathy [32]. Long-term use of the ONLY testosterone booster that affects gene transcription [33] - can lead to eventual development of Psychopathy. It also contains Catuaba Extract - which traps Dopamine in the Brain [34]. I noticed increased over-Confidence/arrogance on this supplement. This was nearly immediate for me!
  3. Relora [!]: This is a supplement that blocks/reduces Cortisol [35] and thus can increase Psychopathic traits [36] [37] - it also acts on GABA-receptors [38] - which are typically over-active in Psychopaths [39].
  4. Syrian Rue Extract [!]: The "Warrior-Gene" (read here) is present in most Psychopaths [40] [41] [42] - and it means that psychopaths have less MAO-A [41] in their brains - leading to more nerve activity in the Brain [42]. To "mimic" this (if you don't have the gene) - you can supplement with Syrian Rue (penganum harmala) to just BLOCK the MAO-A directly [43] [44] [45]. Psychopaths with Violence are (generally) 3R Warrior-Gene carriers. It plays a big role in violence & behavior in antisocial individuals!
  5. Metergoline [!]: Metergoline is a serotonin-receptor blocker [46] - since Psychopaths often have LOW serotonin [47] - creating a long-term low serotonin state can lead to developing Psychopathic traits [48].

In/Tags: supplements to make you into a psychopath 2019, herbs to turn you into a psychopath 2019, how to turn yourself into a psychopath 2019, what pill will turn me into a psychopath? 2019, drugs to turn you into a sociopath 2019, supplements to make you lose your conscience 2019, drugs psychopath 2019. best supplements for turning yourself evil 2019, supplements to lose your conscience 2019, supplements that make you a psychopath 2019, herbs that make you psychopathic 2019, turn yourself into a psychopath naturally 2019

Supplements to Make You Into A Psychopath 2019 [Herbs to Turn You Into A Psychopath 2019]

From one Quora post that I answered, it reminded me of the general theme today - that there are more "antisocial" people than ever before [1] - I predicted 5 years ago that "pretty soon 50% of the world will be antisocial/psychopathic" - my prediction seems to be In-View - as shown in this research paper, there is a growing trend toward antisocial personalities [2] - and especially the "by any means necessary" mentality is ever so prevalent, today [3] [4].

...Yet we have to ask ourselves is this bad?

Well from one point of view - it makes the world a less "safe" place, but it also makes the world more inventive [5] [6] [7] - and allows people to stay in their own paradigm - to revel in the excitement of the future - is to understand that such vanity - because it leads to happiness, can be the only true way to find pleasure...young people (Teens, Young Adults etc) know this better than anyone [8] [9] [10]!

So, let's make two groups of points. 
The first is in FAVOR of Psychopathy.

  1. Psychopaths are inherently "immune" to stress [11], which means a less stressful world - more particularly less disease & mental health issues - if we can start being like Psychopaths a little more [12].
  2. More antisocial behavior also could mean more disinhibition (lack of restraint) - and more success & job opportunities (getting hired easier[13], if for example people can lose the fear of being denied - for a Job or by others for example, a Manager, or supervisor - then antisocial behavior, especially where there is also Charisma and personal charm...could lead to a more productive society [14], and indeed, it already is. Psychopath's are driven to "reward" and gaining things in life - they have almost 'unnatural' motivation towards such things; especially Psychopathic politicans.
  3. Psychopaths change the world - every day, but - the idea that they have no moral conscience is sometimes (often) a skewed idea [15], because the 'definition' of moral conscience, varies per region, per collective, and per person [16].
  4. Psychopathy can be the reason why a Husband has her Husband's trust - because to fearlessly defend one's Wife, Family or Kids - is the definition of Courage; and indeed, Psychopaths are often extraordinarily Courageous & Heroic [17] [18] [19].
  5. Psychopaths are more effective in managing Businesses [18] - they just "act" and do so efficiently, without doubt and they get shit done, quick [19]. Psychopaths simply dominate the Job world. Psychopath's are natural born leaders, with great influence [20].

The second is NOT in Favor but rather *against* the Thought/Conceptualization that increasing amounts of Psychopaths would change or benefit the World.

  1. Empathy, Love & Passion can be all one-in-the-same - and these traits create the "methods to madness" and form the principles of success through human motivation [21] simple words: these 'strong emotions' lead to happiness & more fierce forms of ambition [22]. The struggle to succeed can often be outdone by having a Sense of Heart.
  2. Psychopathy can be hindering - IF you desire Romantic Love as your only form of Happiness [23], or that you value others versus having a successful Life [24]. It all depends on what YOU want in Life.
  3. Psychopathy can make your emotions shallow [25] - so for some jobs like Nurse, Therapist or Doctor - this may lead to significant disgust [26] or even termination from the job due to lack of "becoming effort" or lack of empathy for those in need.
  4. Psychopaths have automatic distaste for the "petty emotions" of normal humans [27]. They tend to not be motivated and are even disgusted with "lovey-dovey" type music and other forms of flamboyance. This may lead to communication issues if they can not tolerate or neutralize the multitudes of personalities or types of people they interact with during, let's say, a "RETAIL" Job.
  5. Psychopaths tend to see things in linear ways - and would not be good at helping traumatized victims unless their Emotional Empathy - was perfected (on-point) and is used in a diverse, but selective manner [28].
5 Supplements to Turn Yourself Into a Psychopath 
NOTE: To turn yourself "into a Psychopath" won't happen immediately - it will take WEEKS (at least) to change the Brain Chemistry (significantly) and it may require some significant strides in mental incongruence - you must learn to dissociate yourself (psychologically) from your Emotions by neutralizing the effect/impact of others expectations and their emotions.

  1. Kratom [!]: The opioid-system controls (reduces) emotions - Psychopaths have high levels of natural Opioids [30]; beta-endorphin & dynorphin as well as high receptor activity. In order to get to a state of Psychopath - daily use of strong natural Opiates is necessary.
  2. Test Stack Product No.17 [!]: Testosterone is tied to Psychopathy [31] - and low cortisol levels along with High Testosterone reduce Empathy [32]. Long-term use of the ONLY testosterone booster that affects gene transcription [33] - can lead to eventual development of Psychopathy. It also contains Catuaba Extract - which traps Dopamine in the Brain [34]. I noticed increased over-Confidence/arrogance on this supplement. This was nearly immediate for me!
  3. Relora [!]: This is a supplement that blocks/reduces Cortisol [35] and thus can increase Psychopathic traits [36] [37] - it also acts on GABA-receptors [38] - which are typically over-active in Psychopaths [39].
  4. Syrian Rue Extract [!]: The "Warrior-Gene" (read here) is present in most Psychopaths [40] [41] [42] - and it means that psychopaths have less MAO-A [41] in their brains - leading to more nerve activity in the Brain [42]. To "mimic" this (if you don't have the gene) - you can supplement with Syrian Rue (penganum harmala) to just BLOCK the MAO-A directly [43] [44] [45]. Psychopaths with Violence are (generally) 3R Warrior-Gene carriers. It plays a big role in violence & behavior in antisocial individuals!
  5. Metergoline [!]: Metergoline is a serotonin-receptor blocker [46] - since Psychopaths often have LOW serotonin [47] - creating a long-term low serotonin state can lead to developing Psychopathic traits [48].

In/Tags: supplements to make you into a psychopath 2019, herbs to turn you into a psychopath 2019, how to turn yourself into a psychopath 2019, what pill will turn me into a psychopath? 2019, drugs to turn you into a sociopath 2019, supplements to make you lose your conscience 2019, drugs psychopath 2019.