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It has been a good few years, and Area1255 has seen a storm of viewership, as a result - my motivation is once again heightened. I feel the energy from our young people, and a heart is a magnet for positivity. But it’s the type of positivity that matters, and although I spread love,… and love is important - it’s just as important to change society in favor of the young people. Young people make fast, wise decisions - we are strong and resilient - and are to be trusted with executive decisions that impact the world - long-term, thus I would like to remind you all that there is an opportunity - created by the stronghold of yourself - that is, if you accept it - an Anarchic organization ; or your own, that is the New Anarchic Order.
In this order we will become more powerful as a people so to become one equal level, I call upon the young people and all those who agree to challenge the governments many flaws and all restrictive elements that shall oppose us, or dampen our freedoms. Freedom is not meant to be taken lightly; thus whether you enjoy sex on Ecstasy, illegal sex, or party drugs in general, whether you like Crack Cocaine, or Acid, speaking or blocking, freedom is all important.
1.) As hard as it may be, we must protest the police, our young black people, and people in general are being targeted, and trivial “crimes” like drug possession and drug dealing are being targeted, because of perceived “damages” and just the brute illegality of it. Police should act with restraint, not guidelines. We have a police force, overly determined to follow their strict code; even in the interest of what’s right. They impede our freedoms, and throw good-hearted, misunderstood people in jail. THIS MUST END NOW!!!
My followers, protest the police and make a movement of the highest caliber, so to move forth with a truly Anarchic Kingdom, which will surpass any dream any human-being has had.
2.) “Resisting Authority will Incur the Wrath of God”. So if police are so noble, why do they not understand the simple psychological concept of “if we take the drugs people are more likely to rebel and use more”, many people have overdosed because police and jail time stressed them out to oblivion. They get out and want to get high, but are so screwed up from being persecuted by police that they take EXTRA to relieve the stress. Do police not see that they CAUSE overdoses? Do they not see that their actions - hurt more than help?
They are said to be doing God’s work - but does God lack this vital common sense as well? What inconvenience it is NOT, rather this is murder. I’m sick of it - take a stand with the power of our Hearts - and let the heart speak! We are Men & Women of emotion; not submission - NO ONE SHOULD SUBMIT BLINDLY TO AUTHORITY OR EVEN GOD!!!
3.) Treasure the Reality - The reality is that there are “glowing opportunities” in the world, but a felony unredacted still punishes people long after they are convicted. To change society we must start a blockade of police force power & courts, hinder them, rebel against them - share this post with others. DO THE RIGHT THING!!! Inform people I am here - and ready to lead the movement.
4.) Medical, Medical, Medical - So a friend of mine was telling me how strict Doctors are getting with say - prescriptions of Lortabs (hydrocodone), but do Doctors have to follow blindly to the whims of “Health Guidelines”? Every doctors office is different - some more lenient than others - but what about those who REALLY need Lortabs - or even something stronger!!!!!
Should addicts be denied because of prior use, does ANYONE ever stop to consider the consequences of stopping pain medication prescriptions to folks who may be relying on that LAST DOSE, what’s to say one more pill may mean the difference between Life & Death for one person…that maybe just MAYBE that one last pill would give the motivation to quit the pills or an addictive lifestyle.
*Doctor’s assume too much*
Doctors should have a heart, they should LISTEN MORE to the patients often sophisticated case. Don’t rush DOCTOR’s, take time to listen to your patients or I promise - I PROMISE you will boycotted and protested against.
People can have general health issues; maybe a bad heart - WHAT IF one more lortab SAVED THAT PATIENT FROM A HEART ATTACK THAT OTHERWISE WOILD NOT HAVE HAPPENED DUE TO STRESS!!???
Can an ordinary Medical Doctor AT LEAST look into the individual cases of the patient and NOT miss the FACTS.
5.) Lastly, this government is ABSURD!!! They prosecute, persecute and dispensable people to maintain their Power - THIS NEEDS TO END!!!!
I urge everyone to STOP VOTING AND PROTEST!!! Lest this world end in a clash of fury. Let’s do away with the power hold of the federal government - this goes for all my Black Brothers in the hood and inner city and country Black & White folk as well. This goes for my Spanish/Spaniard friends as well.
6.) Freedom to Will - Even Violence or “over-assertiveness” is a “God-given right”, “god gave men free will”, or a natural, instinctual right? While some forms of violence may be a crime, it’s necessary to teach people lessons?
YOU be the decider. People should not be scoffed at because their will for violence is THERE. Does that not just cause more violence? Restricting ANYBODY in ANY way is retarded.
Understand psychology before you assert yourself.
Laws in general, the #7, need to be Crippled. Like “what is right” is to “write a certain way”, but a 24-year old can get punished for everything from having marijuana, to accidentally tripping over a rock and running into someone, or for dating a MINOR who are all Adults now anyway, regardless of what anyone WANTS to believe (PARENTS!!!), nobody will accept their “religion” is no longer the basis or “sound basis” for code. I’m not being a follower, but as a man you have to question things, why a good-hearted individual can get punished in a genuine, perfect and loving relationship with a Teenager, or whatever age they are…and to bring up religion, the Bible only ( argues against swaying or “causing” a child who believes “trusts” in Jesus Christ into sin. Not those who don’t believe who may be rightfully converted by a seemingly perverted relationship with a man.
What it looks like from the outside in, is not necessarily what it is.
#8.) What is a “Pedophile”, not to be outcasted, they are simply high anxiety, immature, high oxytocin individuals (much “love” hormone”), with a myriad of brain “disturbances” primarily due to Trauma/Stress or “bad genes”. They are simply “misguided souls”. I can’t tell you how many relationships I’ve seen between a 20+ year old man and 13-15 year old!!! They actually work out 70% of the time. Nobody should accuse, judge, or criticize - and using the term “pedophile” as a blanket term for someone wanting ANYONE underage JUST to simplify things and justify themselves or their parenting is ABSURD!!!
“I don’t want to believe anything but what I WANT to conclude, a generalization that society accepts”.….
but an Ephebophile/Hebophile (teenage Desirer) is not the same as CHILD attracted (prepubescent) which is pedophilia !!!
You fricken parents are retarded and psychotic, if you think you are “open-minded”, but you cut corners labeling people who CAN’T help it!!! (Besides as I said Children ; with the hormones in the food and high histamine lifestyle are ALL adults and CAN make their own decisions!)
*MOST IMPORTANTLY* how can you (in good conscience) subject a MAN WHO’s TESTICLES ARE NOT WORKING TO PRODUCE NORMAL “NATURAL” levels of confidence???
Pedophiles are *PROVEN* to have LOW TESTOSTERONE - *THAT* would make them emotionally vulnerable and disturbed…so a VULNERABLE person, should get THROWN in Prison, and possibly KILLED or TORTURED or HURT because you have an “error” in scientific judgement???
“The methylation status of the androgen receptor gene was also higher in child sexual offenders, indicating lower functionality of the testosterone system, accompanied by lower peripheral testosterone levels.”
9.) Old People Suck, I Worship you out of RESPECT, *EVEN IF* you believe in Satan ;)
Perhaps Satan was simply a clairvoyant and predicted the end of the world and thus he was “thrown from heaven” because he had a LEGITIMATE moral argument regarding God’s failure to maintain his position. Or to prevent the end of the world…
Like, even according to the Bible SATAN has a pivotal, non-surpassable/replaceable role, but “EVIL”, what’s to say, *IF* he was at one point “GOOD” and in HEAVEN then WHAT changed??? Proves God *ISN’T* PERFECT, otherwise there would be *!NO!* suffering!!! Evil - as said IN THE BIBLE is more complex, it’s all about BALANCE between positive and negative energy!!!!
Truly I believe there are forces more “evil” than Satan…
So, in conclusion let’s stop “killing off” people BORN with “defects” such as Pedophiles and such, and drug-users, and people who get drunk and make “a mistake”. Let’s INCLUDE everyone in this SOCIETY, and….
LET’s start the New Anarchic Order; get it rolling folks!!!!!!!
Date of Birth: 1-27-1992
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