For the last few years the entire supplement market has found its place engaging in the sale of "Testosterone-boosters"...now of course, these types of products have been emphasized for decades before that. But its only been in the last few years that TV marketing has reached a new climactic point for products like "Nugenix" and other male heath geared supplements.
The PROBLEM is that while some studies seem to support things like Fenugreek and other key components of these types of products - they are often biased and the so-called studies are often manufactured or sponsored by the company selling the product.
That doesn't, of course, stop Fitness buffs from being enchanted by the marketing as we all remember that ABSOLUTE efficacy of PCT-favorites like ALRI's Restore-X back in the day. We also should remember, for those of us IN the community that products like USPLabs PowerFULL, simply work.
But then there are "Testosterone-boosters" that boost libido, except they do it by totally different mechanisms...meaning its usually a Dopamine-burst, not a Testosterone burst. So its a deceiving market, indeed.
INSTEAD, we at Area-1255 decided to embark on a quest to find the 5 ONLY real Proven Testosterone-boosting supplements. Ones backed by NON-BIASED research and not covered by only that but by real, verifiable and non-biased user reviews...to which there are plenty, and of different kinds on different discussion boards.
THE TOP 5 *PROVEN* Testosterone-Boosters of 2017 & 2018
1.) No.17 Testosterone Booster: This product is a game-changer for many and features a formula that is both well-researched and well-reviewed. One of the main ingredients; Shilajit, was proven in a large HUMAN study to boost levels of Total & FREE Testosterone by around 44% while maintaining levels of gonadotropins (LH/FSH) indicating non-suppression. Meaning, the product does not contain synthetic compounds that suppress "natural" test production.
The other ingredients, like Avenacosides (component of Wild Green Oat) seem less pronounced in traditional Testosterone research, however they do block the breakdown of Dopamine by inhibiting MAO-B [1] - and most MAO-B inhibitors have a reputation for remarkably lowering Prolactin levels [2] which then would raise Testosterone [3].
Another ingredient: Chlorophytum Borivilianum (Safed Musli), and an organic extract at that - was one of the key ingredients in USPLabs PowerFULL and in the study it showed it boosted the Human Growth Hormone levels of the participants [4] and in another, increased the serum Androgen & DHEA level [5].
- ...One of the few single herbs proven to do so.
Some of the other ingredients include PURE 3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran which is an ingredient traditionally PRIZED by bodybuilders for its ability to increase "Free Testosterone" [6] [7] and is one of the only ones that has stood the test of time. Unfortunately, many product manufacturers INCLUDE the whole root and nettle plant which weakens the results since Nettle has other anti-testosterone components which make are...not good.
Now for Reviews.
- An honest review from a non-promoter on EliteFitness, having no connection to the Company whatsoever AND that fact being verified by our sources as well as the board.
- High Intensity Supplements posted a written Review as well as a Video (YouTube) review of Test Stacks Number 17 Test-booster. Having a "face" on the review certainly helps customers decide.
- Fitness Report has a collection of user reviews and (admittedly) did more digging than I did. Props to them! It appears, they also did not cherry-pick Testimonial based and did indeed include some average-fella reviews, which reinforces what we already know about the product - that its legit!
2.) Shilajit Itself: As stated above, Shilajit is clearly an efficacious Testosterone-booster in humans by merit of its study quality [8] - one of the dilemmas though behind it is what form to use. In my experience - its best to use BOTH capsules like Barlowe's Shilajit capsules + Barlowe's Shilajit Paste.
Other users tend to agree and many people say Shilajit boosts muscle and libido like "nothing else".
There are people who barely use it and retain long-term effects.
As with all products listed here, it is lab-tested and a VALID Certificate of Analysis (COA) is provided with the product and on their page...these are all updated regularly.
3.) Forskolin: Forskolin is proven to increase total AND Free Testosterone LIKE Shilajit, but by a totally different mechanism - it boosts cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels, quite directly, by directly activating adenylyl/adenylate cyclase and thus raising intracellular second messengers.
User reports of "TRUE" Forskolin supplements, ones that ACTUALLY Contain Forskolin - remark very strong effects on pump, strength, and decreasing body fat and some believe it also increases positive aggression levels.
It also restores/reboots the Thyroid and stimulates T4/T3 production [9].
Barlowes's Forskolin seems to be the only LAB-TESTED/COA providing company at the moment. For this product and those below, simply click the product link and then go to the third image, which shows THIRD-PARTY test-results on the substance.
4.) D-Aspartic Acid: D-Aspartic Acid or "DAA" is able to raise Testosterone in humans [10], but here's the catch - it doesn't do much WITHOUT an Estrogen Blocker (check out 7-Methoxyflavone or pharmaceutical Arimidex ("adex") and it NEEDS to be taken with Sarcosine [11]. E-Pharm TestForce II is a good way to get both. My little trick though, is to also use one teaspoon per day, up to twice a day Diyesta CEYLON Cinnamon - and this helps to enhance the effect of both by preventing the degradation of the former.
Most users of DAA find it useful for muscle mass being "HCG like" and also boosting libido.
Some find it useful for PCT (Post-Cycle-Therapy) after pro-hormones as well.
5.) Tongkat Ali: Somehow this one ALWAYS makes it to the list. That's simply because it never fails and is backed by research. Its benefits mainly by increasing Free-Testosterone.
Forum reports indicate consistent benefits and enhanced muscle mass, strength and libido.
The reputable Men's Health Blog and partner of ours; Anabolic Men - also shows personal reports and treasures the herb.
In/Tags: proven testosterone booster 2018, best testosterone boosters 2018, best testosterone supplements 2018, highest legit reviewed test booster 2018, research backed testosterone booster 2018, anabolic men updates 2018, area1255 updates 2018, anabolic men tongkat ali, search testosterone boosters new year 2018, new year androgen boosters, best steroid sites 2018, best natural alternative sites 2018, alternative media news networks 2017 2018, usa and russia 2018, russian news 2018, russia testosterone boosters 2018, american made organic and lab-tested testosterone boosters 2017 2018, best muscle builder anabolic steroid pro hormone pro-hormone prohormone sup/supp supp supplements 2017 2018, test-booster test booster with coa certificate of analysis, test booster with certificate of analysis, testosterone booster with certificate of analysis, testosterone booster of coa.