In a Dream at 1:48 AM, last night - the People of The World, that is 50,000 - had a dream. The dream was the planet Saturn, erupting, and emanating energies, the stars flew from the Universe and sent a strange Energy into the Earth, an Energy of Peace.
In the process, you all Heard a Voice...
He said
"Saturns Dream, Miracle of Peace" Area 1255 Blogspot...
He also said "some of you have struggles, some Stress, some unable to sleep" but Saturns struggle; is creating Peace. That is, the God of Saturn; Saturna, he struggles to maintain Peace.
The dream was first sent to...
Tom M; Thomas Meyers.
Julia Roberts
Adam Sanders of Minnesota
What is Saturns Dream?
Saturns Dream is to create a society of total peace & equilibrium, to neither engineer nor force peace - but to allow people to liberate their minds and reach a State of Peace; in Saturns Dream - the Governance of The Universe becomes one with ideas of Men & Women of the World - people see Eye to Eye.
It is an increasingly magical time, and people are aware that their childhood holds a special sense of energy - one that many would like to recollect, so they can find their vision.
IMAGINE, if people could reconnect their minds with the Spirit of The Universe, if people regained Originality, Energy, and if that energy becomes limitless - and if people don't need to worry about losing that energy, that glowing optimism...then people reach a state of Hope, Cheerfulness, Unending Unity - because of Happiness.
Happiness is equilibrium, happiness is a virtue, happiness is balance, happiness is Sacred, happiness is a Choice - but we must let it in now - instead of trying to force ourselves to feel it - instead of trying reaching for it desperately.
We can not Change.the.World - without illuminating our Hearts and Our Minds.
So let us first examine the problems of mankind.
1.) Arrogance; arrogance, internalized rigidness, second-guessing others, having undue entitlement of the self - as if the self is superior to others - as if I am above others, more important, being dismissive. We must look past this and maintain Humility.
2.) Blind Consumption of Ideas; Religious conflict, rather than open-consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, many fail to see that all sides tell an equal story - yet all are tales to the other sides - all are the Be-All End All - the Universal Truth - rather than wondering in Peaceful Curiosity. Rather than retaining a sense of Virtuosness, finding contentness in Wisdom, rather than knowledge.
3.) Judging others, Maintaining a Bias; a continuing error of Judgement, is judging itself - ones hopes are continually fractured because people are discounted for their thoughts - degraded for being who they are; we become the stepping stones for others, and throw walls up around others - in a timely manner we Act on Ourselves - and involve our actions.
4.) Finding Too Many Faults without Enough Resolutions; prompt resolutions are often at the expense of others - and often incomplete, they are there set about in linearity, but they lack Vision, Open-Mindedness. What helps one may not help a group of others - why not secure the future of others, by finding the similar advantages that help many - as a Strategy that Aligns their Destinies in Hope.
5.) Peace & Equilibrium; without Unity; so many achieve peace, but it never spreads properly, it never reaches a satisfactory momentum - it never evolves, it never contains enough HOPE - it never is so penetrating that Society remembers it; that society can live Off of It. That society finds air it breathes in - Water it maintains in. As if hydration to the bones, reasonable analysis diminishes Our Peace, fractures our Judgement, we need LOVE & Unity without Guilt of such Love and Resentment. Without Fear, We Must Love One Another. how we Obtain, Peace & Equilibrium.
In S.O.C.I.E.T.Y we Find the Cure amongst ourselves. We have it. We must Own It. But as A People - Not One Over Another, To Better Ourselves, Not Biting Each Others Heads and Ideas Off.
3:18 AM...
4:04 AM