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Thursday, October 25, 2018

As Humanity and The World, Together, Are Enlightened - We Shall Forever Culminate, and Fuse Together Our Ambitions to Create a Greater & More Advanced Society & World 2018

~ The 21st Century's Final Enlightenment ~
 "The Ultimate Illumination Of Truths, and Falsities, Futures, shall be Spread by a Common Decency and Commitment to value Value and the commitment to Proliferating Knowledge, so that WE, as a People, can Become what we 'Ought to Be, so that Unlimited Progress in Society is Realized - and Finally, we Will Turn this World into a Disease-Free World, where the Pinnacle of Health is Achievable by EVERY Human, and the Worlds deepest Secrets are Revealed to Us All"

 We have reached a critical moment in the Progress to Ultimate Enlightenment, as Humans, Society, has evolved, the Human Ego has evolved, and I will take the Place as Your Leader, to change the World into a Disease free World, together, with the Great Transhumanist Movements most Prominent Organizations - we shall at last, TRANSFORM America and the World into a lasting, realizable Utopia"

 One where the narrow-mindedness of others, even Politicians, can no longer interfere with our Societal Progress, and we shall create a State of Great Independence, Security, and Action - where Human Beings are motivated on the Premise of Action, and can Achieve their Greatest Dreams, and Fantasies, we can establish this New State of the World, where all things are Possible, together"

Awareness, though, Awareness is Absolutely *KEY*, in avoiding being a Victim to Others and even Ourselves...the Idea is to become Open-Minded, even if Steadily, so that Narrow-Minds can serve as a Source of Learning, and fellow Open-Minds; a Source of Wisdom, adding to the Power we have now Obtained through that Knowledge, that Power, and Knowledge, which WILL assuredly Lead us to Conquer our OWN MINDS, and those who Oppose Us!

In/Tags: 21st century final enlightenment, 21st century final enlightenment 2018, illumination of truths 2018, comment decency in men 2018, find bloggers who are part of the illuminati, bloggers who are part of the illuminati 2018, 21st century final enlightenment, 21st century final enlightenment 2018, illumination of truths 2018, comment decency in men 2018, bloggers who are in the illuminati 2018, As Humanity and The World, Together, Are Enlightened - We Shall Forever Culminate, and Fuse Together Our Ambitions to Create a Greater & More Advanced Society & World 2018

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