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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Debunking the MYTH Of China as the ANTICHRIST Empire (Is China the AntiChrist 2018) (Is China Going to Rule the World at The End?) 2018

Many websites [1] and Extra-Biblical accounts ("Prophecies") [2] have suggested that CHINA is the "true leader" of the One-World Government - and that they are DESTINED to "rule the World" for One or Three Days (varying interpretations) at the End...

However, even though some things speak EVIL about China and their History of Communism & Total Corruption...such as the Following, after this part you will See various Contradictions...

  1. YES. China is a Country REPRESENTED by a DRAGON - they have Historically (and Currently!) used Dragons in many aspects of Cultrual Tradition as well as Governmental Rule - and are thus, are considered to be "seated by the Dragon" - (metaphorically). This would be consistent with the Biblical Verse "the Dragon gave the Beast his Power, and Throne and Great Authority" (REVELATION 13:2). They have a long-standing Obsession with the Power & Divinity - that dragons supposedly bring.
  2. It is TRUE, that the Bible mentions "great destruction" caused by "The Kings of The East" (Daniel 11:44) and that China will amass a Great Army [REVELATION 9:16]The Bible speaks of a Great War involving China, that will occur after "waters have dried up" [REVELATION 16:12]. It is at this time - that the "Sixth Angel" will have 'poured out from his Vial'. These 7 Archangels of Revelation play a Pinnacle Role in the End-Times disasters.
  3. As a RESULT of China - the World will be in disrepair - and many will be KILLED/ANNIHILATED due to the Overwhelming Force & Magnitude of Their Army. However - it is said in DANIEL (11:44) (the Main Chapter alluding to the Identity & Times of the Anti-Christ Rule) that the "King of The North" shall be 'troubled' by the Kings of The East - yet shall make with Great Fury to Annihilate them and many others. This indicates whoever the "King of the North" is - is the TRUE Antichrist. Most likely, the King of the North refers to the last North American President - or President of USA...since Norway, Sweden, Denmark and such do not exactly control large amounts of International Affairs/Governments. They are "northern" Nations however, as discussed in THIS-ARTICLE - Norway is clearly a "saved" Nation as their Inheritance points to the Biblical Tribe of Benjamin.
  4. China (certainly) has *SOME* ties to World Bankers (including Tyrants) - but lies on the Opposite Side of the "Illuminati Foundation"...they do not possess the "ROYAL" English-German-Jewish 'satanic bloodline' nor are they are Representing nor HELPING World Banks.
  5. China's Government (regularly) LOCKS-UP [3], tortures [4], and SELLS the Organs of Outspeakers/Political Dissidents. This is, in essence, a Satanic-Type of Rule that comes from the Inherent Nature of Communism to be A Suppressive Force in the World. China will THREATEN the Lives, Families AND Jobs of ANYONE who Speaks Out against their Government; on a Small OR Large Scale [5].
  6. China has recently been BANNING the Sale of [6] and even in some cases, Personal Ownership of The Christian Bible (The Holy Bible) - which Speaks to an "antichrist nature" in the Nation.
  7. The Chinese Government (and Xi Jinping) now INSTRUCTS Citizens to replace Pictures, Images & Wallpapers of Jesus Christ - with Pictures of their President. They essentially stated Jesus Christ is "bad for their Health and for the Poor" and that ONLY the Chinese Communist Party & Governmental Health Organizations can "heal the Sick".

Despite all This, Biblically China DOESN'T fit the Picture of Anti-Christ Kingdom or "Second Beast".


FACT:  The "first beast" in The Holy Bible refers to the Vatican City State (Rome) and last Pope, the "second beast" refers to the Final Political Kingdom and its Tyrant - who shall become the last "World Ruler" and will be The Conqueror of Conquerors - and shall cause much of the World to "tremble and be oppressed".


  1. As stated ABOVE, Chapter DANIEL 11:44 mentions a "King of the North" as the last World Ruler who (in the same Context) will become the Anti-Christ - the Last King who is "of the Eighth and yet is of the Seventh, and shall go to Eternal Damnation (Perdition)". [REVELATION 17:11].
  2. The "King of the North" CAN'T possibly refer to CHINA - since China is NOT a Northern Province - nor is it connected to "Northern Government" in any capacity - nor does it possess significant Power, or Land in what would be considered Northern Europe. 
  3. China is NOT connected to (directly) the "Satanic Bloodline" the "Holy-Grail" or "Jesus Bloodline" - they have no Ethnic Background relating to those who have been consistently plotting World Domination & Financial Control for Generations [7].
  4. The Bush Bloodline, in simpler terms, has more Connection than China - and though MOST regard the Bush's as "Good and Fair Presidents" - they were (secretly) Members of the Bohemian Grove (club) & the Illuminati. President George Bush also gave a Speech about his Hopes and assurances that the New World Order would be Passed. Since the Windsor-Bush family bloodline is both intertwined with American, British & German Politics creating a new "German-Transylvanian Elite" - these (specific) English-Descent individuals are on the SAME-ROAD as all of the Worlds Greatest Evils. It is thus, shown that these "Grail Bloodlines" and "European Royalty" Bloodlines are the true "SEAT" of the Anti-Christ!
  5. The Bohemian Grove, its existence, its Rituals and the decidedly " FUN" location - where "all the Rich and Powerful go to Misbehave" is clearly linked to the Illuminati AND the Richest of the Rich.
  6. China has no connection to either of these specific aspects of Satanic-Control Grids.
  7. Neither is China biblically pointed out as the Anti-Christ; since Rome has to be at the Seat as the "Primary Beast" and World Religious Order - however, in defense of some Critics of this "American & British" theory of the NWO - The Pope (Pope Francis) DID recently state that "China is the best Example of Christianity", despite their OBVIOUS anti-christian Nature and TORTURE of Christians...this may indicate either the Pope has been compromised, or corrupted by China - or SIMPLY - that he is supporting an Anti-Christian Revolution in the World - that latter example is FAR-MORE-LIKELY.
  8. Even Alex Jones and his team of Info Wars reporters pointed out the  inextricable relationship between The Popes, and the Technocratic Establishment and CLEAR connection to the New World Order.
  9. Forbes also, though usually AGAINST "Conspiracy Theorists" - gave Alex Jones some credit with regard to Global Government conspiracies - and his captivation of Audience - in One other Post on Forbes - they too, alluded to the "realities" of a Global Infringement on National Sovereignty and of a "possibility" of a Coming New World Order type Governance.
  10. ALL Presidents with (possible) Sole-Exception of Donald Trump - including BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - are Genetically Linked to the same Path of European Royalty. All major Presidents (besides Kennedy & Trump) have SUPPORTED the Federal Reserve & Corrupt World Bankers. Kennedy was shot, and, in Effort to Restore Control to the Global-Bank Linked Democratic Elite - they MAY try to KILL Trump Next. Even Joe Rogan; one of my FAVORITE podcasters and Fitness Buff's - stated he believed "they are gonna' try to Kill Trump next". In reference to the same peoples, or those with Vested Interests - that killed or HIRED someone to Kill, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
  11. Moreover, HARD Proof is Present (Thanks to WikiLeaks/Julian Assange) that our Government & the RICH Rockefellers have spoken secretly & have (quietly) organized in commitment to the Prospect of a Global Government an Absolute Democratic-Elite Controlled Press.

In/Tags: is china the antichrist, is china the antichrist 2018, is china going to rule the world, is china going to rule the world 2018, is china going to rule the world at the end of times, is china going to destroy the usa 2018


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