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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Will NORWAY Be SAVED at End-Times??? (Is Norway Going to be Saved by The Lord Jesus Christ at The End of Days and Armageddon 2018-2022-2025)

This question was E-Mailed to me on October 25th, 2018, this year. 
Its a good question - and something I forgot to add to this Blog.
So...Thanks for Reminding me Kyle H Wilson!

"Dear Area, I am wondering something very important - do you know if the Country of NORWAY will be a part of those 144,000 saved mentioned in The Bible? What is YOUR Theory? Thanks in Advance and for the GREAT work you are Doing!!!"


Hello Kyle, and thank you for the Nice Words. :-)
YES. Norway will be one of the Nations saved as most of them have converted into some form of Christianity and ALSO - they are all descended from the "saved" Tribe of Benjamin [1] - Tribe of Benjamin descendants are ALSO Icelanders - who's Nation (ICELAND) will ALSO be Saved by The Lord Jesus Christ [2]. The Normans are also of this Tribe [3] - and thus, they too, will also be SAVED. That is - the Peoples from Normandy, France - and as well, Rollo The Viking's Gene Line - will also (likely) be SAVED by Christ.


ADDITIONAL NOTES: Even though 'technically' the Vikings (Norse-Pirates/Pagans) who FOUNDED the Nations of Norway, Iceland, Sweden were (IN-PART) Fallen Angel or "Non-Human" DNA (descended from the Nephilim) - this DOES-NOT mean those peoples are in ANY-WAY incapable of being saved, as The Bible says "Believe in Christ and ye shall Be Saved" (ACTS 16:31). However - those of assuredly Pronounced "Viking Blood" may have to TRY HARDER to be the ideal Christians - as many at times BE stricken with their Old-Instincts (primal) passed down from their Ancestors - thus many have a Propensity to Emotional Coldness, and Hypersexuality as well as being inherently "fierce & aggressive" in some aspects. The "Fallen-Angel DNA" or "Alien DNA" simply means those of Nordic-Heritage are stronger, more Resilient, more Balanced and Psychologically Enhanced (Superior) human-beings...however, I1-haplogroup or the Presence of DNA and such is NOT a Concern to God - as God created ALL of US (ultimately). With that being said - the presence of Fallen-Angel DNA would have be PURIFIED (through the SOUL!) - meaning, some of the Northern European peoples may (theoretically) have to go through a TRANSITION-PROCESS where God makes their Fallen-Angel DNA into REGULAR Angel DNA
(YES, God can "CONVERT" bad Angels into Good!)

Remember, we LIVE in a time of a SPIRITUAL-BATTLE - DNA DOESN'T determine IF we are just determines (Our-Genes) if we have certain TENDENCIES towards certain types of SIN and whether the Devil will TRY-HARDER to Possess or Corrupt certain people of "Superior Heritage" - as by doing so - he can get the "strongest Race" on HIS-SIDE rather than the Lords. 

...However, I believe that The Northern People are too Smart, Distinct and (nowadays) Religious to (generally) FALL FOR the Devils tricks. Thus, Norway will either be Killed Off or (HOPEFULLY) play a Role AGAINST The Anti-Christs EMPIRE. 

So in conclusion, NORWAY & ICELAND are BOTH All-Good (from which 12,000 WILL-BE Saved)...however, Sweden & Denmark MAY-NOT be (totally) Saved. As Sweden seems to have ALLOWED the Evil Muslim Extremists to INVADE their Country, RAPE their Women - and EXPLOIT the Welfare & Counseling Systems in SWEDEN - AS WELL as their Job-Services & Cultural (National) Heritage which is currently (as of October 25, 2018) LED BY A Muslim.

  1. Sweden has become a Country of Leftist Ideology, Money-Oriented objectives & constant Corporate Scandals as well as European Royalty linked Corruption - including their Financial Sector & Economy - which receives regular "benefits" from Global Banking Organizations.
  2. Sweden has introduced a "Mark of the Beast" type System where their People CAN NOT ride the Bus & Public Transportation [3] - nor travel into certain areas without either an Implanted MicroChip or the possession of an "enhanced" ID which contains Private Information of each Swedish Citizen. This rule, unfortunately also applies to their Hard-Workers [4] in all Industries - where this Technology (supposedly) serves as "an ideal form of Security & Verification".
  3. Following suit, unfortunately, many in the US-State of Wisconsin ALSO are getting Microchipped. This comes AFTER the initial "success" of the Early Stages of Microchip Research in/from Sweden.
  4. Sweden - besides spreading its Technocratic (Geek-Controlled) Atmosphere in the World, is also (senselessly) diminishing the "Standard" Economy for their OWN-CITIZENS by unduly Influencing the Corporate Sector in ways to make them RELIANT on the Government AND International/Global Banking Contracts.
  5. Sweden, lastly, though (officially) some have a familiar IDEA of the Lutheran & Christian Church as their Scandinavian Brethren (NORWAY/ICELAND) - SWEDEN has a Largely ATHEIST population - and increasing amounts of those who no longer believe and also those that simply claim "I do not Believe in a God". In fact, Sweden even CATERS-TO their Atheist Population by creating specific Atheist-GRAVEYARDS & Construction Sites, as well as Atheist "Churches" AND Congregations.
  6. The irreligious State of Sweden also tends to attract Widespread LIBERAL-Mindsets - which creates a Chaotic-State of Society in Sweden; especially major cities such as STOCKHOLM [5].
  7. Lastly...Sweden is NOT included in the 12 Tribes of Israel in The Bible for this Reason (among others) - its LIKELY that MOST Swedes AND Danes come from The "Tribe of Dan" - also known as THE "Lost-Tribe of Israel" and the Tribe who REBELLED against Christ and WORSHIPED "False-Gods" [6] [7] [8]. However, the Swedes who moved FROM Norway and those of Norwegian (North-Western-European) heritage, living in Sweden...these may be Saved, if they DO-NOT participate in the System of Global Governments - that much of Sweden will likely continue to Sign-Onto in Greater Numbers. With that being said, *some* of PURE Swedish Heritage may actually belong to the Tribe of Benjamin; like Norwegians & Icelanders. This seems to indicate ONLY those Swedes that are (primarily) descended from The Tribe of Dan will NOT be Saved (unsaved/unsavable).
  8. Whatever NUMBERS that Equates to of UNSAVED peoples in Sweden who have NOT Accepted Jesus Christ as their savior or have DENIED God's Word by accepting the "Mark of the Beast" in the End-Times.
  9. In part due to the UK, Germany & Sweden's Leftist Ideologies - and their Spread of the "Benefits" of Non-Religion - together has left much of Europe to be a much more NON-RELIGIOUS continent than it EVER has been, before. 
  10. Then...the growing Prevalence of Science & "Logic" as the mainstay for Human Thought...even Consciousness - has also contributed to the DECLINE of Christianity/Lutheranism in Scandinavia.

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In/Tags: mysterious ego, control the 21st century 2018, how to control the millennial generation 2018, evolving ego with enigmatic intuition, immortal intuition 2018, adapting ego 2018,

In/Tags: will norway be saved at end times, does jesus christ love norway, norwegians and jesus christ 2018, is norway going to be saved by the lord jesus christ, are norwegians going the 144, 000 saved bible, 

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