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Friday, October 12, 2018

The Promise of Adaptation 2018 (Promise and Premise of Adaptation as a Human Principle & Forethought)

The Promise of Adaptation is a Human Principle and Paradigm (consistent Pattern) that dictates and PROVES that Conscious Thought, Perception and Responses play a Pivotal Role in Society - the ways it is Formed...and the Way it that Society Changes. 

The Promise of Adaptation is based on the Well-Known 'scientific' Concept - of defensive & Forward-Adaptation...based on the Emotions & Struggles of Humans, we can (easily) SEE that Adaptation is *KEY* to Survival & the Thriving Ambition of Human Beings.

Mankind has evolved THROUGH Adaptation - thus the "Promise" of Adaptation is the very FACT that Humans are still here and were given the Gift of Evolution, Transcendence & Achievement.

It is named "The Promise of Adaptation".
In that, Adaptation is (literally) Promised, A Promise, guaranteed by the Continuum of Humankind. That mankind, is created through an Adaptive Struggle, that the Nature of Man, is upheld in that Promise. That promise, is rooted in the Origins of Human Existence. Whether you believe in Creation OR Evolution; Adaptation, is undisputedly a Fundamental Part of Human Existence & Societal Cooperation. Adaptation, is further Defined by, and Evolved by Humans. The proclivities of humans, not faring well in comparison to Adaptation. For Adaptation is, above all, how Humans Survive & Thrive. Thus, mankind is Created AND Evolved from the Almighty INTENT, of and for Adaptation.

Secondly, humans are PROMISED to Live by the Concept of Adaptation, Adaptation is a Promise, kept by Humans, but the Personification of Adaptation, delivers its Own Promise. Thus, the Promise of Adaptation, is, figuratively, that Adaptation is a Benevolent Prince, that stands for the Universal Personality of Man...that lies within the Doors to the Realm of Possibilities. Possibilities, that BECAUSE of ADAPTATION, are Endless.

Technology is often referred to as a "human adaptation" and that Humans have ADAPTED to using Technology, as if it is Customary. The Great Human Spirit, is thus Carried through by Technology...and Electronics in General!

However we, As humans, as Brothers, choose to Virtualize Our Imaginations, or Import our Imaginations onto a Hard Drive, or incorporate it and restructure it to make a Motion Picture (Movie). Either way, Adaptation is the CORE aspect carrying this Through!

In Adaptation, we Achieve Salience, Embrace Possibilities, Move Forward by the Same Promise. The Promise of Life. The promise guaranteed by Mans Principle Trait; Adaptation.

Positive & Negative Adaptation Roles
If a 13-year Old is Bullied.
Some will develop a Positive Adaptation, by having more Empathy to others who were Bullied; being Humbled by Their Experience.
Others will have a more Negative Adaptation; becoming Depressed, Obsessing on the Incident/Incidents, or even Harming THEMSELVES as a Coping Mechanism.
Then, an even smaller 'bunch, will go and Find a Gun, and Shoot up Their School.

(Or others School if later on in Life their Psychology Collapses & they are Controlled by "decompensation" or a decompensating Crisis.)

Serial Killers *OFTEN* start their Activities, AFTER A Major Loss; even a DIVORCE, counts as a Loss. Losing a Job, can Precipitate Emotional Turmoil, which then causes a Sensitive but Potentially CALLOUS individual to Embark on A Mission of Fury & Murder.

This constitutes "Negative Adaptation" on a Severe Scale, also known as "Negativistic Thought Patterns", Negativistic Adaptation.

...Much of which can be attributed to an unusual Genetic Environment and Temperamental Fluctuation combined with Maladaptive Temperaments as a Teenager.

Environment, Adaptation, and The Enchantment of Preclusion.

Negative Adaptation is often seen as "abnormal", but in fact, it is Simply less than the 'Ideal level' of Conformity in the Society we live in. It is, in essence, Matured Disequilibrium, that is shunned because of the Results of such Negative Adaptation; Disgust from Others, the Self, lowering of Self-Confidence, then that shows the Negative Adapter as Inferior. Weak. Destructible. Lastly, the SEVERELY Negative Adaptation rooted in Violence, can lead to Prison Time and other unsavory Repercussions. 

Repercussions that can be Avoided/Averted IF we could only Recognize Adaptation, and its Precepts, and Implications for Humanity. That if we understand and Embrace the Reality of ADAPTATION; as a Cause of All Things, as well as a Solution, then Identifying a more Acceptable Response becomes Simplified.

Adaptation proceeds to be the "Magic-Sword" that is now, evaluated by the Mind, simply. Without excessive deliberation, without the need for Large Paragraphs/Explanations, without the need for Advocacy; not Parental, not Governmental, and not Close-By.

The Manners we Express, are interpersonal Adaptations. Adaptations, which (effectively) make us CHAMELEONS. A Changing Code of Humanity makes that Reality even More-So.

...but there are GOOD Chameleons, and BAD Chameleons. Stings doesn't it? We can't all ADAPT in an 100% Identical Way, now 'can We? The definition of Adaptation then becomes ever more Apparent. But since we are (currently) Transitioning into a New Era of Humanity; The Age of Transhumanism, Immortality and Technological Mastery, we need not WONDER (constantly) of the Perils of Vigorous Adaptation. We've got MUSCLE, as a 'people, of Great-Honor, having the Title of Living in this Magnificent 21st Century!

Adaptation to Reality and In a Withering Sense of Reality.
Adaptation, being essential to Respond to others Sensibly, as you Adapt, to responding at a Certain Pace, you ADAPT, to Casual Communication, you Adapt to Reasoning & Logic, and you use Reasoning & Logic to Synchronize yourself with Others around You.

Allowing yourself to understand, and Reflect on Their Viewpoint/s.

Adaptation is Necessary - because it is only through Adaptation, that we Learn (get used to), Different Dialects, Regional Proverbs, Euphemisms, Expressions etc...we ADAPT, or Sensitize ourselves to the Methods of Communication that are used around US. Then we use them. To fit in? No! To communicate. To vibe with others. To be Uniquely Human, talking, voicing Opinions, letting others KNOW how YOU feel...and Of Course, one way WE Adapt is by Sharing Our Feelings.

Which can help us COPE with Negativity, but also allows us to reach a Critical Meshing Point, where we can see where and WITH WHO, Our Support System falls!!!

If the Promise of Adaptation is guaranteed to Humanity by the Promise that it occurs - then by that same guarantee, we as Humans are also promised a future - a future that presents its Solutions & Resolutions - by the Process of Adaptation.

...Familiarity, Idolization, Reminiscence, are these not all forms of Adaptation? You memorize something important, but your Brain memorizes even MORE than you Consciously realize...which is why we remember SMELLS and Driving Directions, shit like that.

...They come back to us - at times and places where those memories were originally lab-rodents - this is known as "conditioned place preference" and "familiarity cognizance". A little mouse remembers where it met its Mate, or had a a struggle to Adapt, it will find its Way back to this "comfortable spot", if needed, to escape trouble', it goes back to the ONLY place it knows, is Right. 

Environments can be reinforcing in the Same-Manner.
And in Humans this occurs more frequently than you would think.

In/Tags: the promise of adaptation 2018, promise and premise of adaptation, premise of adaptation, human principle forethought 2018, illuminati and adaptation, societal adaptations 2018

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