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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Symptoms of High Acetylcholine Levels (Symptoms/Signs of Excess Acetylcholine)

~If you are looking for supplements to reduce Acetylcholine, CLICK HERE~

Before I get into the grain of this article, I'd just like to point out that the only formal, similar article, over there on MindRenewal.US' , has been on there, on top-ranking results of Google, for over 20+years with no contestment. The issue with it, and though I appreciate the effort, is that the basis of the article is two specific sources that all relate back to Depressive disorders, and some of the symptoms listed are either garbled in their ''sources'' , where they are unlikely to be found, or clearly not even within those sources nor an extension of them. Instead, some of the 'symptoms' they list seem to be a result of internal bias, and jumpy conclusions which may be abrogated if countersourced. 

Let me also say that what is ''high'' acetylcholine, may not be sufficient for another individual, due to genetic and receptor-concentration related differences. Some may have no side-effects or symptoms from raising acetylcholine x10 (!)... 

In fact, elevated acetylcholine levels may produce no symptoms in a vast majority of individuals. Elevated acetylcholine is not guaranteed by any means to produce negative effects, and acetycholine produces different effects depending on the circumstance, and even the environment (!!)...

With that being said, let's get this show (or rather, lesson) started.

~Physical Symptoms of Excessive Acetylcholine~

  • Bradycardia (Low Heart Rate) (1) (2) (3)
  • Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure) (4) (5)
  • Hypersalivation (abnormal abundancy of saliva) (6) (7)
  • Excess Sweating (8) (9)
  • Tearing: Frequent, Spontaneous, Unusual Tearing (also known as lacrimation..) (10) (11) (12)
  • Hypo or Hyperthermia (low or high body temperature, feeling cold or feeling Hot) (13) (14)
  • Weak Muscles (15) (16)
  • Muscle Spasms, or little twitchy sensations underneath the skin that resemble bugs being underneath (!See Here!) (18) (7)
  • Itching, especially contact itching, such after exposure to external influences of hot or cold water, mold, grass, dust, ticks, and other outside/wilderness influences (19) (20) (21)
  • Frequent Nausea, or Incredible (Remarkable) Susceptibility to Motion & Sea Sickness [!] [!-!]

Mental Health Effects of High Acetylcholine

  • ..Depressive Like Behavior (22) (23) 
  • Anhedonia (24) (25)
  • Spaciness & Passivity (Blank-Mind, no particular thoughts in Mind, lack of Zest for Life) (26) (27) (28)
  • Increased Display of Distaste / Voicing of Distaste (increased blunt behavior, objective aversion and in some ways, animated behavior) (29) (30)
  • Impulsivity (31) (32)
  • Over-thinkin' it (Overthinking a simple situation, or analyzing past what is necessary, even for an ordinary task) (33) (34) (35)
  • An Occasional or Frequent Master of Redirection (Good at redirecting conversations, or diverting the current topic, or simply distraction) (36) (37)
  • Intellectually Dominant, but Poor Common Sense (similar to the low norepinephrine Profile) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43)..
  • Agitation associated with Dysphoria (more prone to Agitation due to Dysphoria) (44) (45) (46)



Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Symptoms of Low Norepinephrine / Low NorAdrenaline (Signs of Low NorAdrenaline Levels)

A direct successor to Symptoms of High/Elevated Norepinephrine. This article aims to outline the effects or ''symptoms'' of low norepinephrine production/levels.

Low Norepinephrine, unlike High Norepinephrine, is not likely a result of Stress, but rather, a neurophysiological abnormality that relates back to deficit enzymes in certain parts of the Brain. Specifically, we are talking about the enzyme ''dopamine-beta-hydroxylase" or [DBH]. The condition of ''low norepinephrine'' mirrors dysautonomia - a low sympathetic state where blood pressure often falls below normal and many nervous system functions (such as alertness, breathing, reaction time and smell) are disrupted.

Of the most common causes, Copper-deficiency is significant [1].
That may be caused by...

-One may be supplementing with too much Zinc.
-One may be consuming or supplementing with too much Manganese (not Magnesium).
-One may ''super-loading'' on Vitamin C too often (>20 days of 10,000+ %RDV in a way, can evoke a condition similar to Copper-deficiency).
-One may have a congenital condition, which may relate back to enzymes involved in Copper metabolism.
-One may simply not be eating enough, or fasting too often.

The Physical symptoms of norepinephrine deficiency are as follows.

  1. Dramatic Hypotension (low blood pressure) (2)
  2. Low Heart Rate (bradycardia) (3)
  3. Severe fatigue/lethargy (4) (5)
  4. Less Strength in the Gym, due to muscle weakness (6).
  5. Poor Physical Endurance (out of breath after a short run or walk etc) (7) (8)
  6. Fat Gain, which may or may not be related to Diet (9) (10).
  7. Poor Appetite Control and unusual clinging to fatty and sweet foods (11) (12).
  8. Low Muscle Tone (muscle hypotonia) (13) (14)
  9. Ptosis of the Eyelids (!) (*Only in those with severe deficiencies usually related to a mutation in the DBH-Gene, causing pathological norepinephrine deficiency, failed autonomic system*)

  1. Loss of normal memory functions, specifically with those relating to fast-action tasks and prompt decision making. Lack of mental speed (!) ().
  2. Loss of or significant decrease in , sense of smell. (≈)
  3. Persistent Confusion, Losing Track of Time (x)
  4. Odd or Unusual Thinking Patterns, low common Sense. (▓)
  5. General Lack of Vigilance (∩), including Attentiveness to Details relating to Sound, Architecture, Smell, lack of enthusiasm (∆)(☼).
  6. Loss of Motivation, or Low Energy to Perform desirable tasks ()
  7. Loss of or weakening of short-term memory (!).
  8. Impaired recollection / retrieval of Emotional Memories (☻)
  9. Impaired Visual Acquisition / Interpretation (1,2)
  10. .Loss of desire to explore ()


  1. Retrogade Ejaculation (-)
  2. Lack of orgasm with ejaculation (-)
  3. Overly sensitive scrotum (-)
  4. Lack of hardness at the 'tip' of Penis, but otherwise healthy sexual function/response (-).
  5. Possible reduced fertility / sperm motility due to metabolic effects of norepinephrine deficiency. (-)

In order to 'FIX' A Low Norepinephrine level...

Your tasks are..
  • Get blood work to confirm it is norepinephrine-deficiency.
  • Check hair and blood Copper levels with a Doc.
  • Urine 24-hour analysis of metabolites; normetanephrine and metanephrine.
  • If you are taking Zinc, lower the dose  or stop the supplement immediately.
  • Check your blood pressure and heart rate daily.

Now, assuming it is of unknown origin, look into specific exercise routines. If Copper comes out low, then supplement with Copper tablets.

However, do not overload, or load, or otherwise mega-dose Copper, as it is a very potent mineral, and too much is no good either.

Look into some venotonic herbs, and start a thermogenic diet with adequate Vitamin C.

Lastly, consider purchasing a quality Rhodiola Rosea supplement like 'Super Rhodiola' by Ceretropic.

  • Rhodiola Rosea rejuvenates the adrenal system and boosts the hypothalamic noradrenaline system, leading to energizing of the adrenal and hypothalamic systems (1) (2) 

The reason I recommend his supplements are because they all have certificate of analysis from a lab, to confirm the ingredients are as listed, and not contaminated. Also, his products have a very high feedback rating, and no sketchy or spammy marketing methods.


Which Ginkgo Biloba Product is EGB 761 (Where to Buy EGB-761 Ginkgo in USA)

:: Q ::
Which Ginkgo Biloba Product is EGB 761
Where to Buy EGB-761 Online?

: A :

  1. Both of the above Products are sold on Amazon.
  2. Both  are the patented EGB-761 Extract. hence their expensiveness compared to ordinary Ginkgo extracts.

Nature's Way "Ginkgold" is also sold in many grocery and health stores, such as Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Tops, Wegmans, GNC, Vitamin World and similar stores. However, it depends on whether the store in question ordered/re-ordered them or whether they bought the supply in the first place. 

Symptoms of Low Glutamate Levels in the Brain / Body (& How to Treat Glutamate Deficiency Naturally)

There seems to be a lack of ease in finding information related to low glutamate signs/symptoms, if you do a simple search in Google. Some of the results are actually confusing. As a result of continuous requests and these unsatisfactory results, I have decided to write an article describing the symptoms of low glutamate levels.

We all know that high Glutamate, particularly at kainate-Receptors, and sometimes at NMDA-Receptors, can lead to the notable condition ''excitotoxicity'', which , through peroxynitrate and other free radicals, leads to brain cell death and altered memory function (1) (2).

...But what does LOW Glutamate do?

Here we go. 
(Simply click the numbers next to each 'Symptom' to proceed to the medical reference / Study)


  • Mental Fatigue (Poor thought collection, weakened motivation, passivity) (3) 
  • Depression, Poor Attention Span |!| |!!|
  • Impaired Perception of Environment (height of people, objects, form, and writing appearance/placing) (4) (5) (6) (7)
  • Lessened Emotional Function : Apathy, Anhedonia, lack of Anger, Crying, Joy etc (8) (9) (10)
  • Altered Time & Movement Perception (including overestimation, and more commonly, underestimation of internal time) (11) (12) 
  • Loss of Appetite (13)
  • Loss of Taste Buds / Decreased Taste Perception (14)
  • Loss of Pain Sensation / Decreased Feeling (15) (16)
  • Odd Eye Movements (delayed eye movement, untimely movement, delayed fixation on object/target)  (!)


  • Profound Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure), or Orthostatic Hypotension (including dizziness upon standing) may or may not be present, but it is probable (17) (18) (19).
  • Low Heart Rate (Bradycardia) (20) (21) (22)
  • Fast Heart Rate (Tachycardia( (23) (24)

Suggestions for INCREASING A Low Glutamate Level

  1. Eat a HIGH-PROTEIN Diet - with emphasis on glutamic acid containing foods; Chicken contains high amounts (!) as does Soy-Prottein (!). You could also buy good 'ol fashioned Swanson Chicken Broth which contains a whopping 14,250 MG of Glutamic Acid (Glutamate @ > 14 Grams!!). 
  2. You could also supplement with Pea Protein powder, the Vanilla-flavored PlantFusion brand is delicious! Like a Mocha-milkshake type taste. Pea Protein contains tons of glutamic acid <!>.
  3. Exercise HARD for at least a half-hour a day, as it has been shown that when you subject your muscles to moderate weight and low-moderate intensity, glutamate levels rise - this can happen with cardio as well but moreso with weight lifting and / or resistance exercise (!).
  4. Piracetam is easily one of the most powerful ''brain-boosting'' supplements and is shown to be successful in medical literature and in independent human reports in terms of aiding memory and enhancing an already good intellect (1) (2) (3) .  However, in an increasingly large marketplace for these types of chemicals, it is essential that it is purchased from a store that provides third-party chemical test results (Certificate of Analysis) in order to confirm purity. Ceretropic has a superb track-record and remains the best of the nootropic suppliers. 
  5. Piracetam is also shown to improve other disorders that are characterized by glutamate-deficiencies, such as Autism (4) & Schhizophrenia (5). It may also reduce agitation in those with Dementia/Alzheimer's [!]. It acts as a positive allosteric modulator of the AMPA-Glutamate Receptor (!) and can even void the amnesic effects of several memory-impairing drugs {!}...

Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension

Roy Freeman, M.B., Ch.B.

Journal of Human Hypertension 

The impact of blood pressure on hippocampal glutamate and mnestic function

Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 1998;12 Suppl 2:S21-8.
Interfering with the pathologic activation of microglial cells and astrocytes in dementia. Piracetam

Symptoms of High Norepinephrine/NorAdrenaline Levels (Symptoms / Signs of Elevated Noradrenaline)

Writing a Summary on norepinephrine is not a particularly complicated task, however, it has to be note norepinephrine itself is distinctly different than other neurotransmitters. Partly because norepinephrine has one of the largest roles in the human adrenal system as opposed to other neurotransmitters which have negligible roles (1). Norepinephrine thus follows a different pattern of release, and due to its localization in the adrenal medulla (innermost part of adrenal glands) as well as its prompt uptake onto platelets following stress (2), has far more 'physical' effects or 'symptoms' than an excess of other neurotransmitters.

Abnormal norepinephrine elevations are MUCH more common than serotonin or dopamine elevations (beyond normal) (3), and norepinephrine is secreted during stress (4) and follows a stress and / or physical activity release pattern that surpasses (Easily) the release serotonin / histamine during stress.

In fact, it can be said that norepinephrine elevations are involved in almost every neuropsychiatric disorder to some extent; including Depression (5), Anxiety (all forms) (6) and phobias (7). Seizure disorders (8) and Schizophrenia (paranoid type) (9) also include norepinephrine elevations in study.

††Its key to state that norepinephrine has a next step - it can convert into Adrenaline (10), if it has the proper prerequisites ~(!)~ .  Adrenaline produces far more physical effects than noradrenaline, and prefers beta-adrenergic-receptors a little more than noradrenaline which slightly prefers the alpha-adrenergic receptors for its actions. ˠ††


  • Persistent Tension (!)
  • Muscle Rigidity (!)
  • Hand Tremors (!)
  • Cold Hands / Feet (!)
  • Jittery, Nervous, Distractable (1,2)
  • Hyperresponsive Reflexes (!) 
  • Flinchy (Easily Flinches etc) (!)
  • Feelings that your skin is being Invaded, bugs under skin, strange sensations in  Skin (1, 2, 3)
  • Lack of Pain Sensation or Sensation in General (!)

  • High Blood Pressure, or high-end of normal (140+ Systolic, Top Number, in younger patients) (1,2)
  • Fast Heart Rate or higher than normal for Age Range (1,2)
  • Heart Rate rises fast in response to sudden noise, jumpiness correlates to heart rate (!)


  • Scrotum is ''full''. roughened. Not loose and hanging. (!)
  • Penis is smaller, or constricted, shrunk due to peripheral adrenaline influences. (!)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (usually severe and worsens during Stress) ()


  • Hypervigilant, Suspicious of Others/Paranoid (!).
  • Anxious, Irritable (1,2)
  • Prone to Agitation (!)
  • Over-Reacting, blowing things out of proportion (1,2,3)
  • Super-attentive to sounds and smells (heightened sense of smell and hearing) (1,2)
  • Manic Behavior (!)
  • Little Appetite throughout the Day (!)
  • Heavily involved in PTSD-Symptoms (!)


Long-Term Reduction
  1. Follow a Zinc-rich and fruit Rich diet for 3 weeks; eat seafood , preferably oysters and crab meat 2 times a week for the first two weeks, then spread out after that. Consume beets and / or spinach & Arugula with main meals in Evening time. 
  2. Start Magnesium supplements ASAP, Magnesium is a key mineral in controlling norepinephrine levels both basal (Resting) and in response to Stress (!).
  3. See a Therapist/Counselor or Hollistic Practitioner to get your mind off Stress, if it is severe enough, these options are more warranted - especially if the symptoms of high norepinephrine are destroying your capacity for a normal life. 
  4. Look into "Relora"; one of the most powerful anxiolytic/anti-anxiety supplements on the market and remarkably efficient at reducing Stress-related manifestations (!).
  5. Long-Term - we need to focus on relieving Stress-responses, but to do that, we need to Remove or abate the *ROOT* of our Stress. If that takes meditation , or music therapy, look into 'em, they may help a lot !!


  • For Possible Erectile Dysfunction, related to noradrenaline, there are two prominent options with solid scientific proof and supported by those of high medical background; a PDE-5 Inhibitor combined with an alpha-1-uroselective blocker or alpha-blocker selective for a1-adrenergic ONLY. (1) (2)

  1. Cialis is recommended for daily use.
  2. Either Flomax, or Prazosin for quelling/removing adrenaline effects in Penis.

Magnesium Oil can be applied directly to the Penis as well.


An Overview of the Adrenal Glands
Beyond Fight or Flight
Written by Robert M. Sargis MD, PhD

Stress, norepinephrine and depression
Brian E. Leonard, PhD, DSc

Adrenal Medullary Hormones - ColoState.EDU

Cell Mol Neurobiol. - Adrenal Responses to Stress  (PubMed) .......................

Huffington Post - Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine: The Three Major Stress Hormones, Explained

The Neurobiology of Anxiety Disorders: Brain Imaging, Genetics, and Psychoneuroendocrinology

J Auton Pharmacol. 1994 Jun;14(3):187-200. : Sympatho-adrenal secretion in humans: factors governing catecholamine and storage vesicle peptide co-release.

Nature Reviews Endocrinology 5, 374-381 (July 2009) | doi:10.1038/nrendo.2009.106Stress and disorders of the stress system
George P. Chrousos

 Encephale. 2004 Jul-Aug;30(4):301-13.
[Neurobiology and pharmacotherapy of social phobia].

World J Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 22; 2(6): 134–147.
Published online 2012 Dec 22. doi:  10.5498/wjp.v2.i6.134
PMCID: PMC3782187
Influence of mental stress on platelet bioactivity


Monday, March 28, 2016

Can An MRI Tell You How Intelligent You Are? (Area-1255 Q's/A's)


 Can An MRI Tell You How Intelligent You Are?



However, with a fMRI ; Functional MRI, it is possible to evaluate brain activity patterns associated with blood flow, and to determine the brain regions with the most activity (e.g mPFC (Medial Prefrontal Cortex)  vs  lPFC (Lateral Prefrontal Cortex) or Limbic Regions VS Hippocampus).

Your I.Q can't classically be determined even by an fMRI, but there can be a reasonable estimate as to the predominating cognitive functions which can determine the degree of intellectual function an individual may possess. 

A Classical MRI (structural) can not fetch these findings and an fMRI is rarely used in medical procedure, but rather, for research purposes. However, in some physical conditions that demand more thorough testing (progressive demyelination/myelin degeneration, idiopathic migraine that is largely treatment resistant, autoimmune disorders that affect the nervous system e.g lupus, M.S), an fMRI may be warranted. In which case, you can ask for or discuss it with your Physician/Specialist.


Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2010 Dec; 12(4): 489–501.Human intelligence and brain networks

Neuroimage. 2005 Jun;26(2):555-64. Epub 2005 Mar 4. : Neural correlates of intelligence as revealed by fMRI of fluid analogies.

Cereb Cortex. 2010 Mar;20(3):641-9. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhp130. Epub 2009 Jul 1. : IQ-related fMRI differences during cognitive set shifting.

Eur J Neurosci. 1999 Jun;11(6):1891-8. : Social intelligence in the normal and autistic brain: an fMRI study.

Neuroimage. 2006 Jul 1;31(3):1366-79. Epub 2006 Mar 15. : Functional MRI evidence for disparate developmental processes underlying intelligence in boys and girls.

PubMed - The Nature of Brain Dysfunction in Autism: Functional Brain Imaging Studies

PubMed - Executive Functions and Prefrontal Cortex: A Matter of Persistence?

AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.  : Intelligence and Medial Temporal Lobe Function in Older Adults: A Functional MR Imaging–Based Investigation

PBS NewsHour - Can your ‘brain fingerprint’ reveal how smart you are?

Executive functions and their disorders.

4 Evidence Based Natural Tinnitus Treatments (How to Treat/Cure Tinnitus With Herbs/Supplements)

There seems to be a lot of products on the market nowadays geared towards Tinnitus, as well as other Ear-related conditions. Some products even claim to boost hearing in general. When it comes to vestibular disorders, the range of products leads to a very sketchy marketplace - where you have a large amount of different herbal products all claiming to do the same thing. Proprietary blends confound the average mind, and false reviews give false hope. I think that people deserve to find a place that cites proper University References and links genuine products that actually contain what is said on the label.

After days of lengthy research and following up with my mates at Univ of Maryland ( ), I have concluded a small list of lab-verified, ingredient-confirmed and well studied herbal products that can be safely used (Ingested or Topical) to treat / eliminate Ringing in the Ears AKA Tinnitus.

  1. EGb 761® : A specific Extract of Ginkgo Biloba, is the only proven form of Ginkgo with thorough medical / scientific application/s. It is also the only extract proven to treat / alleviate Tinnitus, while other forms of the extracts Either fail, or demonstrate little effect (1) (2)(3). EGb 761® is sold in the USA as "Ginkgold" by Nature's Way (4).
  2. Garlic Essential Oil :  Particularly useful for dissolving ear wax & for treating Ear Infections as well as any tinnitus resultant from that infection (5) (6) (7).....
  3. Zinc Supplements : Almost all Tinnitus-affected individuals have been noted to have some degree of a Zinc-deficiency, and the majority of all Tinnitus-afflicted individuals benefit highly from Zinc supplementation (8). Solgar and NutraBio are the best brands.
  4. Ginger Root Extract : Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory (9) and is regularly reported to improve stubborn cases of Tinnitus (10) and is cited in several other home remedy pages to be among the most effective Tinnitus treatments (11) (12). Finally, it improves blood flow to the inner ear while imparting anti-inflammatory/anti-irritant effects when applied directly as an essential oil, much like Garlic (13)
  5. Japanese cornel dogwood (Cornus officinalis) : The fruits of this plant have been used for Centuries in China for almost every inner ear disorder imaginable! With this one, it is best to apply as an essential oil that has the proper amount of "Ursolic Acid" as shown in the studies (14). It's also known as "Asiatic Dogwood".....

IN : is there a natural treatment for tinnitus?, 
TAGS :  is there a natural treatment for tinnitus?,

Saturday, March 26, 2016

5 Proven Ways to Decrease SHBG and Increase Free Testosterone Levels

Hundreds of products advertise their products under the  caption of increasing Free Testosterone and decreasing SHBG. Some of these products include Oat Extracts (Avena Sativa) and especially promote their components 'avenacosides'. However, I haven't been able to find a single study to justify the use of oat extracts in boosting free T levels. The only evidence would be indirect, and based on oats interactions with prostaglandins (i.e the oats contain healthy fats/omega'6/GLA and beta-glucan which increases prostaglandins). 

In Scientific Study the only 5 ingredients that have been proven to bind and inhibit SHBG as well as increase Free Testosterone, are as follows.

  1. Tongkat Ali Extract : "Ali's Walking Stick" - preferably the 200:1 "Sumatra Pasak Bumi" of Indonesian Origin - an herbal remedy with prominent history as an aphrodisiac and profound history as a test-booster with particular emphasis on SHBG/Free Testosterone (1) (2) (3).
  2. Stinging Nettles Extract (but only the 1,3 divanillyltetrahydrofuran Extract)  - this herb has a long history as a male reproductive tonic (4), particularly for enlarged prostate, however, it has no significant effect on DHT levels (5) other than an increase produced by raising free Testosterone (6).
  3. Proviron (Mesterolone) - An androgenic compound (DHT) with a long-history of use in the modern-pharmacopeia as an infertility treatment for men with low sperm count & Quality (7) , as well as for impotence (8) and for stimulating masculine characteristics in those with hypoandrogenic states (9) , chromosomal disorders (10) or in those with idiopathic testosterone deficiencies. It binds tightly to SHBG like endogenous Dihydrotestosterone and thus allows for remaining Testosterone to become freed from the carrier protein (11) (12). {here is a formal discussion on the compound}
  4. Arimidex, to lower Estrogen levels. Only if necessary and there is an estrogen problem in bloodwork (Excess "E2"). Decreasing Estradiol levels can increase Free Testosterone and decrease SHBG (14).
  5. Decreasing Body Fat (!) and Lifting Heavy Weights (weight and medium repetition) is PROVEN to increase Free Testosterone (see here regarding weights) and resistance training can as well (!).

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