1.) One of the Top, most unforseen ways people steal money - is by manipulating discount reward systems. In Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Target etc - any BIG Store has to roll the dots of sacrifice and deal with a plethora of different mindsets. You know that 25% off Coupon!? Kohl's Cash? These have been used for deviant purposes. One way is to switch accounts or claim that one is entitled to a certain cash reward; namely by baffling the Cashier's with registry complains and calling to complain about 'being hacked', having an inactivation caused by 'system failure's' - some even go so far as to FABRICATE Reference's from Employee Representatives for such Companies.
After manipulating the Reward System's - people have often done 'Charge-Back's AFTER the Fact to get money back from their *ALREADY DISCOUNTED* purchase. Why, you may ask? By claiming fraud on that purchase, one gets the money back with the bank and then can re-claim based on 'error-of-procedure' that their discount should be reinstated due to Recent "Identity Theft".
Some, of course, are un-reinstatable. This leaves a higher exploit to be done.
I once worked at a Wal-Mart in Modesto, where a guy, his 'Wife' and two Kids came in claiming that their discount for 25% was rang up as 15% - upon further examination - the guy had clearly FABRICATED the Receipt - which means he had ACCESS to quite a bit of Equipment...
I caught it , of course, but The Guy Scurried away quickly; never saw him Again.
Now traditionally, this may not be as much 'stealing money' as it is 'stealing discounts' - but it can be used interexchangeably, and due to the pure EXCESS of Wal-Mart Type Store's in many Regions - there are many opportunities to fabricate all kinds of Reports, Receipts and Stories so as to get items and then chargeback through their bank/s = some even TRADE or SELL their Coupon's on petty black-markets!
- Which brings me to the NEXT POINT; bank-linking and sales transfers.
- One could open accounts under Phony-name's and then make it look like the Bank is responsible for fraudulent charge's!
- They could also charge stuff from say KOHL's and then (under the new bank under PHONY NAME) , CLAIM IT WAS FRAUD ; and subsequently then sell the ITEMS (clothing, jewelry or what Not) at a PAWN SHOP OR BLACK-MARKET!!

I used to work at a Motel; and the idiocy of some of the unruly complaints I'd hear from Tourists was unfathomable! Ridiculous. I remember One guy, shortly after checking In (about 1hr. 48 mins to be Fair) - complained that the Room he had been given was 'DISGUSTING' and 'AWFUL' and 'Pint-Sized' - Despite nothing being Visibly wrong with the Room. Not offensive, smelled fine - no problemo! But there was a problem'o' - only with this Guy!
So he immediately rampages OUT of his room, stomps over to the Office (his step was more Dramatic than my Explanation) - then tells me and my brother to 'come to the room to see how bad it was'..the guy CLEARLY TRASHED the Room to MAKE IT LOOK like we are Pigs (the Ugly Kind). We are not. We haven't had ANY issues exactly Alike to this fat BOZO's complaints..he DEMANDED a REFUND in CASH!!! Despite having paid by CREDIT CARD! Yup, you read that Right! I declined him feeling as it was Scam; in result - he threatened to 'Turn me Over to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), LMAO!!
...................2 WEEKS LATER; our System Declared the Charge was DISPUTED by his accountant / Bank! :o
I Fucking KNEW IT!!! He did it in INTENT to get his money back in CASH; then Dispute the Charge to get MORE MONEY back...all the while justifying it with a FAKE STORY...
It never went anywhere of course, but that's just how some people work..and what kind of dilemma's EXPLAIN why this is #2 on my List...Personal experience can be a real Dammer!! >_<
So there we 'ave it , a NUMBER TWO for this God Awful list!! Bazaza!! Bah-humbugh.
Ok...I'm done!
IIIII..!!!!!!!!!!NEXT ONE!!!!!!!!!!..IIIII
# 3) NIGERIAN SCAMMERS!!! (Ya'll ain't no Princes!)
Ya see here, scammers come from every ounce of the Planet ; from every breath of Air - from countries you never even thought Existed...in a technologically-advanced state.
Nigeria should be public Example #1 .
Roughly half of the MAJOR Corporate e-mail schemes (!) (the one's NOT Committed by Madoff) which involve transfer of Money, funds, promises oPi (in advance) follow-up's of Contract-investments; come from Skilled Nigerian Scam-Artist's... their specialty?
They get a real kick out of fabricating business invoices and resolution campaign's.
An example is the oh-So-Courteous "dear beloved" E-mail scam.
..Which often evolves into more complex 'information gathering' which then leads to exploitation of charitable business's and individuals..you see, they TAKE Advantage of our instilled kindness to those of less fortunate descent - and at a time when our President wants us to kiss the A$$ of every other country, But our own - Then I guess succumbing to these scams is 'normal' or should result in the 'oh-well' approach of the current WH staff/Chief.
...Except these have been going on for Years and Years..so I guess it isn't his fault....it's , well, the INTERNET'S!! { not }
Either way, with all the crossword battles and Religious-Crusading's - it's clear that the 'diversions' are benefiting the Prosperous scams from these central regions and they continue to thrive despite economic and legal challenges as well as Public Exposure which is a sure reason why they make #3 on this List.
..........B, now how bout 'chu look at these CROOKS!
4.) The Gold, Cards and the Restless.
The easy way for computer-criminals to make money is simply to generate/forge fake Credit Cards or to clone someone's real credit card and then sell the numbers online. Another idea that props up the head of criminal entrepreneur's is using fake CC's to order or buy Gold from various shops - sell the Gold at a gold buyer in another town and then cancel the cards or otherwise manipulate the owner of them for more monetary profit.
They may also use ~THEIR OWN~ Card's to buy GOLD and then claim the card use was Fraudulent and get money both ways (by disputing the charge and selling the gold; as a put-forward).
Then when they 'hit' the Computer and Network Infrastructure (N.I). That's when they sell the Person's Information (V.I = Victims Information) - they offer at a Price that is cheap enough to sell in bulk but steep enough to gain ground in the underground / darknet.
Some will put higher price tag's on those of prominence (such as Medical student's and Office Worker's) and ESPECIALLY High price's on Congressman's CC's or Politician's personal information.
5.) Horrific 'Services' :: 'The Devil's Marketing Model'
Some of the most brain-severing SCAMS are the weirdest.
I remember a guy in Boca Raton who tried selling what looked to be Rat-Tails in a see-through Tomato-Sauce jar..and another who was selling Fake grenade's through an Internet site..and a pair of Brothers who were selling fake smoke grenade's out of their Car on the West Side of Buffalo!!
...Would be a good quote if it wasn't from the stone Age! ;)
6.) Fakeform's and no Witness to the Witness's .
Jehovah's Witness's gotta love 'em; some of them have some good points, and some are just plain annoying..
...But one things for sure, I don't like scammers and forgers - or fake papers...
<see image here>
This couple came along one time asking to sign for a mail subscription , first with a charge; then
"O.K we can offer it for Free"......
..."but please also fill in your credit card number so we know you are a legitimate reference"
...I didn't know I was applying for a job !
...So yeah, I pretty much told them to move on and don't try that shit again.
I'm not into getting my card number on some random person's clearly forged piece of paper nor my signature so it can end up on some religio-governmental subscription list.
That would be the Trend. There.
So is that ice on the pudding? (what a stupid phrase)
7.) FAKE CHARITIES : It's happened before.
...and those who have done it or seen it done just can't resist the temptation,.. or so it seems.
When tragedies like Sandy Hook are, and smaller towns have been and continue to be, exploited in such ways; it makes you wonder if there are any 'creative criminals' out there....anymore.
Either way, it's so incredibly petty that it's laughable!
(8.) Scan & Swipe (8.)
(8.) Scan & Swipe (8.)
- In 2002 , over 7 MILLION Victims of Credit Card Theft were logged - at a time when 'thieving technologies' were barely in their infancy.
- 2012 several 'hackers' were arrested for messing with Store Register's through an employee and stealing credit card's with a scanner.
- 2013; an ex-Con is arrested for, once again, scanning and swiping.
Does anything else REALLY need to be said !??
Scanning Skimming Scandalous Scammers.
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