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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Where Did The "Warrior-Gene" Come From? (Exploring MAO-Gene Repeats By Region/Population) Warrior-Gene Origin - Arabic, Maori, Hispanic/Latin, Roman or Viking Origins?

The Warrior Gene is a gene linked to better Risk-Assessment [1], and increased Risk-taking behavior as well [2] as, in some cases, increased Violence in response to Provocation [3]

...but Where did it come from? What gene line does it truly 'originate'?

NOTE for Clarity on Reference 4: Not looking purely at the PERCENTAGE of certain Ethnic backgrounds but the density and when controlled for other genomic differences - arrives at the Conclusions stated. 

Since the overwhelming majority of Warrior-Gene Carriers (in America) are Ethnically Hispanic (Latino/Latina) [4] or African [5] - one could suggest a common-place in origin that crosses over in both Countries. But estimates say this gene is pretty old - only certain forms of it, of course. This also does not take into consideration GLOBAL Ethnic Studies which actually show the Chinese and Maori are the most significant populations [6]. See study on Han Chinese and MAO-L gene here

Additionally, outside of America the Warrior-Gene is not especially prevalent in ALL Spanish/Iberian populations but does have a clear association with Violent behavior and abnormal Behavior in those of predominantly Spanish and Catalan Ancestry [!].

...But now let's use some logic, the Maori are NOT Mass-Migrating populations (generally) - the Chinese on the other hand are - but not every Family of each race who are principle ancestors of many Americans - had a Chinese partner at some point in the Family...but there may have been some with "other Asian" background [7] [8] [9]. Recent studies also Reflect this Admixture - although now to a Greater Extent. 

In addition - a further report stating that 1 in 200 Men of ALL Ethnic Background are related to the Great Mongolian Conqueror - Genghis Khan [10] provides indirect evidence that a Mongolian Origin could be responsible for disseminating this gene.

  • Mongolia DNA Databases such as this one have shown a high amount of "branching out" and Haplogroup Spread amongst practically all Nations.
  • Complex Research Studies on Genghis Khan and other Mongolian Descendants show further information justifying the use of the above in such a way.
Some of Genghis Khan's descendants settled in the Melanesia/Polynesia area [11]. Many Blogger's have brought up this aspect in further discussion (see here) (see here). His Y-DNA was also found in Northern European/Eurasian individuals [12]. Genealogy forums have frequently brought up the WorldWide Mongol influence on multiple Populations DNA.

In regards to Native Americans; its well-known they have significant genetic similarities with Asians in many cases (see study here).

Since Native Americans have been found with the Warrior-Gene variants in some cases - it can be a supporting reference for the possible Asian or Mongolian origin of the Gene.

...On the other hand, the concept of a "Warrior-Gene" was discussed in great detail by a Pakistani Journal of Medicine - and indicated with supporting references (inferences) that a Middle-Eastern origin could be more accurate. 

In order to head down that road though - we would have to ASSUME genetic relevance in Asia or at least mixed people of African or Hispanic descent - because of which there is NOT much Evidence for the Maori having significant Middle Eastern Y-haplogroups of relevance. However, Africans certainly share A LOT of DNA with those of Middle Eastern/Arabic Heritage [13].

Considering the Maori people, for example, were originally of Taiwanese/East Asian stock [see here] - an Asian Origin is most likely... but let's explore other theories just for the 'hell of it.

(BTW - Some great examples here and here regarding RECENT Aggressive Incidents with NEW ZEALAND folk (NEW MAORI). Also you simply CAN'T IGNORE the absolutely SAVAGE Maori WAR DANCES [see here].


Yes, The Romans were great Conquerors and prolific rulers - credited with creating large and abundant societies - and branching out in endless bouts of Expansion [14] - however - even their DNA was DIVERSE and many Roman Emperors were of VERY different Ancestry [15].

Rome was thus a CENTRAL point and a Country defined by Migration; inward and outward. 

Thus - there is no such thing as "Roman" DNA in the traditional sense...even if most who are related to a FAIR degree of Roman Warriors or Emperors reside in Italy [16]. is possible for us to see a correlation to the Roman Expansion and some Publications have suggested *something* that happened to the DNA of the people in Rome may have caused the Warrior-Gene type mutations [17].

Other Reviews also show genetic diversity among Rome but differ in Cross-Over results.


The Major issue with trying define a Population or Ethnic Group responsible for spreading the Warrior-Gene is that it is ONLY passed down on the X-Chromosome [18].

The most convincing aspects of the Research indicate X-X and beyond mediated passing of the Warrior Gene MAO-Variants [19].

...That means purely a FEMALE-Line is essentially Responsible - but we don't know if the ORIGINAL passer is most definitely the Female Main descendant or which Female relative on which part of the X-Chromosome...or even HOW exactly the Mutation occurs and whether there are DEFINITE aspects that over-ride it...though it seems unlikely and most Papers cite that if the Mother possesses the Gene its pretty much guaranteed to pass-down to HER Children [20].

A FEMALE-VIKING Responsible for the Gene???

Vikings were prolific pro-creators; sometimes by Rape but most often NOT by Rape - and they did A LOT of co-mingling with other populations [21]

The Females were particularly notorious - mainly because other populations had never really seen a Female having such 'Masculine' traits and an even remotely COMPARABLE ability to handle Pain - which these Women were known for [22].

Its possible - that given the IMMUNE-SYSTEM differences between Men & Women [23] - that one or many Female Viking Warriors had an "adaptational" bodily-response (perhaps during injury) and that some Pathogen "knocked-out" the MAO-related Genes [24].

Since Finn's (people of Finland/Finnish descent) have nearly the LARGEST incidence of the Warrior-Gene among Whites [see here] and given the geographical proximity between Finland and the other Nordic Nations - it may lend some support to the FEMALE-Viking Origin Hypothesis of the Origin of the Warrior-Gene.

...Its all just a THEORY though. 

Probably not a very good one - because even though it gives a CAUSATIVE Explanation - it does not bode well with LARGE-SCALE studies...we aren't ALL descended from a FEMALE Scandinavian line [25].

Moreover, the Vikings (including Females) didn't have a particularly long Life Expectancy due to a particularly Stressful "Warrior-Lifestyle".

^ That Review also dives into the FACT that YES there is CROSS-OVER between ALL POPULATIONS at some point - it does not hit the consistency where EVERYONE has the DNA-Markers from each Population...quite obvious.

The Warrior-Gene thus is UNLIKELY to originate from Viking populations - even if they were the World's Greatest Warriors (I believe they were, but it is disputed) [22].

Other Stuff: One Blogger [see here] outlined some nice research showing that the people of Finland may also be (many of them) related to Mongolians - so this again seems to come back to the Asian-Origin of the Warrior-Gene.

Many Brits and Irish have "Viking" and Norman Ancestry [!] - so that could support the research that populations of Celtic Origin have a high incidence of Warrior-Gene among Whites.

Other Viking "Gene" studies seem to separate the DNA-research atypically and have connected other dots with regard to "Viking" and "Celtic" genes.


Even though Africans typically have DNA from the Middle East, and Hispanics often have African DNA - not all Hispanics have Middle Eastern/Arabic DNA and Asian DNA is sometimes and sometimes not [23].

Other Reviews on Ancient Origins of The Peoples of the Iberian Peninsula also have similar conclusions.

A Genetic Study on Americans of various Ethnic Groups shows similar diversity with high-amounts of Variability - also proving the conclusions here.

Moreover, "Iberian Peninsula" type DNA is NOT a Common Finding in a Majority of individuals of White-European Ancestry - however, the Ancient Irish DNA (and Irish are known for their "hot tempers") does seem to often ORIGINATE in Spain or other areas of the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal etc) [24].

Additionally, some Italians [25], Sicillians [26] and Calabrians [26] have been found to have Spanish/Iberian DNA.

Other Populations in Europe have varying degrees of Spanish DNA [27].

Perhaps most importantly - high Fertility rates are observed in Spanish Women [28] and historically have plentiful offspring [29] and they too - have always had elegant and Warrior-Like Characteristics [30].

The Above Review shows that Iberian Peninsula Haplogroups do have far-reaching Prevalence and in themselves are quite diverse. Yet, some aspects of their DNA may, like Italians have somewhat of a strong connection to the Roman Civilizations.


A Hispanic-Murderer who murdered a Man from New Mexico - his name was "Anthony Blaz Yepez" was a HUGE CASE for the Warrior-Gene hypothesis of Violent Crime - as he, like many others from specific South American heritage indeed had the Warrior-Gene; confirmed by SEVERAL tests [!].

Mexico has a particularly HIGH incidence of the Warrior-Gene [!] - the highest among all Hispanic/Latin Nations.

THING IS: They (Mexicans) also have strong admixture with African DNA representing a large degree of 'surprising' Ancestry results [!].

Then in the same paper - Native (Indian) populations contribute greatly to Mexican DNA.

INDIRECT EVIDENCE: No one can IGNORE the seemingly never-ending Violence in Mexico and Colombia by their Resident Drug-Trafficking and Weapon stockpiling organizations [!] they are particularly Violent and Ruthless - and many of their OWN MEMBERS have been found to possess the "Warrior-Gene" [see here].


Going back to a MAIN CONCLUSION: Even though a SPANISH or LATIN Origin may EXPLAIN the relatively high incidence of Warrior-Gene carriers among IRISH/CELTIC populations [!] - technically some others (see here) - it does not actually explain the fact that the HIGHEST Incidence in Global Percentage is clearly Asian and Maori [!].

And the same argument for African high-incidence can explain density differences in Spanish Populations since some of those populations (Colombia, Mexico, Cuba) have more African DNA anyhow [!].

Besides, many Irish-peoples have other "abnormal" MAO-repeats [!] which have been (more clearly) associated with Mental Disorders (like ADHD) among the Irish.

Temperament-Studies also don't support a (comparatively) higher level of Aggression among Irish versus other European individuals - but do show higher rates of Neuroticism.


Adam Lanza - the famous American Mass Murderer responsible for the Sandy Hook School Shooting was also found to have significant Brain Volume Abnormalities and the "Warrior-Gene" - he too had Italian Ancestry.

In another landmark case, an Italian-man's sentence was reduced due to his finding that he had the  "Low-Activity" MAO-Variant - the "Warrior-Gene" [see here].

His name was "Stefania Albertani" - the name indicates Northern Italian Ancestry (at least Paternally) and has the largest density/frequency in Italy - followed by Latin Nations like Argentina, Cuba and Portugal [see here].

Problem is - we DON'T know - and now NEVER WILL - the FULL Ancestry of Mr.Albertani - and to ASSUME his Mother was FULL-ITALIAN would be beyond stupid!

...However - that does not DEMOLISH the Idea that an Italian-Origin COULD be at play since Italians currently populate virtually every region in Europe and particularly America - and more Africans than you'd like to think have an at least PARTLY Italian Ancestor somewhere on the line [!].

However...on the FLIP-SIDE, many Italians have a North-African Ancestry [!] where the MAO-Warrior Gene is ESPECIALLY prevalent [!].

Larger studies like this one on Italian-genetics show an exceptionally DIVERSE genome and Origin Diversity - some of which may lead back to Asia, in some cases.

Another study shows that Baboon's (Papio) who have their version of the MAO-repeat also exhibited similar Behavioral Characteristics to Humans that have it - ironically, the same Review attempted to place emphasis on African-populations (comparatively), a strategy that probably could have been modified a bit before Publication.


An "Irish Genome" Analysis [!] may have been the first opportunity to dive into the very unique Celtic DNA Legacy. 

The "Irish-Temper" is a VERY Real thing though [!], particularly among Young Irish Females [!] and thus it is NECESSARY to Explore a possible CELTIC Origin for the Warrior-Gene - although that would not explain the unprecedented Incidence among Maori, Finns or "other" European Ancestry, either.

Besides, English/U.K drivers actually had a higher incidence of "Road-Rage" and such [!] than Irish.

There is VERY little ACTUAL Supporting Research for an Irish-Origin to this Gene - and other "bad habits" associated with the Irish - like excessive Drinking, have been associated with other gene polymorphisms [!].

The predominant NeuroPsychiatric Symptom IN IRELAND and nearby is actually ANXIETY [!]. There is A LOT of Public Outcries and Rage [see here] but most of these are pretty reasonable in the circumstances referred.

Also - many Irish/Celtic folks have a gene that leads their body to absorb too much IRON [!] - that is the condition Genetic Hemochromatosis. Widely seen as a "Celtic Gene" and sometimes even a "Celtic Signature" among European Health Population Studies [!].

This IRON OVERLOAD can lead to "RAGE" and other symptoms of "neurotoxicity" and such which may be a more 'COMMON' accurate explanation for neurotic and Aggressive traits among the Irish [!].

Many Psychiatric-outpatients are found with Iron-overload; especially "treatment-resistant" ones [!].


The "Warrior-Gene" was actually FIRST FOUND in a Dutch Population with unusually Aggressive Behavior [!].

Dutch were major settlers of this Unique part of Africa; South Africa - as are those of English descent.

Bradley Waldroup's Murder of His Wife's Friend was another famous Court Case where his Warrior-Gene was a key discussion [!]. The Waldroup Surname Origin might suggest an English Ancestry, for him.

...Though, other Papers suggest part (Maternal) Dutch/Germanic Ancestry as well for him. 

Then that may lend some indirect support for the "Dutch Origin" of the "Psycho-Gene".

The collection of cases related to this genetic phenomenon were all put into that same paper - Can Your Genes Make You Kill?


Many Americans are at least in part, of Polish or other Slavic-Descent - but these groups aren't particularly known for being "more violent" than others and the MAO-L Warrior-Gene does not occur at a Great Frequency in Poland anyway [!].

Among Polish samples the Warrior-Gene is not only NOT in high-Frequency, that is, rarely found - but its usually HIGH-Activity Alleles (if any) found in many Polish - especially those with NeuroPsychiatric Disorders; such as Depression.

...That along with the fact that there is the LOWEST Amount of Genetic Similarities between Asian, African and Slavic Groups

In Aggressive individuals with Polish-Ancestry/Descent - that can be blamed on other "mutations" like Val158Met COMT [!].

Although - Russians do have a relatively HIGH-Frequency of MAO-L (3R/T) Gene's versus other Slavic Populations [!] [!!] [!!!] - this does not cross over into other populations as Russia is a UNIQUE DNA-group and there's NO WAY IN HELL that the MAORI, AFRICANS, ASIANS or even WHITES can all CLAIM Russian-Ancestry specifically.

Also - like with the Polish Samples - Russians are marked by significant Genetic Diversity and multiple varying Polymorphisms - which by nature of the occurrence of these mutations - shows that these are to be considered to a greater extent than MAO-A variants, in relation to Aggression among this Population/Ethnicity [!].

GeneCards also places considerable emphasis on the span of the Warrior-Gene and its 'travel pattern' (based on NIH-sponsored studies)


Romanian Population studies often separate the 'traditional' Transylvanian Genome (Romanian) with Wallachian & Moldovan DNA - and hundreds of years ago (see Blog discussion here) - this population difference may have not been the same as it is now...due to more Migration and Diversity among these populations - which has introduced a LARGER Slavic Element than every before to these Nations (Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian etc).

Moreover - even though Romania had some pretty BRUTAL Rulers in the long-ago past - their Civilization - on the whole, then and Now doesn't really tell a Tale of Heightened Aggression - but maybe Heightened Senses & Enhanced Instincts/Powers of Perception [!].

Finally - most studies do not suggest an Eastern European Origin or even 'Transylvanian' Origin for the Warrior-Gene variants [!].


While Ancestry-related phrases like "European Jewish", "Ashkenazi Jewish" and "Sephardic Jewish" have made their way (Recently) into defining specific Jewish-population related Gene Mutants (contrasting to others) [!] - the MAO-Low Activity Variants are not (typically) the Genes set for Discussion in relation to Jewish Personality and Psychological Characteristics of Jews [!].

...And although there are certainly some cold-hearted Jews there is not really a TREND towards Violence among Jewish-populations or those with part-Jewish or Full-Jewish Ancestry in America.

Lastly, Africans and Asians who represent the Highest Frequencies of MAO-L Warrior-Gene besides the Maori peoples very RARELY have even MARGINAL amounts of Jewish DNA [!].

This does not make a convincing case for a Jewish Basis for Origin of The "Warrior-Gene".

There's also other aspects of Jewish-Biology that can explain PERCEIVED Behavioral Differences; such as Religion and Pharmacogenetics of Jewish individuals.

If you were to elucidate a CONNECTION of the "Warrior-Gene" in Jewish Populations - you should START with the FACT that MANY Jews have Middle Eastern DNA [!].

In those studies the "Near-East" Haplogroups often lead back to Middle Eastern Populations of significant Mongolian-Influence; leading again to a Mongolia-derived source/origin for the Warrior-Gene.

In conclusion - and with this last study - we show that a Jewish Origin or ANY Variety Ashkenazi or Sephardic is NOT Likely the Origin for the MAO-Low Activity Variants/Alleles.


East Indians and Indians in general are not necessarily Aggressive Peoples - but some aspects of their culture promote HIGH Stress even if they strive greatly to PREVENT and ALLEVIATE that Stress.

This "Genetic-Testing-Environment" should make a Perfect Storm to set forth an IMPACT of those with abnormal gene variants in India; such as the "Warrior-Gene" or MAO-L Gene [!]. Although - most variants studied in Indian-populations indicate are the "Split-Type" and many times the High-Activity Type [!].

That Perfect Storm never occurs in India - not in a Magnitude STUDIED, at least.

...And not in America 'neither.

This - coupled with the fact that South Asian DNA is pretty unique with minimal inter-racial co-mingling and reproduction with those of other 'Opposite' Genetic Background suggest that this MAO-A Gene Variant defined in Science as the "Psycho Gene" or "Warrior Gene" by many publications does NOT Originate in India or South Asia.


The Genetic Crossover between Mongols and the Persian Empire is SIGNIFICANT - both INWARD and OUTWARD Migration and Haplogroup Tests from (CLOSE) Genghis Khan's Relatives have revealed significant shared aspects with regard to ORIGIN - with some Arabic Populations.

Iranian (New Persian) Mitochondrial-DNA Studies also emphasizes similar findings.

Y-DNA Tests on Iranians show (Paternal) DNA is more similar with other Arabic Populations with a bit less genetic diversity.

Abdelmalek Bayout - an Algerian National with mixed Algerian/Arabic Ancestry had his sentenced reduced - much like Albertani in Italy's finest courts - and he accepted the offer with Glee. Why? Because he too, has the "Warrior-Gene" [!].

This again, supports a Racial-Density Paradigm among those populations/Ethnic Groups that correspond with Mongol inhabitance/DNA.

...It does NOT Support an Arabic Origin for the "Warrior-Gene" simply because the Middle-East/West Asia does not have the HIGHEST Density/Frequency of this Gene Variant - and it would if it was the Origin.


If we were to ASSUME there is ONE common Origin for all MAO-Warrior Gene variants - we would have to examine the *MOST LIKELY* continuum - many East Africans genetically come from somewhere in Asia [!] [!!] - and East Africa has an EVEN HIGHER incidence of the MAO-Warrior-Gene than North Africa [!]

There are also studies like this one - which connect other regions of Africa to an Asian origin.

Other "Near-East" and various Asian-DNA Mixtures have been tied by specific Haplogroups to Families in Africa. 

Thus - the high INCIDENCE amongst BOTH Africans and Asians - more than any other Ethnic Group - besides the Maori - who are ALSO of Asian descent - indicates ASIA - particularly EAST ASIA as the MOST LIKELY Origin for the "Warrior-Gene".

Although SOME Studies CLAIM that it is the other-way around [!], and East Asians were originally African - this claim was largely DEBUNKED Harshly and Assuredly by a later study.

A Population study on different families of different Ethnic Background in AMERICA also shows significant Asian-Crossover in these populations - when examining TOTAL Haplogroup studies of both Y-DNA and Mitochondrial DNA.

DEBATE: Not many East Asians are exceptionally VIOLENT or AGGRESSIVE - BUT they do make GREAT Business Decisions and score very high on traits like "good judgement" and "fast decision maker" [!] which are associated with the Warrior-Gene positive individuals [!].

...There is a whole lot of Asian-Organized Crime in East Asia though [!] and these particular Organized Crime Syndicates tend to be the 'most ruthless' [!].

Of course, some articles like this one give good evidence that East Asian Criminal Gangs are marked mainly by their Highly Intelligent and Sophisticated nature.

CRITICAL-THINKING: Its also possible (even PROBABLE) that the Asians that possess the "Warrior-Gene" are less affected by it because they don't (generally) have other "risk-factors" such low Socio-Economic status, low IQ coupled with HIGH Testosterone and Childhood Trauma/Abuse. [!]

Although in some cases the MAO-Variants may affect IQ themselves [!].

AFRICA: Since Africa remains a Central Discussion in relation to the Warrior-Gene and their mishmash of Risk Factors in their home countries and America - generates the potential to really RELEASE the Warrior-Genes impact upon Society - it remains TRUE that for many, it is the African aspect AND Origin (DNA-Wise) that perpetuates the notoriety of this gene-mutant.


  1. Not Everyone inherits EVERY Single aspect of their Parents DNA. Not all DNA is inherited equally, often Brothers and Sisters inherit some parts of some relatives DNA [31] and this has been reflected in the differences of DNA-Percentages between Siblings [32].
  2. Another Report also states that Genetic Identity influences individuals Proclivity to sharing or not-sharing data with organizations that collect such data for Informational or Practical Genetic Research and that genetic diversity is *often* hard to determine because of Point 1 [33].
  3. There are several different forms of the "Warrior-Gene" - each with their own unique sequence; their own unique "Deletion": The 3-Repeat Form [34] the 2-Repeat Form [35] and the 5-Repeat Form [36].
  4. The "Warrior-Gene" isn't always studied in relation to "Aggressive" or even "Risk-Taking" behavior - sometimes the low-activity alleles are simply studied in relation to non-aggressive but self-destructive behavior such as Smoking Behavior [37] - because the MAJORITY of studies on MAO-A related genes are NOT demographic/statistical studies and because it has relevance to other aspects of Behavior and a (generally) non-linear relationship with Aggression...not much time has been taken by National/Global sources to determine an origin - or an exact "response" that preempted Positive Selection.
  5. Other studies such as this one - have concluded that HIGH-Activity MAO-A alleles can cause/provoke "Externalizing Behaviors" and this is in (nearly) direct contrast to the Majority of Research causing the Nickname for low-activity Variants; the "Warrior-Gene".
  6. Thus - some Scholar's and Researchers - due to the "Contradictory" evidence do not find much ambition in the Mission of finding the Origin of the Warrior-Gene - and not much of the PUBLIC is too enthused by it - at least at this point - further diminishing motivations to embark on The  Journey of (Seemingly) Endless Research which may never come up with a CONCLUSIVE Answer...and not EVERY POPULATION is interested in contributing to Science's Excessive Requirements.

MAO-A: The “warrior” gene. (DISCUSSION) (In The Key Of BLOG)

Monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) predicts behavioral aggression following provocation. (PNAS)

Working memory brain activity and capacity link MAOA polymorphism to aggressive behavior during development. (Translational Psychiatry)

Health, inequality and the politics of genes. (The New Zealand Medical Journal)

MAORI alarm at gene project. (REVIEW/NEW ZEALAND HERALD)

The Warrior Gene: Genetics and Criminology. (Crime Traveler Blog)

The Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Genetic Predisposition

to Impulsive Violence: Is It Relevant to Criminal Trials? (NeuroEthnics/Matthew L Baum)

Dangerous DNA: The truth about the ‘warrior gene’. (NEWS SCIENTIST)

Effects of the MAOA gene and levels of exposure to violence on antisocial outcomes. (British Journal of Psychiatry)

Musashi: a translational regulator of cell fate.
Hideyuki Okano, Takao Imai, Masataka Okabe

Journal of Cell Science 2002 115: 1355-1359;

Tourette Syndrome Genetics

 The Southern and Eastern Europe Initiative

A Polymorphism of the MAOA Gene is Associated with Emotional Brain Markers and Personality Traits on an Antisocial Index. (NATURE)

Transylvania: A Walk in Dracula's Shadow. (Romania:Natural And Cultural Blog) (Romania Tourism Blog)


The Irish Psyche And Sigmund Freud (Irish American Mom)

Keep losing your temper? Blame it on the angry gene. (FIONA MACRAE:Daily Mail UK)

The Warrior Gene: 5 COMMON MYTHS DEBUNKED. (Aaron Gardner @GENE FOOD BLOG)

My foray into personalized genetic testing (part two).
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman

Genetic background of extreme violent behavior. (NATURE PUBLICATIONS)

Aggression and MAO-A. (Genetics 564 Course at UW-Madison)

A Comparison of Perceptions of Love, Guilt, and Anger in Ireland and the United States: Implications for Counseling. (WILEY ONLINE LIBRARY) (Counseling and Values)

Do You Have Viking Blood? (CJ Adrien VIKING BLOG)

The human Y chromosome: an evolutionary marker comes of age. (NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS)

Europe needs many more babies to avert a population disaster. (THE GUARDIAN)

A genetic contribution from the Far East into Ashkenazi Jews via the ancient Silk Road. (NIH/PubMed)

In/Tags: where did the warrior gene come from, warrior gene risk assessment, warrior gene better risk, warrior gene better risk assessment, warrior gene and romans, warrior gene and celts 2018, warrior gene statistics scandinavia

What Word or Phrase Describes Protesting In Order to Stop The "White Elite" From Taking Over The World and Causing Armageddon.

"Area, I live in Central California, I was here when protests happened and I routinely have to pick up my little Cousin from College who always talks about how there is a group of "Black Students who blame Whites for everything" and "they should be reduced in population to help prevent Armageddon". What is the term for these types of statements?


If its just words then I would classify it as "Fatalistic", applying a Race-bias and most importantly, black-and-white thinking, quite literally.

...If people actually take steps to make this skewed and illogical concept a reality - then given the Bias, I'd classify it as "Unwarranted Preemptive Action".

Unwarranted as "uncalled for" and unnecessary, definitely in this case, the correct translation or synonym for unwarranted would be out-of-place. 

...Also, take note that ANY Race that would THINK about using their Religious Interpretation/Perception as a means of trying to "eliminate" the other Race - is not only Biased and confounded by Cognitive Dissonance, but is also capable of, even guaranteed to in such an aspect - create a SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY...

Why? Because Race War - could, if so great a Magnitude, lead to an Armageddon-like State in the World, and revive a "Crusades" type Philosophy. Many of us here at Area-1255 Understand Prophecy. We Believe that the Crusades are slowly being "reincarnated" into this time-period. 

That A Modern-Form of the Crusades is already occurring and is slowly morphing into a coming WAR-ARENA.

In/Tags: what word or phrase describes protesting, in order to stop the white elite from taking, stop the whites from causing armageddon, word for premature action in prophecy, word for premature action prophecy 2018, in order to stop white people from taking over 2018, stop white people from taking over the world 2018, stop white people from taking over 2018.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Similarities Between OCD And Psychopathy (What is the Connection Between Psychopathy and OCD 2018)

I've always noticed a few things about OCD. I know many people with the disorder - and I'm not talking about just OCD "traits". 

  1. That OCD-Type behavior seems to co-occur with reduced 'normal' Emotions in the Person affected.
  2. That people with 'extreme' OCD are so Belief oriented, that they will sometimes put off immensely important tasks/priorities or if not under Control/Treatment may even indulge it to the point where it becomes dangerous - either to themselves and (realistically) their Health or - to others.
  3. That people with mainly Compulsive aspects of OCD *do* often have restricted affect and sometimes Low Empathy.
Some of these tendencies also happen in Psychopaths [!].

  1. That is the reduced 'normal' expression of Emotions [1].
  2. Restricted affect (sometimes) [2].
  3. The Low Empathy being a key* signature of Psychopathy [3].
  4. ...and sometimes also being present in OCD (study).
  5. The Belief-Oriented and indirectly, 'by any means' mentality is often a habit picked up by Psychopaths, as well.
  6. ...Even if the Belief is "felt less".

So...what are the STRUCTURAL and NEUROCHEMICAL similarities between Psychopaths and people with CONFIRMED/DIAGNOSED OCD???

  1. Both people with OCD [4] and people with Psychopathy [5] on complex Brain Imaging tend to show (in a majority of Patients) - Cortical "Thinning".
  2. This refers to reduced literal thickness of the layers of the Cerebral Cortex in Mammals; including Humans [6].
  3. ...However, it frequently is used erroneously to describe reduced Brain Volume - which is incorrect both because Brain Volume normally means 'global' or Total Brain Volume (TBV) but also because there are other descriptors needed to understand the concept of Brain Volume and its relation with various Brain Disorders.
  4. In that - we mean that White Matter, Gray Matter etc can have totally opposite alterations and different properties exhibited between different Brain Disorders.
  5. So specifics are always helpful - and using terms that aren't actually inter exchangeable and without proper correction can lead to of course, confusion - as such has even happened in some Study Publications, unfortunately.

In addition, Serotonin Transporters and Genes for them are frequently abnormal in both OCD and Psychopathy.

  1. "Long-Type" Serotonin Transporters, usually homozygotes (having one Long from each Parent) are a frequent finding in Psychopathy [7].
  2. ...And in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [8].
  3. Typically, having two-long Serotonin transporters leads to reduced connectivity between Brain Regions involved with Emotion Processing [9] and can lead to 'greater' hormone-responses to Serotonin [10] possibly reflecting 'supersensitive' serotonin-receptors [11].
  4. Supersensitive serotonin receptors themselves, have been shown to be a factor in severe OCD [12].
  1. Elevated Serotonin levels can occur in OCD [13] as well as Psychopathy [14] - particularly in cases where predominant traits are "Callous-and-Unemotional" versus impulsive aspects. Reactive Aggression and provoked Aggression seem to occur in greater intensity and frequency in individuals with HIGHER Serotonin, ironically [15].
  2. It would seem then, that Serotonin may play a facilitating role in Aggression when there is a purpose to the Aggression, either in self-defense or in objective-oriented Behaviors [16] which is also consistent with Animal Research Experiments [17]. See "Challenge Review Here".

In/Tags: connection between psychopathy ocd 2018, similarities between ocd and psychopathy, ocd and psychopathy, ocd and psychopathy 2018, ocd psychopath connection 2018, brain chemistry ocd antisocial personality disorder

Friday, April 27, 2018

What Personality Disorder Will The AntiChrist Have? Personality of The Man of Sin/Man of Lawlessness/Son of Perdition 2018

NOTE: The History references in This Post do not and are not in any way condemning the figures such as William I of England, Vlad the Impaler or Robert the Bruce. Those days were Violent for EVERYONE - all Major Medieval/Founding Groups; including Norse, Arabs, Saxons, Celts, Goths were Brutal. Thus, we are in no way condemning such figures as by doing so we would be discounting the fact that many of us WOULDN'T be here if not for them!

We simply are pointing out traits and making a "Theoretical Hypothesis" or "Hypothetical Archetype". 

Area, you know Bible scripture right? For us lamers and noobs can you tell us what kind of personality disorder (biblically-based) the AntiChrist/False Prophet will have? ~Ryan E~

Hi Ryan, as stated before, the "ANTI-CHRIST" is NOT a Man but the System of Religious and Political Rule created by the "Man of Sin" and his predecessors. 
  • The Man of Sin or "Son of Perdition" is the : Final World Political Leader.
  • The "False  Prophet" is the last Religious Leader or Pope.

As duly noted in our Article "The Arcane Nature of The AntiChrist" and therefore based on the Bible's verses [1] [2] [3] regarding his Self-Exaltation, fluctuating "Angel of Light/Mercy" to Angry WarLord who "with great fury shall annihilate many" - we believe he fits into one of two "COLLECTIONS" of Personnas.

1.) Malignant Narcissist + Schizoid Personality.
2.) Pure Psychopath + Schizoid/Schizotypal TRAITS. (or 'Secret' Schizoid)


  1. He will be a Malignant Narcissist; embodying an undying SELF-INFATUATION and utter Obsession with Power & Perfection and becoming God-Like. He will thus have other traits associated with this form of Narcissism; including Paranoia/Mistrust of Others, 'Egosyntonic' Aggression or Aggression 'in order to prove a point or dominance over others'.
  2. He will have (secondarily) a 'Secret' Schizoid Personality - and thus, by Nature is an INTROVERT but can appear BEYOND Competent in Public.
The Schizoid Traits: Emotionally aloof/unaffected, having no real desire to connect with others on an Emotional Level, not desiring intimate relationships and not cherishing the acts of Intimacy (making out, sex etc) in the same sense a Normal Person would.

Supporting Verse (DANIEL 11:37): He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all. 

Contrary to others believing the Anti-Christ is a "homosexual" or BiSexual because of this Verse, I disagree whole-heartedly. Even with a "Schizoid" Personality aspect, and considering the Behavior of past World Leaders/Dictators (Hitler, Stalin, Napolean etc) I believe the more likely cause of  "not having desire of women" (if translated LITERALLY) is simply that he CHERISHES POWER and this creates a GREATER RELEASE than any form of normal INTIMACY etc.

That being said - some verses and interpretations that seem to support the CONCEPT of him being an "ANDROGYNOUS" individual; having both MALE & FEMALE traits as depicted as BAPHOMET/SATAN having MALE FEATURES/BEARD but having BREASTS.

:See Image Below:

He will be the worlds most VILE individual, incredibly Parasitic, Deceptive, Self-Righteous, Relentless, treasuring Impurity, treasuring Recklessness, treasuring putting HIMSELF and others in Danger, having forms of Religious Extremism, but only to further his End. He will have  ZERO empathy for any human being on Earth, have  no 'normal' human emotions, that is, he is devoid or incapable of all Normal Human Emotions.

That is - he will lack TRUE feelings of...
  • Compassion.
  • Sadness.
  • Guilt.
  • Embarrassment.
  • Fear (for the most part).
  • Empathy (though can certainly APPEAR Empathic).

His Dominance and Business architecture will be "by any means necessary" - unscrupulous - similar to Bugsy Siegel's style - but without ANY salvation - no intention of Mercy nor receiving it from others, EXPECTING Aggression from others and EXPECTING himself to respond to others in a Ruthless, heartless, dissociated manner.

He will be OBSESSED with...
  • Immortality/Becoming God-Like or "As A God".
  • Knowing all things of Good & Evil.
  • Knowing Lost/Hidden Knowledges; having EXCLUSIVE Access to such Knowledges and Works that Contain Them.
  • Power.
  • Money.
  • Sexual Fetishes; especially Violent & Abnormal; perhaps even so for the sake of Impurity and Rebelliousness itself, perhaps even without a FULL Paraphilia/Pleasure associated with it.

Because of his Obsessive-Nature; one could say that IF a THIRD Personality type were to be defined for the Anti-Christ; it would be an "OCD-Like" disorder. More specifically, a Compulsive-Egomania in addition to Pathological or Narcissistic Megalomania.

...That is : He will, if nothing else, "compulsively" as if he is programmed like a Robot, by INSTINCT, purely HABITUALLY reinforce himself - perhaps under DIRE circumstances, or perhaps fully internalized with his instincts; GROUND-IN.

As another Page has said - this man will be a Man with so many facets to his Personality - that it will be impossible to understand his next move or the tactics he might use to get there. We believe however, that this is not a Symptom of "Multiple Personalities" but a Calculated TRICK mixed in with his Compulsive Ambition for Power - since his Mind is POSSESSED by Satan ("The Dragon") himself - one can easily assume that the Spirit "injects" him with other personalities in order to make him suitable for given situations where others mind would not work so quickly or be able to abruptly (SUDDENLY) adapt to a new Pretense or Business-Environment.

Because he would HAVE to be so CALM-under Pressure in order to fit this Role along with a lack of Normal Empathy  but the Ability to RELISH attention in Utter-Demonic-Euphoria - we have explored an additional *possibility* or CLASSIFICATION/DESIGNATION for the AntiChrists (Man of Sin) Personality.


  1. A Pure Genetic AND Conditioned Psychopath.
  2. Schizoid + Schizotypal Traits.
The Psychopath part is there REGARDLESS of whether he is a TRUE Malignant Narcissist or a "Regular" Narcissist. As Psychopathy, by definition, INCLUDES Narcissism as a "Symptom".

Therefore, there is no doubt Psychopathy, if not the first SELECTION - is the Primary "Personality Disorder" of the AntiChrist - who AGAIN - should be called by the PROPER TERM: "The Man of Sin" or "Son of Perdition" which, Perdition; meaning; eternal damnation - thus, quite literally, the Son of Perdition translates into... 
  1. the Son of Eternal Damnation
  2. or The Son who is to be Eternally Damned.
  3. Or the Man (Son) who is Forever Damned to Hell.

All reasonable explanations/terms for Such an EVIL Man/Character.

The Schizoid/Schizotypal traits denote (describe) that this Man is Child-Like in the sense that HE FANTASIZES (probably nearly all day as a Child) about "Ruling the World" or taking over the World and other Grandiose tasks.

This leans more into a Schizotypal Personality but a 'stable' one at that. It can't be his PRIMARY Personality however because he (The Man) has to be PRACTICAL (logical) to follow through and put his Fantasies into a creating or following up with, the Proper Associations - the Means (Money & Resources) to take over the World.

Thus, it is likely that "PSYCHOPATH" with Schizotypal TRAITS would be a DECENT way to describe the Anti-Christ character.

However...out of these two explanations - the ONLY way to arrive at a (likely) Stable but Having some 'sort-of' Psychotic traits along with Logic/Common Sense and yet employing the Principles of A Ruthless Psychopath - are to not call that person a Psychopath at all - as most Psychopaths could care less about "RULING THE WORLD" and are usually pretty sufficient with OWNING Businesses  etc...

Again, leads the most probable Personality Type/Disorder of the AntiChrist to...

  1. The Most Perfect Example of a MALIGNANT NARCISSIST.
  2. ...Which includes those Obsessive, Paranoid and Psychopathic traits all rolled into One - and Yes, the Child-Like fantasies and AS A CHILD - fantasizing or even RUMINATING about such things are both more Symptoms of Narcissism than Schizotypy.

DANGERS OF THIS HYPOTHESIS: Many Malignant Narcissists were probably World Leaders; although it is postulated that Hitler had BiPolar [4] or even Manic-Depressive-Dissociative traits [5] - he also had a great deal of Narcissism and the social magnetism to Push his Beliefs on several Entire Populations somewhat successfully  [6] - with a lot of 'AFTER-EFFECTS' and RESIDUAL left behind - LONG AFTER he's gone [7] (even if he isn't/wasn't really Dead).

Perhaps Nero - The Roman Emperor [8] and Napolean [9] were better examples of Malignant Narcissism - and they certainly emphasized Religion and "purity of races" a lot less and STRAIGHT-UP POWER and "ORDER" more - the more classical 'dictatorial' Power-Hungry positioning chosen frequently by Narcissistic Tyrants.

Usually, the more 'ODD' or 'ATYPICAL' the Belief system and Justification for EXTREME acts such as Mass-Murder, the more one should (logically) think : "Why go THIS far to Justify something based on a Belief no one else has to the same degree"...thus, killing people on a LARGE-SCALE because you 'BELIEVE' they are IMPURE or should simply be eliminated as they are "DESTINED" to destroy humanity and weaken their BloodLine - can be seen as Belief-Facilitated Masked Psychotic Behavior. 

Given Hitlers not-so-nice upbringing at points - it may be MORE appropriate to say that he is more Borderline Personality Disorder manifesting as AntiSocial Characteristics.

...After all, Borderlines are INCREDIBLY reckless, and, like AntiSocial Personality Disorder-affected individuals - "repeatedly put themselves and others in Danger/Jeopardy" [10].

Moreover, Hitlers seemingly unrelenting dedication and perhaps even LOVE for his Partner in Crime: Eva Braun - seems to indicate more of the Borderline-type "we-go-together" because "fuck the world" type of Personality.

...This type of Emotional Proclivity, even Obsession (by some sources) [11] is almost UNHEARD OF in Psychopaths - and in Narcissists; typically only presents in the Weak-Minded or "Compensatory" low-Confidence SAPPY Type.

...Perhaps the only PURE Malignant Narcissist in History???

While other World leaders attributed to thousands or Millions of Deaths and other atrocities; such as Stalin and Hitler - can (as we described earlier) be seen as Borderline, Brain-Damaged, downright Insane and detached or simply having a period of Life marked by repeated, uncontrolled Manic-Phases - some, like William I of England or "William the Conqueror" are more PURE in many aspects. While William was certainly ruthless - he also largely grew up without a Father hence his early nickname "William the Bastard"...and, he was under immense pressure to Perform under French Politics/Expansion. Eager to make his name BEYOND what he had been given - he may have been a 'CLEANER' example of Narcissistic Personality - although - "Warrior-Blood" may be a more accurate TERM since he didn't have quite as many ADVERSE Psychosocial factors as say, Adolf Hitler.

...William also didn't murder people for their Beliefs and while Ruthless for a point, it was generally because of the long-standing RESENTMENT between then Native Brits (Anglo-Saxon) and the Viking VS Saxon struggle for Kingsmanship and Power that went on for hundreds of Years.

...In that way, William I was more 'Nationalistic' and perhaps his ambition can be classified more as "enhancing the Notoriety of his Family Name and of the Legacy of The Normans".

...He certainly did that!


Dracula (Vlad the Impaler) can be seen as the ProtoTypical "World Example" of a Malignant Narcissist - and most of his MODERN descendants (Bushes and Prince Charles of Wales) seem to embody those traits as well.

...I have NOTHING against Bush or Prince Charles btw, I'm simply pointing out a TREND - but no worries, we on this Blog can be seen as having 'similar' traits once in a while too, as can many Bloggers and Business Owners...can't we? Or so it would seem.

Continuing On...

'Ol Drac was Paranoid, Grandiose, believed himself (and probably HAD) to have Supernatural Powers - was a CANNIBAL (maybe!) and LOOOOVED IMPALING his Enemies, Dissidents, and even JUST FOR FUN as a Child, loved torturing MICE and other small animals such as Birds [13].

He always dreamed of Unlimited Power and "being King" and demolishing other, "large and established forces" such as the Ottoman's/Then-Turkish peoples/Turks [14].

...His "Secret Society" known as the "ORDER OF THE DRAGON" was actually Created EXACTLY for THAT Purpose, eliminating the Ottoman-rule and ANNIHILIATING THE TURKS [15].

Although the Chapter/Society was effectively created/ordered 'technically' by the Holy Roman Emperor "Sigismund" (Also King of Hungary) - genetically the area of Hungary and then Wallachia are almost identical - even to today!

...Besides, Vlad was the main "suggester" and "implementer" and ESPECIALLY had more enthusiasm in the Society and about its Goals. He was the one who ultimately "rid the World" of the Ottoman-Empire, after all [16].

Early in his Life, him and his Family/Sons were captured and attacked by Ottoman (Turkish) Administrators - it is likely that even though they spared him, and then repaid his kind pseudo-subservience to them in such Gratitude for being Tutored and holding *some* position - that Vlad, and this getting to the point of his NARCISSISTIC SELF - felt some Resentment, as he simply DID NOT LIKE the fact that ANY BODY - including a GOVERNING BODY could ever assert THEIR Authority over a Young, Aggressive, Dominant Vlad.

...Thus, Vlad wasn't playin'around when he MURDERED 80,000 TURKS and also TAUNTED their fine-Religious values and daily sit-downs [17].

AFTER That Point - it was ALL Power and Legacies for Vlad - and his notoriety inspiring one of the most famous Legends/Novels STILL to this day - Bram Stokers "DRACULA".

...The KING OF Transylvania and the TRUE Representative of the "Order of The Dragon".

Also known as.... ORDO DRACONUM. (LATIN)

So there you have it...

We've referenced Biblical Accounts/Verses, Logical Accounts AND Historical Accounts all to get an understanding of the "Final World Leader" and his Personality - and who it would ACTUALLY Compare to and not 'SORT OF' compare to - based on flawed logic and ASSUMPTIONS; that say "Hitler was a Psychopath" or Napolean was a "Narcissist" etc.

...Its always better to be ACCURATE versus making ASSUMPTIONS which are either based on exaggerations or faulty sources or simply don't match up with the Persons demeanor - and a lot of times...people are THAT Blind that the obvious answer is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. They don't know it.

...Or they don't want to see it - because they want to be convinced that the tiny little paper they skimmed through years ago - containing mostly OPINIONS - is FACT and thus, adds to their "Knowledge" of "The Truth"...then perhaps, Narcissism is now simply a Global Element, even among theologists and Christians who may, in many cases CHOOSE Narrow-Mindedness in favor of HARD, COLD, LOGICAL DIGGING.


Written with help of Our Co-Founder and Resident Theologian
AMx ReBorN AKA Dan Gregory

And Spiffed up by our Editor : M.Binakaveru

Area-1255: The #1 Underground Immortalism, Transhumanism, NeuroScience, Spirituality, Bodybuilding, Technology and Just REALLY FUCKING ALL-KNOWLEDGE Blog on The Internet: (

In/Tags: what personality disorder will the antichrist have, personality disorder antichrist, what personality will antichrist have, personality of the man of sin, personality of man of lawlessness, personality traits of antichrist 2018

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