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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Function Alternative Energy Drink Review (Review of FUNCTION Drinks)

Honestly I should have written this review A LONG TIME AGO. Its one of my favorite energy drinks and very reliable. 

This drink is REALLY cheap (between 1.49 to 2$ retail typically) but much more effective  than Monster Energy. (Amazon is the best place to buy packs)

...But it is also a different ''kind'' of energy. The effects on mood in particular are more noticeable than everything from Redbull to Monster to Rockstar.

I can literally drink like 3-4 of these a day with no problem. Though I'm sure for most a drink or two a day will do. But my Caffeine tolerance is really high.

The thing most remarkable (for me at least) is that this drink was so effective for energy and focus (and has a mild nootropic effect) that I actually attempted to 'reconstruct' the same product in a pill by buying each individual ingredient on the list and attempting a stack of them.

That would mean...
  1. I bought Muira Puama extract.
  2. I bought Catuaba extract.
  3. I bought Epimedium extract.
  4. I bought Guarana supplement.
  5. I bought Yerba mate extract.
Now, because the last two came in a day later I got started without them and tried the first three together with Coffee (simple off day of alt's). That combo (muira puama, catuaba and epimedium) produced noticeable energy and jitters but the euphoric effect of Alternative Energy was not quite there. So when I got guarana and yerba mate I added them in ASAP! That produced the 'balanced' effect that Alternative Energy gives but still was a little too jittery in my opinion.

So it seems that FUNCTION really got the dosage RIGHT on the combo because they did it in a genius way that was both delicate and meticulous.

Which is why I have no choice but to give this product a whopping 

5/5 stars. 

It's that good!


The effects of the drink are noticeable if you drink HALF of it, even. You get a nearly immediate energy boost and you get, further, a mood enhancement that is like an endorphin-rush, like that feeling after a long run in the sun (without the heat) and that sense of well-being from taking a nice scenic joyride in PA. Maybe another state for some. But that's how I describe it. Its like a euphoric energy with a balanced awareness (not jittery in contrast to the stack).

So you get all of these benefits from drinking something that is WAY MORE affordable than Monster or others. I seriously admire FUNCTION for selling these cheap and getting the dose right! Why can't other drink companies do similar? Oh well, let 'em slip.

Another thing that can't be ignored IMHO is that these drinks NOTICEABLY boost  Memory and focus. I'm not sure if that's the reason WHY they took their ''brainiac'' product off the market (if this does the same thing) but I CAN say that the effects are quick and impressive. Most of all, RELIABLE. These drinks are something you can drink and not worry about your heart beating out of your chest and they don't have any weird ingredients that would make them intolerable for even SENSITIVE people. Meaning, no Yohimbine or anything like that!

Please take note that I did not receive any kind of compensation for this product and it was written solely to describe the effects for readers and to know that there are more affordable alternatives in terms of energy drinks.


  1. Guarana contains Caffeine which boosts Energy [1], but it also has antioxidant effects [2].
  2. Yerba Mate contains quercetin and other antioxidants which inhibit COMT [3] and boost Dopamine and noradrenaline levels [4].
  3. Muira Puama is a dopamine D1 agonist and beta-adrenergic agonist [5].
  4. Catuaba is dopamine-serotonin reuptake inhibitor [6].
  5. Epimedium extract boost vasodilation [7] and increases acetylcholine [8].
*So essentially this product contains ingredients which, on a broad level, increase catecholamine levels (the same things antidepressants increase) and thus allow for a improved mood and energy level.


In/Tags: function alternative energy drink review, function drink review, alternative energy drink review, function drinks energy review, function no crash review, function energy good or not

Applied Nutrition Green Tea Triple Fat Burner Review

This is my first review of any product from this company, Applied Nutrition.

Take note that this product was incorporated into a leaning program after a recent bulk. For the first couple weeks, it was solo, then I added in Forskolin and a small dose of Yohimbine (5 mg) daily. 

I was a little hesitant to buy this product since it is one of those widely marketed, storefront products that you see everywhere. Though, I thought it was unlikely I would have necessarily 'bad' results since most reviews I've seen are good and the product has not been replaced nor has the company seemingly done anything to significantly alter the description of the product which indicates that they are probably doing pretty well with it as is.

My dosage of this was...

  • Two Capsules; twice a day. 
  • The first two before breakfast, the last two in the late afternoon.
The Most immediate effects were.

  • A sense of improved mental clarity.
  • Increased energy.
  • Obvious stimulation (similar to sencha drinks).
  • Increased motivation.
  • Decreased appetite (for sure!).
The continued effects were.

  • Increased fat loss (down 8 lbs in a few weeks vs normal 5).
  • Feeling of ''heat'' when working out. More sweating perhaps.
  • Increased energy and less muscle soreness (antioxidant effect?).
  • Improved focus at gym.
  • Increased short-term memory (very slightly)

Upon taking two capsules (with milk), I noticed a couple obvious things. The pills are softgels & and they are super green. They go down easy though. They have no taste to them (and I ain't chewin' 'em anyway). 

I took the first two an hour before breakfast on the first day to give them time to work. That day it was inevitable; I had to skip breakfast, didn't skip my amino-drink though. It took a couple hours from that time to be able to actually down a protein bar, so this stuff suppresses your appetite VERY STRONGLY! Also, the mental energy and mental focus were pretty immediate effects. Although they were more pronounced on Day 2 and Day 3. They were noticeable enough though that I could notice that everything in the gym was 100% about the weights, and nothing else. In fact, I had no intention on focusing on anyone else, and the petty conversations people avoided today. Luckily this one nerdy kid wasn't there attempting his lady-curls in the corner of the gym. I wasn't being stalked by the openly bisexual redhead with her face tattoo's either today (she wasn't working the front). Still, despite these ''factors'' not being in today, this stuff ALMOST made me into a stone-cold asshole for some reason (odd for a Green tea product huh?). I suppose it could just be the supposed properties of Green Tea causing an increase in norepinephrine levels [1] [2] [3]. That would be my only explanation because it felt like 1/5th of the way toward the Reboxetine feeling. And any serious strong norepinephrine agent I have taken tends to produce these effects, so its consistent.

Green Tea components also seem to have a lipolytic (fat-burning) effect by other means, though [4] [5].

 This product works.

It helped immediately after a bulk and the effects were reliable and consistent, not just  in terms of appetite suppression but in terms of enhancing gym output and speeding the cut. Therefore I can easily recommend this product and I recommend buying it on Amazon!

In/Tags: green tea triple fat burner review, green tea fat burner review, applied nutrition green tea triple fat burner review, fat burner with green tea review, applied nutrition product review

Friday, July 28, 2017

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard PreWorkout Review! (Review of ON's PreWorkout Supplement)

Optimum Nutrition is one of the most well-known supplement companies [1] and has been around since 1986 [2]. From that point it was a staple and a well sought after product line [3]. It has a legitimate company profile [4] and adheres to quality standards and to using zero banned ingredients [5].

So it only makes sense that there would be stellar reviews and high-quality labels.

...But I don't really care for reviews until I try it for myself, reviews can be faked after all. I trust reviews to a certain extent though, because they reflect (at least to some degree) the company's consistency.

So I started this product a month ago and have been usng it  almost daily since. 

I bought Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Preworkout on Amazon.

My experiences are as follows!


One scoop per day, 30 mins before workout.


Upon opening the container the most obvious thing was its potent sweet-sour smell, it kind of makes you think you are about to consume smarties or a similar candy. Its strong! but pleasant.


Putting one scoop in water allows it to taste fine, me personally I don't like mixing it with juice because then it tears away the original flavor. I don't think its necessary to mix it with juice and it doesn't need to be watered down. It tastes awesome on its own!!!


Here's where I have a lot to write about. For me, this product has dual benefit. You could use it as a nootropic and you can use it as a preworkout. The most prominent effects are on motivation, and muscle strength. 

You will notice that any of this you get on your lips or tongue will cause them to momentarily 'itch' as is characteristic of beta-alanine and any PWO containing it.

The other obvious FIRST-EFFECTS are skin itching (for me near the stomach). Then comes the extreme focus, motivation, and a slight euphoria that seems mostly in relation to mental focus and clear-headedness. When on the bench, this stuff allows you to easily reach your maximum capacity. Strength is through the roof and pumps are amazing on this! The other effects are facial skin flushing (like a light red). Increased sweating (slightly) and an increased cognition.

The effects are pretty immediate.

  • You will notice the effects within the first 20 minutes, unless you have a REALLY slow metabolism then maybe closer to 30, but it HITS YOU FAST!!!

In my opinion, this stuff has no real ''jitter'' effect and I've had days where I've drank a couple Monster Energy drinks and was still able to down this with no problem. HOWEVER, I don't necessarily believe this would be the case for others. So I'd still follow the directions on the label and NOT mix this with other Caffeine sources. At least until you know your tolerance. This stuff, is really strong and that's no understatement!

In/Tags: optimum nutrition preworkout review, gold standard preworkout review, optimum nutrition gold standard review, on preworkout review, on gold standard pwo review, optimum nutrition pwo review, 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Explanation of my Return. (MageTwentyThree)

In my earlier post I had stated that I just gotten' married, that is TRUE. However there are a few other easons I've been away from this blog. I  think part of me knows that this whole thing is fit for  those who *want to* write and continue and continue  and  continue...I was never one of those writers. Jay and the others handle  this like a pro. They have more stamina than me. But  I like to hang around and write my own reviews and (sometimes) my own fiction. 

With that being said, I will be unleashing a personal blog of mine soon which  will be like a continuation  of my work on here but with all the daily personal updates. 

Which will be  shared on this  blog post here.

I hope yall' join me cus' it will make  my life  (union) less  miserable (lol!)...JK!

My life is PERFECT! Just don't stumble upon my page  when it is still in construction cus' that's a buzzkill! Its  almost done though  lolz.

........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                                               MAGE TWENTY THREE

Why does Tren raise Prolactin? (Why does Trenbolone acetate increase Prolactin)

Trenbolone; easily one of the strongest anabolic agents available and a crucial asset to all pro-bodybuilders who wish to maximize their results. Why? Because it works - for nearly everyone who uses and in even those who have at best, a moderate training program [1] [2] [3]. Tren works so well at building hard muscle mass and simultaneously, amping motivation that it is often called the ''motivation gear'' and has been seen as a strong aggression inducer [4] [5]. Of course, not all is 100% positive, as Tren users occasionally come across...

  1. High blood pressure [6] [7]
  2. Increased heart rate [8]
  3. Increased sweating [9]
  4. Decreased libido [10]
  5. Limp dick [11].
These effects are often blamed on putative prolactinogenic (prolactin-increasing) effects [12]. The QUESTION is, WHY would Tren (a hard androgen) raise prolactin?

Here's something you might not know, Tren doesn't even raise prolactin in everyone who uses it - about 30% never get any serious prolactin troubles. So why the other 70%? 

Trenbolone is a strong androgen, so much so that it shuts down the hypothalamus and one of the mechanisms by which it does so is FEEDBACK REGULATION of Prolactin [13]. It doesn't directly raise Prolactin. But its postulated that the specific brain regions wherein tren hits the receptors are directly coupled with LH/FSH terminals and specifically, with hypothalamic dopamine nerve centers [14] [15]. Therefore the brain-region selective androgen potentiating and prolactin-inducing effects are downstream anti-dopaminergic actions, but interestingly, that is really confined to the pituitary as tren RAISES dopamine in areas like the hippocampus [16] [17] [18].

Now, on the other hand since it doesn't raise Prolactin in EVERYONE and it IS NOT a direct effect, the reasons why many do not get this effect are.

  1. They already have high dopamine levels.
  2. They are controlling their Estrogen (E2) levels properly.
  3. They aren't running an ultra-ambitious stack full of aromatizable compounds.
  4. They aren't overtraining.
  5. They aren't eating like crap and tons of sugars which raise Prolactin.

So there you have it, the REASON and the HOW of Tren raising prolactin are due to strong androgen action that when hitting those brain regions causes a downstream selective anti-dopaminergic effect causing prolactin release.

If your estrogen is controlled and you are using Caber or another dopaminergic, you shouldn't have these issues, and mostly you just need E2 under control.

Herbal Viagra Capsules Review (Including on ingredient profile)

This article is a written review of "Herbal Viagra" capsules.

Hiyall! Its mage twenty three, its been a minute since I last posted. I've been away from this site/forum for good reason! Marriage! So now before youall can congratulate me, why don't yall' just take a moment to enjoy life! Cus', it could be really nice sometimes. 

Okay, so, this product (write-up) is a review of (reluctantly I say), herbal ''Viagra''. And WHAT!? Does it fucking do (or don't do!) is the question today!

I'd say it does something, and besides the funny fact that it has WHAT? Cinnamon in it. I'd say the rest is something of a legend for herbal remedies. That is - IF its all herbal.

I mean you just never know these days, man.

So in reviewing this swell product, I'd like to  thank the primary sellers (resellers) Naps Gear for providing the product at such a decent price.

REALLY. It makes them, wonderful people.

So, what DID this product do, exactly...?

Let's start with these.

  • It noticeably increased sexual arousal and speed of sexual arousal (like seriously, on a fucking train this weekend and one bump = boner)
  • It increased sensation DRAMATICALLY.
  • It increased flaccid hang size.
  • It increased libido a bit.
  • It increased overall PASSION (not aggression like with roids).
So in all honesty I think it works. I don't want to write a long drawn out summary because I just don't think its necessary. I like emoting my true feelings into the subject at hand. Not analyzing things so deeply that it (probably) leaves a hole in ones head (or humor), and I'm not making fun of Jason, he's just - motherfucking stone cold!

...But, enough about me - just do your research AND FOR GOD'S SAKE IF YOU CHOOSE TO BUY THIS ''HERBAL VIAGRA''...BUY IT FROM NAPS. THEY, actually treat their Customer's right!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Psychotic Supplement Stack!

:::.:::..:::This article is also posted on our Stack-X:::..:::.:::
If you are looking to escape from reality as far as your mind won't go, then this is the stack for you!

I mean, this stack is so strong that it should be listed in a section that doesn't exist in Forbes magazine called "supplements that help you achieve Insanity",

 but in  this case, a good-insanity exists as the  reality of another world exists. Like the effects of ketamine and LSD together? Well here you are.

First let me start by saying this is a hypothetical stack but it works very well, so much that the grim reaper is even saying (hee-hee)! So if you believe that another world exists, and your mind can't wait to see it - then go for it!

This stack is dangerous! But its powerful. And it works.

1.) Smoke Salvia divinorum; a powerful  legal dissociative herbal agent [1] [2] proven to send you off into space with your brain cells packing (temporarily). Not something for little kids to mess around with. For mature audiences only! This stuff will make you feel, act and see things that have never been [3]. Smoke this one, rest are ingested.

2.) Mucuna Pruriens : Contains 5-meO-dmt [4] and other DMT [5] components that, when combined with other things can send your mind into another world with tactile (touch) hallucinations and profound visual experiences [6]. Enhances the #1 on this list, perfectly.

3.) Wild Dagga capsules : This is the third and super man add-on for this stack, Dagga has a mild marijuana like effect that will put you at ease, then dissociate you greatly [6] [7]!

4.) 5-HTP : Not something that would favor your taste buds outside of the hallucinogenic world, but this is a perfect complement to the first three, a spirit that will guide you into your greatest dreams [8].

5.) Syrian Rue (ultra-low-dose) : Use a tiny dab of this to potentiate all of the above [9] [10]!
Get stoned man!

In/Tags: psychotic supplement stack, stack to go psychotic, go insane, go crazy, go psychotic with supplements, supplements to cause insanity, cause temporary insanity

Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Ultimate Facade - Creating Doubt by Visual Deception

One of the most powerful tactics of manipulation has always been the art of feeding others a false image, so to conceal the reality of a much darker one.

This art could extend to many situations and people though - and it can apply in situations that seem, at first glance to be so incredibly obvious because they relate to bottom-feeders in society. A truth which when examined, if possible to examine in full-depth, would reveal a very surprising reality. 

In this article I'm going to discuss that art.

When we look at Politicians, or perhaps even sub-par politicians like Maxine Waters, who currently sits in a $4.8 million dollar mansion - we wonder a couple things, like where in the hell do they get all that money - and "WOW, the amount of commodities and fancy suits they have means they have a lot of power". Yet, there are those who aren't public figures, and don't even wear fancy suits who often have a lot of money, and power. Let's not forget Saddam Hussein was found in a hole with dirty clothes, dirty rooms and barely any food [1], yet he was a man who had access to billions of dollars [2] [3]. There are drug dealers who specifically evade detection and their covert money-laundering schemes simply by appearing to be less fortunate than they really are [4] [5]. This includes dressing down; even to the extent of dressing like a homeless man (in some cases) and in others, by working part-time jobs and putting on the vibe of ''I need to feed my family''. 

It really is almost impossible to tell someones actual resources by looking at them, and if that person really knows what they are doing - they will see any attempt at visual or auditory investigation by reading your words and your vibes, carefully. 

The ultimate facade is thus the ability to appear so dramatically different, perhaps only to certain people or groups of people - to avoid detection. The key though, is that these types will use these fine-tuned abilities only in proportion with the amount of pride they are willing to sacrifice to those groups or peoples. Meaning, is it worth looking worthless or less than your actual established worth to those people? Priorities are still of utmost importance, and order is everything. Therefore those people would either mean a lot, or nearly nothing.
Then, the place many go wrong and the reason why a facade may be exposed, is simply for one reason - when arrogance takes hold and emotion is revealed. The slickest of peoples keep even their most deep-seated narcissism held within, and instead, channel it into their motivations therefore not giving into the need for obtuse remarks. 

Of course, millions of people may be willing to overlook narcissism if that narcissism can be disguised as help to a willing population. Therefore the ultimate facade can be born by in itself, appearing to be something else.

Now the question is - what is the intent for this post? The post is to explain in practical terms, what the ultimate facade is - but so that anyone who wonders, can understand more about society and also more about the fundamental flaws in those who appear perfect, and in those who appear to look like shit. The fact is, we are all humans that pretend to be something we are not at some point in our lives. The question is, how much are you willing to pretend? Is the value of what the facade is hiding worth and equal to the facade you have created? Those are the most important questions when understanding the ultimate facade.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Which SSRI / Antidepressant Improves Memory & Cognition?

Area, which SSRI antidepressant can improve memory?

Although most SSRI-antidepressants are known for impairment of (particularly) emotional memory and processing, there is one that in almost every study demonstrates improvement of cognitive function and memory; and that would be Luvox also known as Fluvoxamine [1] [2] [3].

*This answer goes to George V. who sent me an e-mail as of yesterday asking this question, but is also posted publicly for those who would like to know. It seems to be a common question. Always remember to read clinical trials and the PubMed database if you are looking for scientific information and statistics on medicinal treatments.

More information about SSRI's can be found here and here.

Remember that SSRI's are not always the best treatment option, and there are no absolutes in science [4] [5].

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Word for A Bullets Effectiveness/Speed AFTER Hitting First Target

If a bullet hits one target; object or body - and then exits and hits a nearby target or other object in the path with less 'punch'...what is the word for that? The lessened energy/velocity of the second hit. This is a question I was asked. A totally random one at that, but welcomed.

The answer to the question is one any of these three.
-Residual Energy [1]
-Intra-Target Velocity [2]
-Post-Target Residual Velocity [3]

In/Tags : bullet waning after first target, word for bullets effectiveness after first target, velocity after first target, intra-target velocity, residual energy bullet


Gun Digest Book of .22 Rimfire (Buy Here)
Defense Technical Information Center : Terminal Ballistics (Buy Here)
Federal Rifle Data Book (Buy Here)

How to Prevent QT Prolongation from Drugs

QT Prolongation is a serious side-effect from multiple drugs and multiple kinds of drugs. It has occurred with antibiotics [1], some pain killers [2] and as well many Psychiatric medicines [3]. QT Prolongation is an error in the hearts electrical system which can cause anything from abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) to fainting and even death [4] [5]. In order to prevent this serious side-effect, there are precautions and dietary factors that must be considered.

Dietary factors would include.

-Getting ample potassium in the diet [6].
-Eating high-magnesium foods [7].
-Staying well-hydrated [8].
-Increasing Vegetable & Fruit intake [9].
-Getting enough protein to support normal heart functions [10].

Hormonal factors would include...

-Optimizing Progesterone in Women [11].
-Increasing Androgens (DHT mainly) in Men [12].

To prevent Long-QT, one must consider ALL of these factors carefully.

Types of Intrusive Thoughts in OCD and Other Disorders Related to OCD

Rampant Intrusive Thoughts
Rampant intrusive thoughts are consistent thoughts (obsessions) that occur without other factors precipitating them. They center around fear of reaction, fear of mockery and fear of Criticism. They are also associated with G.A.D, Social Anxiety as well as OCD. When a thought has no precipitating factor, it is classified as persistent anxiety versus reactive anxiety. In which case, a biological basis is more likely and may respond quicker to medicinal treatment (but will not easily go into full remission).

These types may be calmed by medications like Buspar (Buspirone) since it also treats G.A.D and there are positive reports on that use such as here.

Herbs like Magnolia and other strong herbal sedatives like Melatonin may be useful for this type of Intrusive Thought.

Benzodiazepines may be useful for this form of intrusive thoughts / OCD but the problem is they are easily addictive and very hard to get off of. However, ask a Physician for best choice (or better yet, Psychiatrist).

Provoked Intrusive Thoughts
Provoked or Triggered intrusive thoughts are based on an external factor such as an interaction with somebody, and sometimes the words they use can give way to obsession and provoked intrusive thoughts. Though this is not generally the other parties fault, it does not exclude intent nor take it into consideration. It simply means the person in whom the Obsessions occur experiences the Intrusive Thoughts mainly when another nearby influence sets the ammunition.
Therefore, any negative interaction or perceived negative interaction can become the main trigger.
Particularly when Anxiety is present in the other party, can be read or applied abnormally long after the interaction took place.

These thoughts would be best treated with a long-acting SSRI like Luvox (Fluvoxamine) since it requires ''mediation regulation'' or thought reversal. Long-acting drugs are more useful in toning down disorders of thought [1].

Queried Intrusive Thoughts
Queried intrusive thoughts are often based on Paranoia and Superstition or ''magical thinking'', they include the process of fearing that an UNRELATED, undesirable event or interaction will occur based on ones own pathology or wrong acts/thoughts. Most oftenly, the individual ''queries'' an expected, repeated response, in their head they believe actions that are unrelated to the major obsession will trigger an inevitable return to that Obsession.
Such as : If you don't take a turn down a certain road to get home then you will experience a Tragedy.
These are based on mentally querying an expected result that is based on fear, these constant queries are unlike Rampant Intrusive thoughts because they deviate, are more diverse and stretch the imagination.
They often have religious or sexual innuendo and relate to the persons hatred towards the images that are by querying them. Therefore, the hatred or disgust for what they represent becomes triggered by the interaction with the thoughts due to magical thinking. The persons long-held beliefs and firm stance along with a propensity to obsess on the given topic, allow the thoughts to become an entity that harasses them at various points in their life.
This can lead to Anger, withdrawal, and emotional dissociation if the thoughts and stress they produce isn't dealt with.

These types of thoughts are best dealt with using either pro-glutamate agents (such as Piracetam) or anti-dopaminergic agents, or both. Alternatively, since thought disorders are considered here and magical thinking is a main issue, the best idea may be a combo stack of Glycine, Sarcosine and TMG; all of which have been proven to help both OCD and Psychotic symptoms; without affecting emotions and libido and such [2] [3] [4] [5].

Review of Kamagra Oral Jelly : Review of Naps Gear Kamagra Jelly

WARNING: NONE OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS INTENDED TO BE REPLACED BY A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE. Consult your General Physician before making any decision with the information here. 

Kamagra Oral Jelly is easily the most palatable sex product (literally), its a commodity among all sex enthusiasts and among those looking to pursue sexual conquests, even Hollywood actors and professionals have been caught or even have admitted to using this line of sexual enhancement drugs [1]. Kamagra has identical effects to Viagra (because it is the same drug Sildenafil) and is designed and marketed by Ajanta Pharma [2]. Kamagra's design in specific though, it is a ''Jelly'' that has many flavors [3]

Kamagra's Many Flavors

These flavors are almost ''too good'' and thus for those who might get carried away by the taste should probably avoid. The product is still a medicinal product; a drug and should be treated as such.

As far as product review goes, I will say that in my case it is for enhancement only, so surf some forums and do your own research if you serious problems (E.D or otherwise). It does work. There's not much else to say. It blows natural sex enhancement out of the water and then back into the ground. However, some things I've noticed were a little different!

  1. Rapid absorption. The stuff hits you in less than 10 minutes most times.
  2. It gives instant sexual arousal without restraint. 
  3. It does not produce as much ''flushing'' as the blue pill but causes more headaches if you don't drink Coffee with it.
  4. It seems to have no negative effects on vision though high-doses probably still run that risk.
  5. It does seem to last maybe half hour at most less than Viagra.
Also, this product does not increase libido but it has the potential to be used with substances that do.

Finally, this product is not officially approved by the FDA but rather has thousands of positive third-party accounts and customer feedback which again, I will say, do your own research, I can provide some reviews but the best research is the one you do yourself!

What I CAN say is Naps Gear is clearly the best and most consistent source..

Here are some personal reports/reviews of Kamagra Jelly.
List of Kamagra Jelly reviews.

  1. forums post #20 on thread 132935883 - Click here.
  2. discussion on kamagra jelly. - click here.
  3. alldaychemist consumer feedback reviews on kamagra jelly. - click here.
  4. kamagra reviews on click here.
  5. kamagra discussion on rxleaks. click here.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

KB4023057 Windows/Microsoft Update - Is it Legit? (Answered/Solved)

I found this on my installed programs list one day. I too, wondered what it was. So I did some digging. 

It turns out that this has also been discussed on Reddit [1], and is simply a Microsoft Reliability Update [2]. On Microsofts page for this installation, it states the following.

This update includes reliability improvements that affect the update components in Windows 10 Version 1507 and Windows 10 Version 1511.This update includes files and resources that address issues that affect the update processes in Windows 10.
These improvements ensure that quality updates are installed seamlessly to improve the reliability and security of Windows 10.

And more importantly...

Only certain builds of Windows 10 Version 1507 and Windows 10 Version 1511 require this update. Devices that are running those builds will automatically get the update downloaded and installed through Windows Update.
 Update replacement information
This update replaces the previously released update KB4022868.

So more or less this is a helpful update and should not be removed. 

I have not seen any evidence that it is a virus or backdoor, and I believe that if it was, it would show up on the list of database entries for malicious programs on any of the well-known anti-malware softwares, considering this topic has been discussed several times since early last month [2] [3].

If you have any computer support questions you may e-mail me at  


In/Tags: kb4023057, kb4023057 microsoft, kb4023057 windows 10, kb4023057 new windows, is kb4023057 a virus, is kb4023057 a backdoor, kb4023057 explanation, kb4023057 in installed programs, kb4023057 installation, kb4023057 installation fail, kb4023057 installation failure, kb4023057 trojan horse program, kb4023057 virus, kb4023057 worm, kb4023057 program details

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Power of Psychosis

CAUTION: This write-up is a poetic depiction of the most grandiose form of a Psychotic mind (or close to it), it does not reflect intent nor actual process of thought. It simply is deep Insight into the thoughts and ways of someone who embodies such traits.

In it's dark nature, Psychosis is a tidal wave carrying a mind through a storm and amplifying the lightning, with rounds of clarity drizzled with euphoric effect, a round of arrogance flashing in intervals, and every other second a glance at the self - feeling weakened and passive, then flustered, then angry, then there's the effect of total control - happening spontaneously after a bout of pure and utter RAGE. 

The faces of the past, enemies at all cost back then, but now they are victims. Victims of the very mind they accused. The final mind they will see before their maker. The judgement is strong. A valid fury that has honed its revenge in the mind of the Psychotic. The line has been drawn. Every dysphoric episode can fluctuate into something productive, but dysphoria can NEVER become euphoria unless it simmers and then rejects itself. Through a mind of disorganization finding peace in elation. By any means, with all tools - I get there because of the ventilation. An eye here, a critique there, a process of thinking to spare. The mind full of air is everywhere.

Now I wonder upon the world like I'm God. I'm fused with this power. I'm fused with favor and exercise all of my techniques on those who deserve it. A challenge in my past was anyone and everyone - because I haven't yet found my place. Anyone could become a target. But now I pick my battles with this fusion of chaos stabilized into a cold, calculating mind. Yet I fluctuate, but no one will ever know. Because its hidden. The hidden disaster awaits the enemy. It awaits any and all of my enemies. When they attack next, spiritual or not, they rise up only to find they smacked their heads against the heads of their allies, like the feeling of picking up something under a desk only to hit your head on it HARD. Guess what? That's the power of the mind. As it runs through your senses. I have begun, and the power of Psychosis has won.

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